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camel-xp's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
PL Poland
Re: map-xpctf3-v1.0
¯¯__█ALI█¯¯__ wrote:

explain what is lol ? because without u are a lol. contribute show something then say lol I have much better. but giving nothing u are a lol by saying lol.
The e+ mappack is still under construction.

aren't u bored of same q3dm6 pro-q3dm6 6++ blabla6++ using all same textures ?

I can put a texture by room or even a texture by wall, but do u know how big will become the pk3 ?

lol - means, sux, tbh your maps looks like an 'begginer mapper' maps, i dont like them, neither to play on them.

By using original q3 textures your pk3 would not weight more, cuz all textures are in pak0.

I could contribute myself, but first I would need to find a lot more time for the mapping, not to mention that I still didnt fixed/improved my last big map Ive made for the mapping competition almost a year ago.
If I could, I would sign into mappers team a long time ago, instead of that i am trying to build something different.

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Re: map-xpctf3-v1.0

anyway, helping ppl by words is better than laughing at them especially when you don't have anything on hand to present.

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

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xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Re: map-xpctf3-v1.0

Do you prefer something like those following pics ?

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

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Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Re: map-xpctf3-v1.0

Wow, it looks like something made for Doom in '94. :E

Ok, Ali, no offense (and i mean that), it's good that you try, but this just doesn't work. This map is way too basic and simple, and i don't mean textures and lack of detail, you can always put that kinda stuff later, but the architectural design, or rather, lack of thereof. It's just a couple of corridors that loop around, there are no ledges, no height differences, no nothing. You can't just fill a square with walls, slap on two doors and couple of items and respawns and call it a map, let alone a good one. This barely looks like an early alpha, first draft of what could possibly be a decent map in the future, and if you intend to make this an official e+ map (whatever that means), then, as Camel said, LOL.

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Re: map-xpctf3-v1.0
madbringer wrote:

Wow, it looks like something made for Doom in '94. :E

Ok, Ali, no offense (and i mean that), it's good that you try, but this just doesn't work. This map is way too basic and simple, and i don't mean textures and lack of detail, you can always put that kinda stuff later, but the architectural design, or rather, lack of thereof. It's just a couple of corridors that loop around, there are no ledges, no height differences, no nothing. You can't just fill a square with walls, slap on two doors and couple of items and respawns and call it a map, let alone a good one. This barely looks like an early alpha, first draft of what could possibly be a decent map in the future, and if you intend to make this an official e+ map (whatever that means), then, as Camel said, LOL.

from what u say a map not having elevation or stairs isn't a map ? or have u posted only to say lol as last word without testing ?

how do u find q3dm0 ? how do u find q3dm1 ? aren't them a bush of rooms and corrdors sticked tother too ? and they are on baseq3 mappack so say lol to to urself.

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

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Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Re: map-xpctf3-v1.0
¯¯__█ALI█¯¯__ wrote:

from what u say a map not having elevation or stairs isn't a map ? or have u posted only to say lol as last word without testing ?

Took me all of 1 minute to "test" your map. And yeah, that's exactly what i'm saying.

how do u find q3dm0 ? how do u find q3dm1 ? aren't them a bush of rooms and corrdors sticked tother too ? and they are on baseq3 mappack so say lol to to urself.

They are packaged with Q3, true, but that doesn't make them any good. In fact, they're shit and wholly unplayable, and so is any map that follows their primitive architectural style. You don't crap gold, bro, and not everything you make must be good by default, especially if you barely put in any effort into it. Take a look at any map that actually became popular - they will feature interconnected rooms with various routes on different levels to access them, intricate design that allows for positioning to matter (ledges, walls, windows, teleports, nooks), making map awareness an actual factor in combat, and stuff like that.

Even dm17 has more architectural quality than this map, for Pete's sake. Are you that self-centered that you don't think you NEED any actual architecture in your map, and people will love it only because you made it?

I really don't mean to offend you, but i guess i can't criticize your shit without you taking it uber personal so, oh well.

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camel-xp's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
PL Poland
Re: map-xpctf3-v1.0
madbringer wrote:

Took me all of 1 minute to "test" your map. And yeah, that's exactly what i'm saying.

30 seconds for me using grenades to speed up to fly the whole map Big grin

I was making that kind of maps in times when i doesnt had the internet connection yet
I was 'wow' when i finally compiled my map with the lightnings, but this map uses too much brightness, textures are just funny.

You should focus to make some Q3 (dm6, dm7, dm11) map instead of some Box (test_bigbox map)

//edit: and why I am saying that ?
Because I do care about this community and I dont want to other peoples to laught more than now about the E+ mod because of its mappack, just look at the cpma mappack to compare, that could be 'wow' for e+, that kind of maps, specially made for e+ of course, and not some empty boxes.

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Re: map-xpctf3-v1.0
D e c e m b e r wrote:

Suggestions for v 1.0a

- work more on lighting (less ambient and more point lights so walls and floor would be shadowed)

- consider using standard textures (or smaller jpgs), smaller levelshot and no aas for smaller pk3 (~500 kb)

After this is done I could try this map on my servers

look how constructive ppl make good suggestions.

Your way of acting will lead only to NO mappack at all. NO improvement at all on anything. because u are braking motivation to anyone who try to do something. And I know many mappers don't do anything more cause of you or have simply left e+. It's not about mapping alone, it's about all around e+.

rethink ur strategy of proposing solution.

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

Soft Air
Joined: Oct 2009
Re: map-xpctf3-v1.0

Please, when someone do something for the community and ask your suggestion, try to be constructive cause if everyone continue to say: this sux, this lol, this is shit a day will come when these people who do thing (for free) will stop working and trying to make the community grow. If you are not able to leave constructive comments, keep what do you think for you. Thanks.

Forum moderator Rank moderator LIVING LEGEND
camel-xp's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
PL Poland
Re: map-xpctf3-v1.0

alessandro, I said my opinion and suggestion already.