Read -> inFected, nuclear', Elitez, SF, P[4]L, V&T, *LoVe| <- Read

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alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: Read -> inFected, nuclear', Elitez, SF, P[4]L, V&T, ...
JUMPS'FPS! wrote:

borok suggested you rr.cfg instead of railmania, lol

With this kind of people, you must learn to read between rows. They just used word "railmania" as excuse to say what they really wanted and that in "translated form" would sound like this: we don't give a fu about rest community's config, bfg is just our coward's excuse, because we are slow campers who like to thaw our frozen clan mates in same moment when we stand near him/her, if you want to have deal with us don't even try to mention some other configs (no matter with or without multyjumps) then ql and some ng, bla bla, tuc muc,..."

mzi's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: Read -> inFected, nuclear', Elitez, SF, P[4]L, V&T, ...

I mean about physics in rr.cfg. So we dont agree with playing on this cfg. now is clear?

alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: Read -> inFected, nuclear', Elitez, SF, P[4]L, V&T, ...
!@#$%&*( terror )_ wrote:

xd don't start new sentence with "but", besides "half of community" (or much more) is retarded Happy I enjoy reading shady's posts, when I don't understand something = google translate and voila... I'm learning new words just like that... and u can't even see a difference between "then" and "than" xd now stfu and show boobs xd

Ye, I know how you both "enjoy" between each others. About google translate: google translate can't translate any of his words. I tried few times and then I realized that I don't even need to know...

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: Read -> inFected, nuclear', Elitez, SF, P[4]L, V&T, ...
mzi.ql wrote:

I mean about physics in rr.cfg. So we dont agree with playing on this cfg. now is clear?

alienM wrote:

Ye, I know how you both "enjoy" between each others. About google translate: google translate can't translate any of his words. I tried few times and then I realized that I don't even need to know...

How dare you to accuse a person living in England for years for not knowing the English languge? xdplz

alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: Read -> inFected, nuclear', Elitez, SF, P[4]L, V&T, ...
JUMPS'FPS! wrote:

Ye, I know how you both "enjoy" between each others. About google translate: google translate can't translate any of his words. I tried few times and then I realized that I don't even need to know...

How dare you to accuse a person living in England for years for not knowing the English languge? xdplz

Try to translate this and you will understand how! Tongue

Joined: Nov 2012
Re: Read -> inFected, nuclear', Elitez, SF, P[4]L, V&T, ...

SORRY but we will play on that cfg as wos SET b4 cup start!( similar to 1.16 NG thats why we play we dont even play multijump cfg with ultra hiper reload rail time)
diff cfg >>diff gamestyle >>> diff CUP.

loVe cant agree. meybe u wish to play AW or CTF instad of?

NO sorry.

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: Read -> inFected, nuclear', Elitez, SF, P[4]L, V&T, ...

HEY GUISE I AM TYPING THIS ON A LAPTOP THAATS PRETTY FUCKING AWESOME I KNOW, RIGHT?I wrote a much-longer reply earlier today when i was on the south coast, but had to bounce so it was left unpublished, the tab however is still saved so I might post it in 2 weeks time if i still remember/give a shit. A brief synopsis would be:

1) An in-depth and neutral recollection of events surrounding both my joining and leaving of sneaky, based on actual events, not the quasi-warped bullshit you wrote.

2) Explanation of my inactivity and not being in touch (that summer I basically moved to another city, explanation of "talking behind your back" (from my recollection most of the conversations went on in an IRC channel and rising criticism from ank regulars who were annoyed by a monthly in-flux of people from e+ who were popularly regarded as retards (you, pink rose, epsilon and someone named "komby" i think) and the stupid shit they wrote (for example epsi thought Rasputin was the name of a Star Trek spaceship, pink rose thought "oxymoron" was an insult, etc), i was like "some of those people I consider friends, don't pick on them, but after a while I was no longer on the defensive and stopped hanging around those people for the good of the nation (yea, i'm a jerk for doing a 180 turn, but in my defense you guys are incredibly stupid.)
3) About Zack (and SP), yea I told them during a PCW they ringered* in for p4l that if they wanted to join, they'd be more than welcome to. However, I knew that since both of them have clanleaders that exhibit symptoms of a very low intelligence (somewhere between George W. Bush and the common potato), and a natural penchant for drama and maximum ego-whoring. On top of that, my "new team" dates back to 2006 in both core philosophy and the team roster (most of currently active players joined between 2007 and 2010 though) - we just rebran it every couple of years to keep shit fresh (xXx-> x><X -> .aNk! -> #ank -> pizdec4life is the progression, if anyone, and more surprisingly both are already in the fucking team anyway, according to roster and 2012 clanwars in QL )). Anyway even that point is moot simply cos the current M.O. from the active players is the fact we're versatile in what we play (most are either from vanilla duel, vanilla ctf or vanilla tdm and nobody apart from me, asd and tumcio have a recent instagib background (except for Pavlik since he originally migrated from here, but he no longer has any symptoms and he's cool so that fact can be forgiven and forgotten). as a clan that competes in different disciplines (all weapons as well as insta, won't go into too much detail, it's good to have versatile players capable in competing in whatever tournament we enter, so why actively bring in people in our smallest focus (e+) that are unique only to this mod? pointless since this cup is lolmost over anyway and next tourney we'll play will be in January in QL.
4) mIRC is limited to only 20 channels. For someone to co-ordinate cups, streams, different clans and private channels for organizers and such. I'm not on #ank anymore for example, and zmb is also pretty high on part-list if i need to ninja-join other channels. I'm only ever online on msn to check email anyway, and have done so since around 2009 or so. I even use gadu-gadu more often for fuck's sake)))
5) Fair point about clan votes - but of course your members didnt want to play if the leader is hellbent on some sort of affirmative action against the config. A good analogy that you would understand would be: imagine yourself in 2015: you've been playing e+ for 5 years and everybody played sneakyrail. Then, a guy makes a gaunt-only server, it's fast paced, badly adminned so it's filled with a certain demographic (short-sighted people that can't speak English properly cos they use double-past tenses "i didn't saw" "i didn't dided it", constantly get their plurals and singulars mixed up "those things is true", cos they all come from like Kosovo, Transnistria and Poland). Soon, those people form friendships and teams/clans and a new "gaunt only" ranking section is made (and a gauntlet-only config with plasma that shoots testicles and for some reason, machine gun that has a cycle of 1200 and knockback bigger than bfg. The ranking section becomes popular due to the influx odf people who play PUMMEL IN THE ASS server, and a Russian gopnik under the transliterated name BACR_nugopac, a Montenigger girl named Claudine with the nick Dulcinea (cos it's an anagram despite the fact it doesn't make sense) and a cypriot named Sub-Zero. The three of them become friends due to their low-brow sense of humour despite being unable to solve a Year 3 trigonometry question. They start confronting you at your lack of enthusiasm for GAUNTPENIS.cfg, and when you try to reintroduce railmania they say "shit config" and "fucking newcomers want to spoil my e+ with this non-gauntlet config, fuck that. There's barely any retort you could make, apart from pointing out the error of their logic by writing a "what if" story 4 years in the future with slightly changed names and stupider attitudes.
But that wouldn't work for you because for a group of people to be stupider than a group of people that a stupider than you, they would need to be in a fucking vegetitive-state coma, and there's at least 4 decades till that sort of medical equipment for complete brain control is possible. See that was sarcasm, the putdowns above were observational :=
(anyways, the reactions you see from inf/love to BOPOH are the same reactions you might give to BACR_nugopac if he says i no play noob railmania, only gaunt config, and you see why they wrote "no". p4l will accept challenge under different rules (1 map his config, 1 map on standard all-weapon and armor vql.cfg) only to prove how fucking ridiculous this whole thing is. Also the idea that a legendary Russian Eight TDMer, a developer of edawn, and an elo 2100+ dueller might play plus just seems so fucking absurd that it's actually awesome.
6) I don't keep up with recent events, but wasn't either illca or apshyx credited for creating QLinsta.cfg, I seriously doubt Apshyx can be a clan, even if he is trying to with changing his forum name to A-ONES)))
7) I basically wrote the whole fucking post as a build-up to this. I enjoy a good debate once in a while, but I love witty putdowns even more, and your last paragraph is a fucking exploitable goldmine. Let's take a look at it and inhale the flavour:"P.S. You are the one who live in England not I. But even with that fact, my english language is much more understandable then your troller's ones and that is really epic fail (more then half of this community don't understand when you speak, mostly long sentences).

Yep, your post-scriptum which consists of 46 words about having better English has 10 spelling or grammar mistakes in it. I've seen both heroin dealers on Silk Road (i only smoke weed once in a while, I was on silk road cos I found out the concept of an online black market fascinating and wanted to see what sort of shit they sold). Please let that sink in: there is a opioid user and seller on the internet who never capitalises his sentences, probably a guy with no front teeth, track marks all over his elbows and knees, bad bowel control and lives in a run-down empty appartment that always smells like cabbage who sucks dicks for heroin. That gentleman, despite all his shortcomings and the fact he never capitalises his sentences, and still has a lower margin of error than you. (the same can apply to my 2 year old godson, a guy who was in the school year above mine who passed all his exams, Vietnamese prostitutes and John McCain).
Anyway, me and toxic were speaking about e+ like 2 weeks ago, I don't think he's been here for some months and he said "so I saw e+ yesterday and it scared me: those new people are really fucking stupid, I know my English is bad but they are ridiculous (which by the way is an exaggeration, his English isn't that bad, and compared to you guys that couldn't spell a verb right if their life depended on it, well, compared to that he's Joseph Conrad, Noam fucking Chomsky and Hunter S Thompson rolled into one, a God among linguistics professionals).
Finally, I'd like to question your logic about your whole post-scriptum: yes, my writing style is mostly tedious since in the past 2-3 years I mainly read late-19th-to mid-20th century classical literature and I also freelance as a writer for start-up companies that want to bid on tenders but have no manpower to do so and wish to outsource it online. A dude from e- even asked me to translate his PhD application to English which was fucking baller for a request that I couldn't refuse))) (oh and esrality user admins need to format all the Major'd topics, and we average to about 3 press releases per day)
Considering the above-written, how in the flying clusterfuck does it reflect poorly on me that a Serbian villager with the attention span of a Goldfish and the English fluency of a Somalian pirate and her equally inept peers (who btw? citation needed((( ) are too damn stupid to read sentences that are too long. What can I possibly do for "more then half community" (btw the only people that speak English at a kindergarden level are: you equinox rayden darkANGLE) Beki balrog bopoh, please note that this list consists of recent newcomers to e+ who came from Hiszy), what can i do? Never use words that consist of more than 4 letters? Get all my verbs mixed up on purpose to fit in? Buy a Retard<->English dictionary? Get bopoh to spellchack my posts? Please help me AlienM, you could be my muse since I want to get rich by learning how to communicate with idiots. (nb: whoever read this post in 1 go and up to this place, you are not a retard. Tweet @ShadyAKfps for proof and get a certificate and a DOTA2 key)))

* for terror,since this word won't be in dictionary due to being speciallised gaming jargon, I made one on purpose))) Big grin Ringer (verb) - for a player to participate in a practice war for a clan that the player is not a member of, most commonly due to the latter's lack of players or the player's unofficial affiliation to the clan despite not being a member (you can also use it as a noun, in which case "a ringer" becomes synonymous to "stand-in"). e.g: Sometimes Zydek ringered for .DA in FWs when they didn't have players


nonsense repellent declamatory

q3fun's picture
Joined: Jun 2010
Re: Read -> inFected, nuclear', Elitez, SF, P[4]L, V&T, ...
mzi.ql wrote:

I mean about physics in rr.cfg. So we dont agree with playing on this cfg. now is clear?


on rr.cfg v4 no BFG and no multijumps

!@#$%&*( terror )_ wrote:

Rail Resurrection V4 (rr.cfg)

RailOnly (+gauntlet) weapon config without multijumps.
Railcycle 1100, damage 500, xp_physics 55, collectable items, etc.

Anyone who has rr.cfg on their server, pls update to this one. Thx.

I'm sorry, I have nothing to offer you here!

q3fun's picture
Joined: Jun 2010
Re: Read -> inFected, nuclear', Elitez, SF, P[4]L, V&T, ...
mininoob wrote:

SORRY but we will play on that cfg as wos SET b4 cup start!( similar to 1.16 NG thats why we play we dont even play multijump cfg with ultra hiper reload rail time)
diff cfg >>diff gamestyle >>> diff CUP.

loVe cant agree. meybe u wish to play AW or CTF instad of?

NO sorry.

yes, we play CTF on moderninsta.cfg

hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: Read -> inFected, nuclear', Elitez, SF, P[4]L, V&T, ...
.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:

6) I don't keep up with recent events, but wasn't either illca or apshyx credited for creating QLinsta.cfg, I seriously doubt Apshyx can be a clan, even if he is trying to with changing his forum name to A-ONES)))

Kyto (original cfg for edawn); illca (translated for e+ 2.1, updated to support e+ 2.2a)illca and easy+(added some new features) helped me for the first qlinsta.cfg with some things for support e+ 2.2b.

but you will participate next year in a event for sure! Happy whatever, with XXx, ank, pizdec4life!

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