Send Your Q3config Here!
do I have to reupload my cfg? its the same since I first uploaded it
No one can play with my cfg.. ,, mainly to jump..
Nice graphic and organized , just change custom width and height to your screen res and try
I want last cfg Azrael

I want last cfg Azrael
My current cfg, if that's what you're asking.
Free bump(and maybe a free save to future)
my adhd cfg, arrows controling, high resolution (r_mode "-1"), cleaned from any shit and useless draw's(even notify after u kill someone) - just to dont get distract by anything. 144hz monitor, fast sync (that means 288 fps in game), 1800 dpi

do I have to reupload my cfg? its the same since I first uploaded it
ja bitte
hi! i must update my config today
My updated cfg , max details < best for quake3e 2019 , use command /version to find out what you have, here is latest Q3e
make sure to change r_displayrefresh to your monitor refresh rate
dont place it on your baseq3, put it on /excessiveplus/ /freon/ or both
when ever you change values ingame, save using /writeconfig autoexec