wow i rly like that map, good job.
and this is how e+ maps should look like ;>
one last thing i like the burp sound when you go down the door in the mouth
also your points justify your map choices, i agree.
edit: as the Aussies would say BonzaaA!
New version.
(/map mario)
And come to
to test it
New version and hope the last one
(/map mario) enjoy.
if some1 could make better levelshot would be very appreciate
On a quick glance, this map looks pretty nice. Didn't notice anything particularly wrong. I really like the convoluted, slightly confusing architecture, texturing et all is decent as well. I think E+ maps in particular should utilize vertical differences, and it looks like this map does just that, although it still looks and "plays" (i only say that after running around on it for a bit) like a vq3 map. It reminds me of Battleforged from QL a fair bit, actually (pretty sure that would be a good map for E+ as well). Anyway, good job.
One thing i could complain about is this:
Sloppy texturing like this kinda stands out on an otherwise well designed map.
Nice map!
Yeah, you can get there by jumping in the mouth thing on the upper floor.
welcome back m8
i hope u had a nice week 
will test map later, i am now not @home.