/SF vs ERA
5. June 2011 - 21:50
Map : DM17 , /SF
Map : DM11 , ERA
PB : Off
Pure : Off
Server : /SF FW
Config : r4e
Gametype : TDM
Ref+ : No Ref
/SF 2 ERA 0
5. June 2011 - 23:00
Re: /SF vs ERA
5. June 2011 - 23:01
Re: /SF vs ERA
nice game,but maybe you should have set timelimit to 15 as most of fw/cw-s are played ,not 10.
6. June 2011 - 9:24
Re: /SF vs ERA
6. June 2011 - 10:32
Re: /SF vs ERA
6. June 2011 - 16:00
Re: /SF vs ERA
gg all
6. June 2011 - 18:53
Re: /SF vs ERA

DM17 should have been set at 5 mins , lol
absolutely agree! many times on many wars (plus and railonly, FW and CW) i said that is annoying to play dm17 in TDM gametype 15 mins! my brain start collapse after 10th min on it...
gg, well played both!
7. June 2011 - 20:44
Re: /SF vs ERA
Well played!
7. June 2011 - 21:33
Re: /SF vs ERA
Good Game !!
Remember : the only way is up !
8. June 2011 - 6:40
Re: /SF vs ERA
GG! Nice 1 SF !!
DM17 should have been set at 5 mins , lol
But yes agreed !