What do you want Quake 5 to be?

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tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: What do you want Quake 5 to be?

It's been a while since I played Hexxen, what was the RPG part? Mana & stuff?

Managorth Anora
Grim Sorcerer's picture
Joined: Dec 2010
Re: What do you want Quake 5 to be?

RPG means Role-playing game which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting and which players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making or character development.

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Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: What do you want Quake 5 to be?

if there is a quake 5 i want it to be E+ but with all

the crap taken away and all the stuff which its to complicated to add,


Edit: And a large skill based player base not a commercial one. hey i can dream...

No, that would be Quake 3 all over again. They can do that with their stupid Quake Live.

you have a point i will make a more valid answer. Tongue

ok if there wud be a quake 5 i would like  to see customisable weapons and diffarent size playermodels with strenghs and weaknesses. also i like the gameplay in unreal liandrea conflict (my fav unreal game) with more melee weapons.

i would also like to see teamplay more highly used as the quake games ive played dont really have any.

the graphics i would not mind if they stood still for a while as some games have such good graphics it melts my graphic card... Sad.

also keep with sever names and identity not like xbox live or some other pc games that how gone down that route (flash point: dragoon rising).

i also want not just bots but normal "story" creatures and AI which is not typical to the general bot like halos hunters to appear in arena modes in multi player just for fun cause well that the idea.

lololol for an english person my english aint great so :PP

Managorth Anora
Grim Sorcerer's picture
Joined: Dec 2010
Re: What do you want Quake 5 to be?

I remember seeing a video about id Tech 5, he said it would be more customizable. Unreal gameplay won't work in Quake. They said the next Quake game would use id Tech 5. It should be a RPG, like Hexen, just not like the FF games.

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Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: What do you want Quake 5 to be?

mmm ive never play hexen b4 but it looks like a first person "baldur's gate" which i liked alot. i should imagine the change would have great appeal to role play gamers and fps gamers would both be interested as would i. i wonder if they will have a physics engine for separate item models like oblivion i should imagine not.