wallhack or sound

MakeTutorial and put it on Youtube to make game cleaner
@ skull some question are easy other not. Can you answer using one word if he chit ore not.
Example YES ore NO . Maybe you need more words, but still do you accuse him ore not ?
no, we can not proof definitely that he is cheating.
I didn't watch the demo.

no, we can not proof definitely that he is cheating.
I didn't watch the demo.
then watch it.
seriosuly you've had some problems in child hood
everybody said, no, cant and isnt possible, so now you're just acting like that on forums?

then watch it.
pay me for the time? A good analysis takes some time.

seriosuly you've had some problems in child hood
sure, no money, generally being poor and other stuff, but I feel fine, thx.
Whats up with people always basing stuff on child hood? It is like, every decision a person does as grown up is a consequence of child hood problems? Obamas childhood must have made him very strong rofl.

everybody said, no, cant and isnt possible, so now you're just acting like that on forums?
No, the reason is that we need a bust as definite as mine considering mzi.
Considering the fact that we have no situation discussing here yet means just 1 thing, NOONE found a odd situation thats worth discussing or noone wants to put the time for an analysis - ME INCLUDED.
You think you have no skill for analysing the demo? Just analyse it as test for my anticheat tutorial and post your results. Even if you do NOT find something thats definite you can still go, pick a situation and let hardlovely EXPLAIN it. He isn't a 0815 person.
Looking at my answer I just can say you must have a great childhood fiendsin, always asking for help. The only true solution to ANY problem in this world is do it yourself.
jumps-scripts mb, not real he accelerated

I use wh
f1 cheater

wellp yes, I had a hard childhood, no money and such either, first pc I bought when I was 16, and it was a 98' system with win xp installed, I had noone to ask for help, so I do now
boo hoo who didnt have a hard child hood? but why we try keep this community clean from cheats if ppl post how u bypass pure etc? fkin retarded and is the reason this mod is dying!
1st time i play q3 was this mod met the best ppl (elitez) that have became my family now e+ seems to be destroying this why? fu cheaters and a thx to elitez admins that actually do something to prevent these suckers
so hrd cheat? idk! dont think so think is just high skilled player and a massive lucker like skull:p jk aside i spec him and no wh pressent anyway.
but at the end of the day who can u really trust the way things go around here!

Nice to see thats theres other who shares same opinion as
me..I've been playing vs hard many times, and everytime he seems to be
in 'good mood' or just generaly good. But something that surprises.
Also, as soundhack could be a answer, you seem to find people very fast
and shoot as soon as model is able, kinda like wh but able with
soundhack and good hearphones. But his aim disprove that. He's a good
shooter, even without walls and such stuffs, which also can be because
of pure skills and gaming gear. Also that he thinks very good and smart
is something very few people do in quake. Maybe because of years of
experiance or it's just logic for him idk but that need skills to think
like he do. But again trough walls he's extremly fast, like he already
predicted what he want to do next time. And not what to do if he misses,
which is weird for me.
Samix did speak logic!
I would like to add, when I was new to this mod, I did play only at beer server, but then decided to check other servers and did head straight to slaughterbox.. I met with a player there, and he told me something I didn't know why he said it, but maybe thought I was someone else (as I was new)
He said that some player here in the E+ uses a map window which shows exactly where enemy is.. he also gave me link to a site or link to screenshots I don't remember exactly, those which shows how map window is at the right side of screen at quake showing were enemies are..... I didn't even knew the name of that player those past days.. but after I met with him, I did spec him and I noticed that he always know exactly where enemies are.. I asked him.. he answered "I have very good earphones.."
According to the demo, it can either be WH and SH both together, or a map and a SH.. I noticed at some moments that the player moves with crosshair exploring at walls, and after that he changes the orient directly which is similar to the behavior of a good WH user.. to prevent being caught specially once feels he is being recorded.. just like me and sasha! we never get caught! we are just too good to be caught but sasha is better!
Those moments I talked about with regards to exploring through walls were very little, I also have no time to examine more to give a better statement, I just watched demo at Tea time.. I also never used a good earphones to really judge how would they be or could they help..
All in all, few moments seemed suspicious with regards to WH others also with regards to SH but what I am trying to say is that some people could be using the map thing I once been told about.. I also can't give a statement cause I am a new newbie still! and know little about quake!
I watched it twice, first normal and second time with wallhack cmd enabled, his gameplay reminds me my own, I play similar, I make fast moves towards corridors, entrances I even point to a walls just to aim the sound sources to recognize if it is on left or right or maybe in front of me, his gaming style on that demo isnt something super, I did myself such games on that server, just look with who he plays, their scores and then back to his style, his mouse movements, accurate aiming, his ping helps him for sure around 20ms, anyway, where is his WH on game time 20:05 ? He should been seen that player on the left, or where is his soundhax in that moment.. I noticed few times, 2 or 3 on demo that he had problem finding enemy sound source as there were multiple of them at once very close, then he picked one target that he spotted first, killed him and been killed by the others, I encounter such situations many times.
Anyway, his last action on the end of the map just proofs his a good player, nothing more.
I need to add that I dont know hardlovely at all, thats all.