The E+ Member Gallery --Comments-- Thread
What happen with that keyboard?
ye i know its broken D:

thomasyea wrote:ggWhat happen with that keyboard?
ye i know its broken D:
rage mod on? I killed u too many times? heheh
Turbo, you played FW with MR? Back in THC I broke my keyboard while playing with them
buaahyahagagahaga made my day xd

thomasyea wrote:Lagsbuaahyahagagahaga made my day xd
few years ago i broke my desk after serveal loses against some player at rail4ever or zone rail server I had two, b igger than mice, holes in desk
my tool in that time was similar to this one: but was more angular/edgy and with older logo like this one
was terrible to clean roller of ball from time to time when mouse start to terrible losing 'tracking'
Zoomer as always bright smiled

Zoomer as always bright smiled
Muhehe Alright, Ill try to post one picture whit a fajk Smile
I know there r lots off ppl here that say i nver smile.

Zoomer as always bright smiledMuhehe Alright, Ill try to post one picture whit a fajk Smile
I know there r lots off ppl here that say i nver smile.
Lol IT'S ON!