this pak includes
q3dm14+ and
+ redone lights
+ redone jumpPads
+ redone clips
+ redone logos
kid i just tested this map! u did a great job m8! well done
hey, kid
it's quite difficult to bfg-jump from the dungeon (former bfg room) to the rocket room (teleport item room) through the small square 'window' in the ceiling (tried plusc and plusn). is this by intention?
and yes, i like that small room with a medkit a lot
oh, and i made a screen. take a look, plz. is this a bug or what? imo, this shadow looks kinda unnatural
well done. I have just two my suggestions: fix two missing shaders (pic. att) and remove that quite disharmonizing quake III arena logo. BTW I liked the spider net on dm15
I think if you do pack of maps, the title should be changed - so as such names have already been - q3dm1+...... Then there was a series of maps of type q3dm1++.... Maybe make a name - q3dm13e+. Here, e+ denotes excessiveplus.
And maybe add some texture to the name -
wow good job m8! finally some cool e+ maps with nice logos
as QuakeLive
try to modify other maps. u are good
Check maps in dc-mappack There are some standard modified maps and some maps QuakeLive or Team Arena
very good job KID i want see this maps on BEER ROTATION NOW!!! XD
kid, there're missing textures/shaders
about dm14: imo, there should be smth that have a volume, not just star-shaped black hole (see the screen).
hm, i think, the light is quite different on each PC.
i see a very strange window-like shadow on the lawn next to RL.
i also had a very weird error while mappin (never had before):
there was an invisible brush in-game,
that must have been produced durin the compilation,
coz i couldnt see it in the editor.-
But i got the best solution to remove it:
just decompile that map,
and the brush will be visible in the 3D-view
(this method also does a total clean-up)!
that bfg-hole i made bigger first,
but then thought, it should line up with the wall;
but it still should be bigger! (isnt it?)
the new teleporter-room

Kid´s Showcase