.: m0ve weapon config - mkVI:.
TaG m0ve.cfg server up an running come along an try it out.

TaG m0ve.cfg server up an running come along an try it out.
Just tried it out

Thanx for that server, m0ve works really nicely in tag.
Kindoff forces you to choose between getting the life saving armor, or camping at enemy bodies.
Ah decisions, decisions!
I actually didnt play that much, was doing quake art with Rage Drawing hearts with mg etc
My first idea was- wth? m0ve on freeze? zomg no ballance!
But i think i have to check it out, and so...
grab a partner ill be there:D
sounds good hit me up at irc

If anyone has older versions of m0ve on his HDD (versions 1 and 2) could you please send them to me via PM on forum?
I would really apreciate it!
just got one from 30 jul 07
Buzz me on MSN so we can talk about the details.
I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!