[POLL] Your r_picmip personnal value.

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!@#$%&*( terror )_
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Re: [POLL] Your r_picmip personnal value.


TanaKa's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: [POLL] Your r_picmip personnal value.

Ok everyone, I would say "f*** you all" but I will not. Because you blew an idea I tried to expose to someone here, that everyone or most of Quake players are using r_picmip 12.

Why? I use r_picmip 12, and I see better the enemies! According to this I can go to 999 fps (even if it's not so great to play at this rate) or focus only on the gameplay, not the useless details, the game is smoother, not only at performance but what you are feeling.

So...what the fuck?! What are all those comments, it's completely against what I thought. I'm disappointed of choices done here.

"Skill is when luck becomes a habit".

Bullrock's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: [POLL] Your r_picmip personnal value.
D3L1GH7 wrote:

Ok everyone, I would say "f*** you all" but I will not. Because you blew an idea I tried to expose to someone here, that everyone or most of Quake players are using r_picmip 12.

Why? I use r_picmip 12, and I see better the enemies! According to this I can go to 999 fps (even if it's not so great to play at this rate) or focus only on the gameplay, not the useless details, the game is smoother, not only at performance but what you are feeling.

So...what the fuck?! What are all those comments, it's completely against what I thought. I'm disappointed of choices done here.

So you posted a topic and you wanted us all to vote for your opinion? Sorry if we don't think the same way that you do Big grin Everybody uses what they like, we don't all use r_picmip 12.. polls are posted to hear what other people think, not expecting everybody to vote for one option. Winking

Joined: Jul 2007
Re: [POLL] Your r_picmip personnal value.

0 or 10 - all in between is useless

Xelair's picture
Joined: Oct 2007
Re: [POLL] Your r_picmip personnal value.

There is absolutely no noticeable difference between r_picmip 8 - 12.

Dangerously cheesy.

beng's picture
Joined: Jul 2008
Re: [POLL] Your r_picmip personnal value.
-C4-SCHORSCH wrote:

0 or 10 - all in between is useless

It does! Much harder to realise the enemy behind a bfg splash boom if picmip is over 3. It makes blurring the view and only You can see is a turquise-green bloom effect...
I know there is xp_noMip feature, but dunno, it didn't worked for me.
Making different cfg for each map is allright, but playing with constant high picmip and vertexlight/lightmap rendering can make lazy reactions and crap aim aka unpredicted moves...

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: [POLL] Your r_picmip personnal value.
BENG . HUN wrote:

Making different cfg for each map is allright, but playing with constant high picmip and vertexlight/lightmap rendering can make lazy reactions and crap aim aka unpredicted moves...

i don't think so i am slow, and i am playing with picmip 8 because maps look like chocolate castle yummy yummy, generally for me picmip 8 increases target visibility and speeds up my reaction, while i make fast flicks and moves i don't see map details anyway, though picmpi 0 is good for strafejumping

i also don't see a sense to use more than 8 since at this point everything is chocolate enough

btw. the new maps on elitez server with elitez logo makes major problem with maps textures, it block visibility trough portals, it enforces some map textures to picmip 0 (a overkill bridge for example) and i am completely hate the fact that they changes the look of the original q3 maps

I am addicted to life.

beng's picture
Joined: Jul 2008
Re: [POLL] Your r_picmip personnal value.
animalchik wrote:

BENG . HUN wrote:
Making different cfg for each map...

i don't think so

Allright Fala, this why I wrote "... CAN make ..." it is in conditional mode Winking Hehe good interpolation with chocolate Big grin

Sorry for OFF but with picmip 8 I got some texture issue like this on elite'z server, and beer too:

With picmip lower than 5 this problem disappeared...

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Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: [POLL] Your r_picmip personnal value.

I use highest picmip i can. Obviously a more complex environment will breakup composition and the objects to eyes see first. With flat (high picmip) shade the players models contrast more so they are seen quicker. Also green enemy models are good as green is the color the human eye sees the most of (the greatest range of frequencies) and so naturally draws the human eye to look at it first. The reason we see green more than any other color is because when we were all furry things back in the dawn of time things that hide it green foliage generally tried to jump out and eat us so that why we develop a extra sensitivity to green (and movement).

One other thing engine cap is 333fps a high picmip value will make you fps go up but quake should run at engine cap on today average computers without any config changes at all anyway. As the graphics demand basically nothing. I could run quake 10 instances and still prolly have each one max out its fps.

TanaKa's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: [POLL] Your r_picmip personnal value.

Yes, what do you think? (the blur effect is due to bad JPEG quality only).

Hard to miss something, isn't it?

Edit : to miss something viewable, I'm not talking about to miss some shots (I know some would have tried the joke).

"Skill is when luck becomes a habit".