Looking for the righteous path

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Shwarovisky's picture
Joined: Nov 2009
Re: Looking for the righteous path

Enough already, i don't want to get in here although i have a lot to say that need remarkable level of perception to be understood, both scientifically or religiously.

But a simple hint to make it easier and hope it helps, where have you read about (kill in the name of god) ?

religion killing etc expressions.

This isn't religion, i lately logically noticed and used to gradually increase the percentage of disregarded speech in every written shit, until i reached a point that the time you spend doing nothing became more worthy than reading random.

Expect wiser posts not to force me joining, since i'm busy

No offense

James's picture
Joined: Mar 2009
Re: Looking for the righteous path

Greetings! Big smile ...........

Firstly, I would like to say hello to everyone, since I've been away for a long time. I've been away for more than a year. Perhaps I came and looked at the website from time to time, but I was mostly inactive cuz I never played or wrote on the forums (hehe I know you don't care, but I had to say it anyway). God, a lot can happen in a year. For example, a lot of people have died in the Mid-East since 2011 lmao. I miss a lot of people here and a lot of people who left E+, and I am sorry I did not say goodbye before I left. Perhaps I thought I'd come back later when I'm not busy, and I sort of expected everyone to be there and everything to be the same. But, I was wrong. Many have left and a lot have changed. And I miss all the good times I had on E+ in 2007-2008-2009-2010. One thing still remains the same, though; Beer Freezer lol.

I saw this thread yesterday, and I thought I should probably participate in this very beautiful topic (irony? lol). Although, I think it's overly inappropriate to discuss such a topic on E+ forums. It's like if you go to a place full of football hooligans who root for Manchester United, and you shout "Manchester United sucks balls!!" Hehe, you'll lose your teeth for sure, that if they didn't kill you. xD Anyway, I felt obligated to say my opinion, but I stand by my statement, this topic should be discussed by scholars, not by video gamers (no offense). But, who knows? Every topic could be helpful if people sought knowledge and discussed it properly (if you really really want to know the truth or learn). Well, I discussed this topic 5 years ago with my atheist cousin, and some Muslim people, and it requires a lot of talking, examples, and it usually never ends with a result, and no one could prove their point to the other. But, eventually, everyone believes what they want to believe, and no matter how hard you try, traditions and cultural influences will always affect the way people think and so on......

First of all, I would like to state, VERY EXPLICITLY, that I don't want to impose any shit on anybody (oops, I said "shit" in a religious topic? sorry Tongue). I only believe I have to say these things cuz I think there are a lot of things you're missing out on. There are a lot of misconceptions many of you have as I observed. Well, whenever anyone starts talking about religion or, in this case, "a righteous path," you, Europeans, link it with Christianity or the Holy Bible or members of the missionary or what have you. Because that's your culture, and that's what you know. I read a little about European culture and Christianity, but I'm not going to presume I know as much as you do about it, cuz it's your culture, and you know better. But if your church says you have to pay money when you confess your sins, Islam doesn't. You can regret your sins at home and pray God to forgive you without having any priest or pastor or whatever stick their nose in anything you're confessing or whatever. If Christians say burn people who don't agree with your beliefs, Muslims don't. In fact, if you read about Islam, you would know that Jews and Christians lived in the Islamic state since its cradle. All they had to do was to pay a small amount of money, well, technically, Muslims had to pay it too, since it all went to poor people (a good cause), but it wasn't called the same thing, that's the only difference. The way Muslims treated Christians and Jews in their state seems fair to me, but I'm sure they wouldn't have been treated the same the other way around. Don't get me started on Christianity and all the ridiculous beliefs they have. I'm sorry if I offend any Christians here, but it is really ridiculous. The Holy Trinity? LOL, why does God have to be 3 versions? Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? God v1.03 beta? LOL. Why does God have to become man (Jesus Christ) and let the Romans crucify him, because he wanted to die to redeem humanbeings of their sins? Couldn't he have just forgiven them and not have created the man version? Why are there many versions of the Bible? How can it be holy if it has more than one version? We realize that nothing's holy about the Bible (at least from my perspective) and that the clergymen who lived in the middle ages used it to serve their purposes. The church controlled the people, and clergymen were very rich. In Islam, the Holy Quraan is different. It's only one version, and it's written in pure Arabic which is spoken by more than 150,000,000 people, and it has been a living language for more than 2 millennia. Quraan can't be translated into English or Polish because it's like an epic written in rhymed verse. When you translate it, it loses its rhyme and looks funny, but I don't know why they decided to translate it into English and other languages, maybe just so that people who don't speak Arabic can have a simple idea about the themes it tackles. Muhammad couldn't read or write at age 40, so when he cited some verses from Quraan to Arab poets of his age, they were astonished, because they had never heard something so perfectly rhymed. They were the kings of peots, and he couldn't have possibly gotten it from another source because no such source could possibly exist. Well, many people believed it's a revelation, because, logically, that's the only explanation, and that's how it all started. This is believed to be the first "miracle" in Islam. I'm not gonna talk too much about miracles and shit because people are each to their own, and people have different perspectives. This topic is endless, as I said before. But you can watch this video if you're really interested and want to know more --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPR48pP8Tbk. This man is a scientist, a mathematician or whatever. He doesn't speak Arabic, so he isn't astonished by the perfect content and linguistic form of Quraan, he just believes it's better from a logical POV. If Christianity or Judiasm are so corrupted, it doesn't mean you should all be atheists cuz these religions are false. And what? Atheism is true? LOL. Don't get me started on the big bang theory, or Charles Darwin. They're ridiculous. Personally, I think Charles Darwin looks like a monkey, that's why he came up with Evolution as a theory loool. Biology is a great subject, and I love it, and Evolution can be applied on many species of beings, but I'm a humanbeing and able to think properly, and I know for a fact that apes aren't the ancestors of mankind, because they're different, and apes are unable to communicate with us Worried. And, OMG, the big bang theory is sooo ridiculous!! I know scientists studied cosmology for a long time and came a long way with amazing information about the universe, and they were able to prove some of their theories. But 15 billion years ago, a tremendous explosion started the expansion of the universe? LOOOOL Where did they come up with this idea? At least the idea that there's a deity who created all the universe seems more sensible to me lol. Now, many of you might think I'm saying this because I'm biased toward Islam since I lived in an Islamic culture and these ideas have been "hammered into my head" and I'm defending it with all my heart because I'm crazy or very religious. In fact, I'm the very opposite of religious, and I hated Islam for a long time because it always forbade me to do the things I like, and I thought "out of the box" for a long time and I didn't come up with a simple idea that serves my purpose, that religion is bullshit and that God doesn't exist just to have fun and not follow a particular dogma. And, btw, involving George Carlin's video in a religious topic is senseless, because he was a stand-up comedian, and his job is to make you laugh. God could be your own cock for all he knew, if it made you laugh and PAY FOR THE TICKET xD. And you can learn a lot from a particular culture, even if they're on the other side of the globe. Just like Europeans learned from the Ottoman Empire, the Persian Empire, and old Egyptians. We could have learned a lot from American Indians, a lot about herbs and animals which grew and lived in the American continent, if it weren't for Christian immigrants who wiped that civilization off the face of the planet. All I can say is that you can learn whatever you want to learn as long as you've got the proper access, and everyone believes whatever the hell they want to believe, but false stereotypes can affect people who supposedly belong to a particular group. You know, suppose I am in the US, and I go for a job interview, but the fat-ass hamburger-eating bastard asks me where I'm from, and I say "I'm from Jordan." Suddenly the idea of Middle-Eastern suicide-bombing terrorist pops into his brain, and then he'll decide not to give me the job based on that stereotype. That will hurt me, right? I'll be upset cuz of his ignorance, cuz he doesn't know that Muslims aren't allowed to kill innocent people regardless of their religious status. That Muslims aren't allowed to steal money from you or fuck your wife when you're not there (but, hell, I'll definitely fuck his wife cuz I'm not a religious dude loooool). Anyway, and above all, Muslims aren't supposed to impose their beliefs on others, they just suggest the idea, and the other person chooses to believe what he said or not, and that's the end of it. And that's a fact, ask any scholar who read about Islam. Unlike an old Christian lady who asks anyone she sees if they go to church or not..."Excuse me? Do you go to church?" I reply "I'm sorry, no, I'm a Muslim, I don't go to church. I'm taken ^^ hehe ok? I have a box to check :)" She thinks that doesn't matter and says "It doesn't matter, cuz Jesus loves you, Jesus gives you strength...bla bla" loooool. And if we lived in the middle ages, she would have killed me if I didn't agree with her. If you think religion kills people, that's cuz you're always thinking about Christians who set people on fire just cuz they didn't agree with them. Islam doesn't kill people. The estimate number of people who died during the spread of Islam is about 400 people. The estimate number of people who died in World War II is 50 million to 70 million. And, eventually, I believe that a Muslim who believes in God is way better than an Atheist, just for one example. A Muslim will never think about killing an innocent dude, because if he gets away with it in life, he'll burn in Hell in the after life. But an Atheist doesn't mind killing a man, if he was 100% certain nobody will ever find out. The estimate number of murders in the town I live in since 1990 is 10. I'm not gonna dare ask about the estimate number of murders that occured in one of your cities or towns, cuz I know it's a big number. Guess religion is useful after all, huh? Tongue

Anyway, I will keep repeating that people will believe whatever they want to believe, and it doesn't matter what I believe. It's none of your business xD. And I'm not here to "corvert" heretics or "convince" all of you that Islam is the coolest religion. xD But I felt I had to say this to clarify some facts about Islam. You can choose to believe it, and you can choose not to. I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit about Anti-Islam videos. I don't give a shit if a dude from Denmark takes a shit on the Holy Quraan (it doesn't show anything but stupidity, "are you fighting with a book, dude?" lmao). And I feel it's ignorance that a simple act like that could make Muslims furious. It isn't my job to set everyone in the world on the "proper path." In fact, it isn't any humanbeing's job. Some people are affected by influential people in a society, and they listen to what these people say.
Hehe, I guess I've covered some of the things RESISTOL would probably say, didn't I, RESISTOL? LOL

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Re: Looking for the righteous path

Maybe one day i'll muster enough mental strength to actually formulate an argumentative response to these ramblings (no offense, i mean that in a good way) in their entirety (like how the holy trinity is more ridiculous than believing that throwing stones at a wall makes you closer to Allah), but for now, i'll just take on some of the more aggravating points you made. I get severely upset when someone is wrong on the internet, i hope you understand.

And what? Atheism is true? LOL. Don't get me started on the big bang theory, or Charles Darwin. They're ridiculous.(...)LOOOOL Where did they come up with this idea?

First of all, why do you tie atheism to Darwin or the big bang theory? Atheism is the absence of belief. Scientific theories have nothing to do with it, at all. You can be an atheist and still think that Darwin was an idiot and his theory on evolution is retarded, there is no conflict of interest with that line of thinking.

Second, theories are just that, theories. You see, scientists, contrary to some religious folk, do not pass their opinions as universally infallible facts, instead they formulate flexible explanations and work them into what they already know about whatever it is they are studying; theories. Then other scientists dissect and challenge the theory, see how it would change their understanding of the problem they're solving, and revisit, discard or modify it whenever something relevant to the subject matter is discovered. They do that until the theory crystallizes into something that cannot be challenged anymore with the knowledge we possess, supported with irrefutable proof.

That's how, among other things, we arrived at the technology allowing us to write all this useless shit on this very website.

Third, your ignorance on the subject of both the evolution and the big bang theories is, well, a bit odd, considering you chose those two examples to mock things that crap all over your personal beliefs. If nothing else, read the wikipedia entries on those subjects, they're both much more than what you seem to think they are, you might get some insight out of it.

Fourth, yeah, i'm a bit more prone to believe the explanations of people who spend their life trying to explain things with logic and observation than the people who shrug their arms when encountered with a problem and say "well, there was this eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient guy who came out of nowhere and waved his magic wand and then there was light". Organized religion, no matter it's name, tenets or the quality of their holy book of choice (sure is a lot of those around, hehe. Wonder why ol' god didn't simply ingrain all that knowledge into the minds of his little creations, his typewriter started gathering dust and he was bored?), is the ultimate killer of curiosity and creativity, the destroyer of progress. Hey, you mock, i'll mock too.

I'll be upset cuz of his ignorance, cuz he doesn't know that Muslims
aren't allowed to kill innocent people regardless of their religious
status. That Muslims aren't allowed to steal money from you or fuck
your wife when you're not there (but, hell, I'll definitely fuck his
wife cuz I'm not a religious dude loooool). Anyway, and above all,
Muslims aren't supposed to impose their beliefs on others, they just
suggest the idea, and the other person chooses to believe what he said
or not, and that's the end of it.

Baloney. I'm not allowed to kill innocent people, steal things, rape a woman, own a slave and do other wonderful stuff like that, it's called having a law in a civilised society. You don't need a religion to impose common sense.

And maybe muslims are not supposed to impose their beliefs on others, but they do it anyway. There were jewish and christian ghettos in muslim countries, there were pogroms, forceful conversions. Same old. People being people.

A Muslim will never think about killing an innocent dude, because if he
gets away with it in life, he'll burn in Hell in the after life. But an
Atheist doesn't mind killing a man, if he was 100% certain nobody will
ever find out.

So you can see into the mind of every single muslim and atheist person in the world and say what they would and wouldn't do and for what reason? That's fantastic, you could make a career out of it!

Seriously though, you don't see anything wrong with the fact that you're saying a person's own morality is irrelevant if they're tempered with the idea of eternal damnation? Wouldn't you rather be tempered by your own principles rather than the principles of some guy that lived millennia ago? Lastly, you'd be content with a mass murderer going on a killing spree and getting away, just because you'd think he'd burn in hell when he'd die, whenever that would be, and until then he'd be free to murder till he'd get his fill? That's insane. I'd rather see that motherfucker fry than imagine he would an indefinite amount of time later, at the hands of Paulie the Demon Torturer or whatever.

And also, a person motivated, or crazy, enough to kill another human being, whatever the reason, will do it regardless or whether or not the punishment would be a life sentence in jail or an eternity in hell. That's just the way we are constructed, the way we work.

The estimate number of murders in the town I live in since 1990 is 10.
I'm not gonna dare ask about the estimate number of murders that occured
in one of your cities or towns, cuz I know it's a big number. Guess
religion is useful after all, huh?

Cool. How about you tell me what are the estimates for Khartoum, Tehran, Cairo, Beirut, Damascus or Muscat? Heheh. Between the civil wars, uprisings, ethnic/religious tensions and people simply being people, i'm sure nobody ever gets murdered anywhere in that region of the world, i mean, you yourself said that muslims are not allowed to kill. Sounds legit. *this is where i roll my eyes and sigh heavily*

Guess religion is useful after all, huh?


Anyway, I will keep repeating that people will believe whatever they
want to believe, and it doesn't matter what I believe. It's none of
your business xD. And I'm not here to "corvert" heretics or "convince"
all of you that Islam is the coolest religion. xD But I felt I had to
say this to clarify some facts about Islam. You can choose to believe
it, and you can choose not to. I don't give a shit. I don't give a
shit about Anti-Islam videos. I don't give a shit if a dude from
Denmark takes a shit on the Holy Quraan (it doesn't show anything but
stupidity, "are you fighting with a book, dude?" lmao). And I feel it's
ignorance that a simple act like that could make Muslims furious. It
isn't my job to set everyone in the world on the "proper path." In
fact, it isn't any humanbeing's job. Some people are affected by
influential people in a society, and they listen to what these people

I appreciate the effort, and you at least sound more or less reasonable, unlike the other guy, but i feel like you injected too much of your bias into what you were trying to explain. These matters aren't as black and white as you want to portray them. But i can agree with one thing - it's none of my business what you believe, and it's none of your business what i, or anyone else, believes, either, and the same applies to every single person in the world. It's refreshing to see a religious person that recognizes that fact.

James's picture
Joined: Mar 2009
Re: Looking for the righteous path

madbringer, you're comparing a religious belief (the holy trinity) with a form of worship(throwing stones at a wall). All forms of worship seem ridiculous to anyone.Hell, I think Islam's way of praying is ridiculous, hehe you kneel and put your forehead on the ground. But that doesn't prove it's wrong! Btw, unlike you, I don't get upset at all when there are people like you on the Internet. People who interpret what others say the way they like -- leave out parts they want and include the shit they like just to argue more and try to make them look stupid.

First of all, don't try to teach me the meanings of words. I know what atheism is. Well, to answer your question, it's because whenever you ask an atheist why don't you believe in God? They'd say "because I think God doesn't exist." Then you ask them again, "then where did we all come from?" Then, (as I noticed many times, because I'm not just a dude sitting on my chair "shrugging my arms") they'd say "there are scientific theories you see? Charles Darwin proved mankind descended from apes" WOW! LOL (which is the first thing they usually think of).And then you say, "but where did apes come from? where did the universe come from?" Then, they leap over to the big bang theory, and I think that's totally fucked up. Are you willing to believe a ridiculous theory just so you wouldn't follow a particular dogma?

3rd paragraph (beginning with Second) - WOW, you're still throwing redundancies. Still explaining to me what a theory is, and how scientists do it all? LOL yaaaaaah cuz u lead scientists and tell them how to do their jobs.

4th (beginning with Third) - LOL, I don't need you to tell me to read about them, Plato. xD "crap all over your personal beliefs" Is that jealousy I detect? ooo shit lol.

5th (beginning with Fourth) - I also believe the explanations of people who spend their life trying to explain things with logic, you said it. But when they start explaining things without logic, I don't feel obligated to believe any shit they say, ok? And these things are very simple, everyone is able to know whether anything is logical or not. It shouldn't be complicated. "Wonder why ol' god didn't simply ingrain........"Well, if God exists, that would be his way of doin' it. Who are you to judge Him?

(beginning with Baloney) - read what I wrote, mate. I said "fuck," not "rape." when you fuck a woman, it means you have sexual intercourse with her by her consent; rape ---> by force..... I don't need to clarify terminology to a grown man, and you don't seem like a 10-year-old to me.

(beginning with So) - Yeah, I'm a talented dude, what can I say? xD

(beginning with Seriously) - Morality is important in this case, but it never works alone if there are no punishments. Oops, you proved once again that you're ignorant. Who said the killer would be free? He'd be sentenced to be executed by Islamic law (stated in Quraan). pff

(beginning with Cool) - In Damascus, people let themselves be governed by an ignorant nonreligious dude. Their governor isn't religious so he'd rather kill all his people than step down (another lesson for us to learn). I sympathize with Syrians and I feel sad for the people who died just because their president is a mindless son of a bitch. But, once again, this is politics, not religion. He kills his people, but people didn't kill each other before the uprisings started.

Last paragraph - "religious person?" I said I wasn't religious in my post. But, it's ok... different perspectives.

Religion is important whether you want to admit it or not. It is important because it gives people hope. It gives them something to live for and do good deeds to other people. Most psychiatrists agree that religion is important. I'd rather live with religious ppl than live with skeptical people who never trust anyone. I said the things I said because I wanted to change the false stereotypes most people have I think you're here just to prove you're right. You and I could go for months talking, but you're never gonna prove your point to me. As much as I failed to convey my message to you. Probably your brain's firewall is always on blocking every sensible thing anyone says. And what strikes me most is that you don't agree with anything I've said except one thing?? LOL.

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Re: Looking for the righteous path

All forms of worship seem ridiculous to anyone.Hell, I think Islam's way
of praying is ridiculous, hehe you kneel and put your forehead on the
ground. But that doesn't prove it's wrong!

But you yourself keep calling things ridiculous to discredit them. How's that logic work?

Well, to answer your question, it's because whenever you ask an atheist
why don't you believe in God? They'd say "because I think God doesn't

Well, i'm an atheist and i'd say "because i know god doesn't exist". And i'd say that because the concept of a god is the dumbest thing i have heard in my life, and it saddens me that people, in this day and age, still believe in fairy tales from several millennia ago.

WOW, you're still throwing redundancies. Still explaining to me what a
theory is, and how scientists do it all? LOL yaaaaaah cuz u lead
scientists and tell them how to do their jobs.

You're the one who discredited years of study and work by ridiculing the scientific findings of some of the smartest people on this planet with a few sentences of shit talking. So yeah, i felt like i had to explain how theories work to you. And no, i don't lead the scientists, but the basic principles of their work are easy enough to grasp so even a non-scientist like me or you can understand them. You should at least try.

LOL, I don't need you to tell me to read about them, Plato. xD "crap all
over your personal beliefs" Is that jealousy I detect? ooo shit lol.

If you don't need me to tell you to read about them, i'd assume because you don't want to educate yourself on the subjects, then you should stop talking about things you do not understand. It makes you look foolish. But i would strongly advise for you to read up on them, they're fascinating subjects.

But when they start explaining things without logic, I don't feel
obligated to believe any shit they say, ok? And these things are very
simple, everyone is able to know whether anything is logical or not. It
shouldn't be complicated. "Wonder why ol' god didn't simply
ingrain........"Well, if God exists, that would be his way of doin' it.
Who are you to judge Him?

You cannot be serious. You don't follow logic? Hold the fucking phone. You do realize that even your super holy book was written following logical principles, right? Well, ones that applied and made sense to the people that wrote it at the time, at least. Logic is not a matter of belief, it's a matter of factual analysis and understanding of how something works. It's the use and application of reason, for fuck's sake.*
i just noticed i misread you in this quote so ignore what i wrote directly above. However, i'd like to point out that the tenets of science all revolve around logic. No scientist or a man who uses reason to fuel his argument will skip fundamental logic to support his claims.

And again, science is not about belief, science is about knowledge and proof. The wonderful thing about science is that you can confirm scientific findings yourself, if you possess the necessary information.

Also, if god exists, he can go fuck himself, how about that? But he doesn't, and i'm not about to judge a fictional entity. That would be crazy.

read what I wrote, mate. I said "fuck," not "rape." when you fuck a
woman, it means you have sexual intercourse with her by her consent;
rape ---> by force..... I don't need to clarify terminology to a
grown man, and you don't seem like a 10-year-old to me.

Semantics, you skipped my point completely.

Morality is important in this case, but it never works alone if there
are no punishments. Oops, you proved once again that you're ignorant.
Who said the killer would be free? He'd be sentenced to be executed by
Islamic law (stated in Quraan). pff

Gee, really? I thought you let all your criminals go, after all, won't they be tortured for all eternity when they die, anyway? Let them live a little before that. Again, you skipped over my points to argue semantics.

In Damascus, people let themselves be governed by an ignorant
nonreligious dude. Their governor isn't religious so he'd rather kill
all his people than step down (another lesson for us to learn). I
sympathize with Syrians and I feel sad for the people who died just
because their president is a mindless son of a bitch. But, once again,
this is politics, not religion. He kills his people, but people didn't
kill each other before the uprisings started.

No kidding. I thought muslims don't kill each other at all, but apparently they do? And where are the estimates, statistics, hard facts, citations? If your little paradise is so peaceful how come i keep hearing about tyrants being overthrown, uprisings, wars, tensions? Of course, next you'll say someone is not a true muslim if he does those things, and i suppose you'd be right. But they come in all shapes and colours, my friend. You cannot hide ugly truth about human beings and pretend something does not happen because the good book says it cannot.

"religious person?" I said I wasn't religious in my post. But, it's ok... different perspectives.

No offense, but regardless of what you said, you sound extremely religious. Hell, you even pointed out i presumed to judge your little god, why would you if you were not religious? Does not compute.

Religion is important whether you want to admit it or not. It is
important because it gives people hope. It gives them something to live
for and do good deeds to other people.

Something to live for and do good deeds. That's insulting to me on so many levels. You should live for yourself and whatever else you find worthy of your life, and have a moral compass that you yourself calibrate. The fact that there are people out there that willingly (not talking about brainwashed children) let themselves be taken into this mental slavery, where you live not for yourself and do good deeds because someone told you to and not because you want to, where if you misstep just once, you're doomed for eternal damnation (or at least you're forced to think so), is just sad.

Guess most hope you'd get is that your wife fucked something up so you can go home and beat her. Heavy handed, i know, but the discrimination of women in the muslim world is something that truly upsets me.

Most psychiatrists agree that religion is important

You have a source on that? Because that smells like bullshit.

I'd rather live with religious ppl than live with skeptical people who never trust anyone.

So in your opinion non-religious people are all paranoid sceptics? Heh, thought you were all about taking down stereotypes, that's a shame. You don't have to be a sceptic to not believe in god. All you need is a non-zealot infested upbringing environment, a little curiosity about how the world works, and the ability to think for yourself. It's really simple.

I said the things I said because I wanted to change the false
stereotypes most people have I think you're here just to prove you're

Yes. Well, not really, just wanted to set the record straight on several matters that annoyed me in your post.

You and I could go for months talking, but you're never gonna prove your
point to me. As much as I failed to convey my message to you.
Probably your brain's firewall is always on blocking every sensible
thing anyone says. And what strikes me most is that you don't agree with anything I've said except one thing??

How would you know, you're in my head and can read my thoughts? I was inclined to agree or at least accept or think about several points in the first post you made, that's why i didn't quote them (and others i found to be too mentally depleting to think about and analyse), so yeah, there you go, you're wrong. If you automatically assume that everything i say is wrong and i have no chance of changing your mind even about one thing we're talking about, so be it. But let me tell you - rejecting information is the very definition of ignorance, which i thought we both loathe. LOL indeed.

Joined: Jul 2011
Re: Looking for the righteous path

Interesting how you go so aggressive James, that means you dont have anything to reply on Madbringers post.
In my mind "big bang theory , evolution theory and some other" atleast have something behind them (some researchs and indirectional facts), and Gods theory is on the bottom of my list of possible things that actually happened long time ago. I dont want to live in society with strong religion aspect, either its christian or muslim or other religions, atleast this scientists dont tell that its 100 percent right, its theory only and need a lot of facts to tell thats its viable atleast.
You cant change the human nature, there will be always people who want to controll others, especialy in religion society where you dont critically think.. just an easy mob for controll. Religion was good long time ago, when you need to unite and controll people to build strong empire and conquire other countries, becouse people wont go on war without any reason, religion was the reason and the best thing you dont even need to explain anything to your soldiers.. just fight for God and you will be saved in after life Happy (Easy motivation without actually spending any resources).

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: Looking for the righteous path
madbringer wrote:

If you automatically assume that everything i say is wrong and i have no chance of changing your mind even about one thing we're talking about, so be it. But let me tell you - rejecting information is the very definition of ignorance, which i thought we both loathe. LOL indeed.

damn ;}

I am addicted to life.

James's picture
Joined: Mar 2009
Re: Looking for the righteous path

Beginning with "Well, im an atheist."
How do you know God doesn't exist? Have you actually gone up there where more than half of the world's population think God exists and saw that nothing was there? Interesting, cuz not all people think the concept of God is dumb, and you sound like a lot of people who talk the same shit "believe in fairy tales...etc."

(Beginning with "If you don't need me to tell you."
No. I don't need you to tell me to read because I know when to read about whichever subject I want. And if you think I'm uneducated on these subjects, then why don't you read up on them and give me a brief summary, huh? You really make me piss myself laughing.

(Beginning with "You cannot be serious"
Hold your horses, dude. You seem to misinterpret some of the things I say Worried Also, I didn't say science is about belief. I know science is important for the development of any society. Belief is something and science is something else. Actually, it's stupid to feel sad that people believe something, because belief was never based on science or logic. They say "leap of faith" because it doesn't have to sound reasonable or logical for things to work out sometimes. I have faith that the world will not end in December 2012, and I believe that everything's gonna be ok and we're gonna live happy ever after. Horay!! Does that seem reasonable or logical to you? It doesn't seem logical to anyone, but that might actually happen. Hope I live til then to see what happens Winking

(Beginning with "Also, if god existed..."
Oops, who's mad now? xD not wise talk, my friend. And you can never prove your point.

(Beginning with "Gee, really?"
Here, you're actually contradicting yourself. No comment.

(Beginning with "I though Muslims"
I didn't say we were living in a fictional little Utopia. I was comparing the two communities, and if we exclude the uprisings and revolutions that happened in 2011-presnt, we will see that the estimates are rather lower than anywhere else in the world. I say we exclude the uprisings because these things happen anywhere in the world, and they don't necessarily happen because religion has bad influences. And the brilliant point here is that "the good book" did not say these things cannot happen. Maybe, again,you should go educate yourself.

(Beginning with "Guess most hope you'd get....."
Dude, drunk husbands in Poland don't beat their wives? Don't talk to me about a problem in a society. This has nothing to do with religion. Religion tries to solve these problems, and people choose to follow its rules or not. I hate discrimination against women too, and that shit exists everywhere in the world. And btw, how do you assume people here beat their women heavily? Just cuz a certain paper or the media show one incident, suddenly everyone here is so keen on that shit? Why don't you come here and make a research, if you're all about facts and tangible evidences? And, all of a sudden, you're all about women's rights and fighting for them lol. From your looks, I don't think you care about women at all.

(Beginning with "You have a source on that?"
I don't need to answer all your questions. I try my best to answer some of it. You should do the rest, go surf the net or do whatever you like. At least try to answer some of my questions too.

(Beginning with "How would you know?"
I know because you said in the previous post "But i can agree with one thing...." So, you quoted the parts you didn't agree with and then changed your mind and agreed with one of them? OK. Because you think it would result in stopping the killings that Muslims commit against people like you? LOL. Another misconception and false stereotype. I don't reject information. I <3 information, but from a valuable source, not from you. And I said you wouldn't change my mind because I have experience. I am not just some brainwashed kid Happy

Anyway, I lowered myself to your level and chose to continue this pathetic little charade because I think we could learn from each other (we're from different cultures). You get all your information from the media, and I am sure as hell you never read a valuable book about the Islamic culture or any other culture you might learn from, because your brain tells you these cultures are bollocks and inferior (a misconception). I don't believe anything I read in the media because I know they manipulate things according to their needs. One example (you can choose to believe it, and you can choose not to.Not my problem): I have an Iraqi friend who lives here now. He went to Iraq in 2004 to visit some family there, and he was able to behold one of the combats that occurred between American soldiers and Iraqi noobs, ok? Iraqi noobs had weapons too, so, yeah they're people who don't give a shit with weapons. That day as much as 50 American soldiers died. When he watched the news on BBC or CNN or CBS news or whatever, they mentioned that only 3 American soldiers had died. Don't tell me this story is bollocks because I agreed with him because I used to watch news back then and the number of American soldiers that died every time was either 3,4,5... bla bla. So I decided not to watch the news at all, or read the paper, because it's all a waste of time. Let's discuss the uprisings in Arab countries that you're so fond of and bring examples from because you're so considerate. The UN decides to help the people of Libya because they're governed by a tyrant (Qaddafi)? Why don't the UN help the Syrians? They're governed by a tyrant as well. Hmmmmm..... UN: "there's oil in Libya Ok, we'll pretend that we're going to help them and steal as much oil as possible." UN: "Syria? LOL there are no natural resources in Syria, who gives a fock about them? Let them go to hell." So, your civilized law that you're so proud of is fake and inconsiderate and it might decide to fuck you up one day before you know it. All they care about is money. You're so proud that you have a privilege - freedom of speech? And you think there's no freedom of speech here because if anyone talks shit gets his head cut off which seems hilarious to me and makes me piss myself laughing. I talk about anything I want the way I want, and, abracadabra, I'm still alive and my head is still on Surprise Back where we begun; religion is better than atheism, because imo all the laws that exist in the world now are way more fucked up than a simple law that existed MILLENNIA ago Happy

James's picture
Joined: Mar 2009
Re: Looking for the righteous path

quote: Interesting how you go so aggressive James..........................

I didn't go so aggressive, mr. smarty pants xD. In fact, I'm having fun here. I won't let a stupid argument on the Internet upset me. Never.

Interesting point, but it doesn't prove anything. Religions had some point to support them too, they're called"miracles." People millennia ago didn't just believe in religion out of the blue (because they weren't stupid; they were just as intelligent as you and me). You might argue that they were stupid. Well, being unaware of modern technology isn't stupidity. They lived in a different time. There must have been unnatural things that happened then. Jesus was believed to have brought people back from the dead. Muslims believed and still believe that the holy Quraan is the miracle; because it's written in perfect rhyme that no human being or any set of human beings could have ever accomplished at that time. In my opinion, miracles shouldn't have to be supernatural elements or ghosts or what have you. People would probably see ghosts and could somehow manage not to believe in God or a deity. That's because humans believe what they want to believe, that's it.

The last thing you said registers with Christianity a long time ago. Like the crusaders who were convinced they had to go to "the holy land," Jerusalem and fight to be saved. It also registers with some other religions, but it doesn't register with some religions including Islam. What if you came to war and want to conquer my country? Should I not fight you and surrender immediately? No, I would defend my country, and this it's seriously ridiculous to call that religious violence and conquering.

I am sorry I can be offensive sometimes, but that's the way I prefer to talk, and people talk to me like that all the time. Tongue

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: Looking for the righteous path
James wrote:

When you translate it, it loses its rhyme and looks funny, but I don't know why they decided to translate it into English and other languages, maybe just so that people who don't speak Arabic can have a simple idea about the themes it tackles.

dang a HOLY NATION, i think i have heard something familiar before o.0

James wrote:

Muslims believed and still believe that the holy Quraan is the miracle; because it's written in perfect rhyme that no human being or any set of human beings could have ever accomplished at that time.

hahahahahahahahahaha, it reminds me of a story where in one of the villages in poland ppl gathered to pray to a miracle, the miracle was a jesus christ drawn on the window by toxic gasoline pair (pretty the same as when it appears on road pools from car engines) but somehow ppl started to see in that a jesus christ face, priceless

I am addicted to life.