Q3SG Project Open Source Extended by Camel-XP
Updated/Fixed/Extended version of Quake3Arena Stargate Project Open Source Files
Old pack: http://quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=48525
I hope that you will have fun looking how it really works
I hope for any feedback about it, post your suggestion and releases
Project website: http://www.q3sg.eu
My Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/camelxp
This package contains:
-New Stargates model
- q3sg-source-extended (d/l, 7,38 MB) - (15/10/2014)
Title : Quake III Arena Stargates Source Extended
Filename : q3sg-source-extended.pk3
Author : Jarosław "camel-xp" Jakubowski
E-mail :
================================================================] Play Information:
- Whats new: renewed Stargates model including new textures by: David Gian-Cursio <http://www.gian-cursio.net/2007/01/stargate-reference-information/>
- Rebuilded Chevrons model
- Added .map files of Stargate & Chevrons to edit freely and convert into .ase models
- Fixed minor issues with the stargates like proper dial up chevrons activation- Use the DHD control panel to activate the stargates to travel between the two parts of the map
- Use Ring transport teleporter to travel to the additional parts of the map
- Use Asgard Teleporter to travel to the additional parts of the map
- The map has character of example map only, not for a normal game] Description:
Game type : All types
Player load : 64 or less
Respawn spots : some
New Sounds : oh Yes
New Graphics : Plenty of them
New Models : Yep (included .ASE in maps folder)
Known issues : You might increase your com_hunkmegs, disable dynamic lightning to prevent gfx lags when shooting projectiles onto the stargates model, well atleast I've noticed that on the Excessiveplus mod.I wanted to add also dynamic lights when stargates are open, but all I get was single spots of lights barely visible and glitchy as once spawned they used lot of FPS gain.
] Author:
Name : Jarosław "camel-xp" Jakubowski
Home : http://www.q3sg.eu - if website is unavailable try just google me out by example keywords: "Quake3 Stargates"] Credits:
- None, I made all by myself, gratz to me
] Copyright / Permissions:
Copyright (2014) by Jarosław "camel-xp" Jakubowski. All rights reserved.
This package is open source project and may be distributed by means of any electronic transfer
You may modify the content for your needs
Keep the original author name untouch and remember that while distributing any of your own stargates map in future.Enjoy
Original source video 60 FPS high quality:
This is an amazing project, Camel.
Keep workin on it!
cml im following this project from long time, where is actually some maps made with this pack? i'd like to try it out. as i understood this pack is just a package of the tools and objects for build a map but there ain't no map made in the package, am i right?

Early alpha preview from the q3sg2 map:
holy raisin on a piece of a shit, that looks amazing.
Nice, maybe this will get more attention
i think it would be very good if some ppl with mapping skillz would help cml project, making some maps with his pack, that would be very appreciated ))
Well I hope someone use it and make some nice CTF map with it