Rail must kill instantly or not?

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mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: Rail must kill instantly or not?
[MR.]DOCTOR wrote:

taking away all the fun even without asking what ppl think... thx Nana for this poll - it really shows what ppl think about!

That is the one most stupid sentence i did read in whole E+ since 2003.

PlusN consists by 90 % out of suggestions and not on falas own ideas.

Anyway, there are meanwhile tons of people who like plusN, so, you can go on aim+ and others can go on beer. People who like PlusN have the same right (actually nobody has any right on it) to play plusN, as you have right (actually no right) to play plusbetaxyzCCCC

Joined: Oct 2008
Re: Rail must kill instantly or not?
P-ERK *WGVD* wrote:

now e+ is probably in best mood than in past, so i dont rly understand why e+ is dead

look at e6, e5, e5r rankings.. looking all kind of dead Winking

Not to mention there has been more rail-only cw activity than plus over the past few months.

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: Rail must kill instantly or not?

Voted for Insta, but am more like "don't care".

Insta because it is for removing the armor system. And power ups. My basis being on ra3/clan arena and TDM principles.

A gametype where you spawn with all weapons is for seeing who kills the most/ which team moves most effectively in equal surroundings, with equal chances and opportunities. LIke rocket arena and clan arena on QL.

Then there is TDM/Duel, where aim and damage doesnt mean shit compared with map control and domination of mega/RA/YA. You have to learn to time otherwise you will have trouble even with accuracy of strenxm8/TorZ.

This mod's TAG has represented a somewhat "hyperactive option to clan arena" for all of the time in BRO/PLUS until now. I think it just un-necessarily breaks boundaries and makes the game appear even less serious to any1 not acquainted to it. Especially how i am pretty sure NO-ONE times mega or RA in e+, people just randomly run over and get it if it's there. It doesn't add an element of skill, it adds elements of pretty much random luck.

okidoki (cpma CA server which runs dm6 24/7) is pretty much as popular as beer freeze and is contstantly full, despite having no limits on rounds/time (unless voted on) and map rarely gets changed from dm6. People join, they play and have fun. And don't normally play above 30-40 minutes. When they leave, someone else takes their places (it's limited to 4v4, and usually 1-2 person specs to wait their turn).

Why does it work? Cos it's fun and it's never be meant taken serious! If e+ was light hearted, it would be a lot more popular. Armor system just shows desire to be something it's not.


nonsense repellent declamatory

epykoi's picture
Joined: Jun 2007
Re: Rail must kill instantly or not?

Agreed, tem, adreed Big grin

DoctoR-PHC's picture
Joined: Oct 2005
Re: Rail must kill instantly or not?
mow Q [EN] wrote:

That is the one most stupid sentence i did read in whole E+ since 2003.

PlusN consists by 90 % out of suggestions and not on falas own ideas.

hmm, maybe its stupid but this poll still shows that most ppl think about rail but plusN still the same and i think it will wont change and thats shows us how much really cost an opinion of the majority... dunno, maybe its just from other 10%...

and also 1 thing that surprising me - why plusN got modifications for public servers and for cw's? now ppl don't get any training while playing on beer, and this difference confusing them on cw's. Awfull idea imho...

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: Rail must kill instantly or not?

I don't see a clear majority.

What i see, beside this poll is, beer server is the no. 1 listed e+ server, running PlusN (guess hiszy is more popular, but not listed).

About what is played in wars. In cup-wars is played what the organisator gives as rule. In normal Cws is played on what clans agree on. If you don't like it, how about u make a plusC cup? F2B would join as one of the first, since we don't cry about configs. We play all plus and railonly related configs without moaning.

Don't blame fala because of this, blame the people, blame the blamers, blame the haters.

You wanna play plusC on wars? Just do it. 1. Organise a cup with it, or organise a normal cw with it. It is all up to people, and not up to single persons.


fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: Rail must kill instantly or not?
[MR.]DOCTOR wrote:

hmm, maybe its stupid but this poll still shows that most ppl think about rail but plusN still the same and i think it will wont change and thats shows us how much really cost an opinion of the majority... dunno, maybe its just from other 10%...

well Doc. before u will spread false things over internet maybe u cloud at least read the redme of the cfg? i bet u haven't even opened the redme even once

xp_rki gives a instant rail kill on every system used in the config, and there are already 5 systems included in the config because opinions of the people cannot be unite in 1 major settings

u can tweak up almost all aspect of the config by the commands that were build into plusN.cfg, it can be adjusted to anyone preferences by really easy way

it's not up to me what league uses what setting it is up to the organizations and they have a complete tool to adapt the weapon config for a preferred settings and it's name is plusN.cfg

so maybe stop whine and read redme.txt?

the gametypes and mods u are talking about uses a round style where u respawn on the map every time point is scored and that protect from the situation where one team camps the room

also in CA u cannot kill anyone by 1shot, u spawn not only with all weapons but also with full armor, if u like to play CA see how it is handled by plusN :]

there is no other way to make people stop camping one room than giving them a reason to move...
otherwise why they should move? it's better for them to camp together one room and keep ur's back secured by plenty of teammates while they can spam the enters by overpowered arsenal and kill opponents not even like ducks but rather melting them as meat...

btw. i even remember a tie situation on CA where both teams camped by a 10min because they were scared to get killed, u think thats healthy?

I am addicted to life.

Joined: Oct 2008
Re: Rail must kill instantly or not?
.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:

Armor system just shows desire to be something it's not.


mow Q [EN] wrote:

I don't see a clear majority.

Look again. Insta option has more votes than the other two options put together.

mow Q [EN] wrote:

What i see, beside this poll is, beer server is the no. 1 listed e+ server, running PlusN (guess hiszy is more popular, but not listed).
About what is played in wars. In cup-wars is played what the organisator gives as rule. In normal Cws is played on what clans agree on. If you don't like it, how about u make a plusC cup? F2B would join as one of the first, since we don't cry about configs. We play all plus and railonly related configs without moaning.

This poll isn't about plusn vs plusc. Its about whether rail is insta or not - beer's popularity is irrelevant.

mow Q [EN] wrote:

Don't blame fala because of this, blame the people, blame the blamers, blame the haters.

I remember reading in another thread that plusN is 90% built around community... all I see is the same old people suggesting things over and over again in the plusn thread.


animalchik wrote:

u can tweak up almost all aspect of the config by the commands that were build into plusN.cfg, it can be adjusted to anyone preferences by really easy way

it's not up to me what league uses what setting it is up to the organizations and they have a complete tool to adapt the weapon config for a preferred settings and it's name is plusN.cfg

And thats exactly why someone made this thread. This "tweaking" for each match or cup is precisely the downfall of this cfg. Its better if you set things in stone, like in the original plus.cfg . A reason why qlive is thriving at the moment - one cfg for all (yeah slight changes between gametypes)

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: Rail must kill instantly or not?
[MR.]RIDDLER wrote:

.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:
Armor system just shows desire to be something it's not.


if u think so u should probably read up, the armor system is not to pretend baseq3 style it is to protect from camping tactics used in the past and commonly described as lame

lack of the basic understanding for the cornerstone of the causes made people go with wrong assumptions, like Yours or Shady for example

lame or not clans going to use it if the method will going to give them more chances to made them win, the situation introduced in plusN.cfg is opposite thing where moving trough the map gives more chances to win than camping one room like in 1.03 mod

[MR.]RIDDLER wrote:

And thats exactly why someone made this thread.
This "tweaking" for each match or cup is precisely the downfall of this
cfg. Its better if you set things in stone, like in the original
plus.cfg . A reason why qlive is thriving at the moment - one cfg for
all (yeah slight changes between gametypes)

oh well if u
haven't noticed it yet the cfg is optimized for CW and Tournaments as
default, all other options are there to satisfy the whiners mostly Happy

people choosing to camp because they lack the basic understanding why
and what no mater how many times this going to be written down Big grin

if u blame me i made the cfg flexible u actually blame Yourself Big grin
because u have different opinion than other people and don't want to
step back same as the couple of the other groups of people Big grin so i had
no other way to unite those people by 1 config as making couple of the
different systems build into one cfg Big grin

and then again it is my fault they can't agree upon anything? Yeah i am
quilt here for sure Big grin Laughing out loud Big grin Laughing out loud

sorry i will write this probably only once but the truth sometimes must be said straight:

its not my fault some people are simple stupid ignorants who care only about their own nose, and even if i would give a brick of the gold for anyone who use the cfg they would complain they got only one brick per person but they should get at least 5

I am addicted to life.

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: Rail must kill instantly or not?

riddler, it isn't a "clear" majority anyway, even if it has more than the other 2 together.

And it is not my fault, that this some people are interested in community stuff and so many others "not". Like this cry-baby from NL who cries and cries, makes promisses to post, to check forum, but instead he just cries all the time on beer freezer.

And for me, you all can do what you want anyway, i stoped care the community stuff, i just can't stop posting. (yet)