L1 :: *TC* 2:0 {N*T*G}/13.10.06/RANKED

34 replies [Last post]
Marcus's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
L1 :: *TC* 2:0 {N*T*G}/13.10.06/RANKED
triv' wrote:

We just need him cause the member with whom we wanted to had to go to hospital to visite a friend. And it isn't clear if his friend will die or not!

ehh, that is sad info... but... you should ask TC clan about posibility of change date of clanwar. It was bad decision to take player from other clan and think that all wont see that.

@sriam: You have clan, so why to changed it for one hour? You really think that is fair?

I think that this clanwar will be counted as w/o bcoz NTG clan didnt get players on match. There shouldn't be other effect of this case bcoz... As I know any other rules cant be added...

Sriam's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
L1 :: *TC* 2:0 {N*T*G}/13.10.06/RANKED

triv' wrote:
We just need him cause the member with whom we wanted to had to go to hospital to visite a friend. And it isn't clear if his friend will die or not!

ehh, that is sad info... but... you should ask TC clan about posibility of change date of clanwar. It was bad decision to take player from other clan and think that all wont see that.

@sriam: You have clan, so why to changed it for one hour? You really think that is fair?

I think that this clanwar will be counted as w/o bcoz NTG clan didnt get players on match. There shouldn't be other effect of this case bcoz... As I know any other rules cant be added...

no its not fair i understand u ofc but triv is a friend of me what would u do in this situation?
but now i have understand that i made a mistake...

coolest clan of e+ : Hyper!
coolest guy of e+ : okinex!

Dealinha's picture
Joined: May 2006
L1 :: *TC* 2:0 {N*T*G}/13.10.06/RANKED

i know you are child sriam, but miskte like this one, you cant do it...

Warren G
FELiX's picture
Joined: Sep 2004
L1 :: *TC* 2:0 {N*T*G}/13.10.06/RANKED

Mach will be ranked in clan rank, but in TDM league Match won tc by wo. So ntg has -1 point. NGT u have now 1 wo to give, 3rd wo = kick from league and -5 point in clan rank.

Sriam wrote:

no its not fair i understand u ofc but triv is a friend of me what would u do in this situation?
but now i have understand that i made a mistake...

Fair is lie? fair is cheat oponet clan in cw (u was in ktm and in this same moment u fake u was in ntg).

@ntg cl
hard is to tell before match u r player has hard sytuation? Now is too late for write reason.

trivium's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
L1 :: *TC* 2:0 {N*T*G}/13.10.06/RANKED

btw why did u let sriam play when u know that he is in ktm=?

playing on
[mouse]: ie 3.0
[mousepad]: corepad eyepad xxl
[keyboard]: Steelseries 6gv2
[headphones]: SteelSeries Siberia v2
[monitor]: Samsung Syncmaster 1000s 21"

ghost wrote:

its the people whos piss me of not the game, im never ever played an game on wich all is perfect to mine preferences there are always things to wich im must get used and acept them as they are no mater i like them or not i will try to understand thier mechanism and use for mine adventage

Faith's picture
Joined: Dec 2004
L1 :: *TC* 2:0 {N*T*G}/13.10.06/RANKED
Sriam wrote:

hmm i think u dont understand the situation of ntg Tongue

There is nothing to understand here, Registered {N*T*G} team for league is:

1. Trivium (CL)
2. Slayer
3. Amon
4. Darkain
5. Cruelfish
6. Demon

And only this players were allowed to play in this war, we could bend the rules, if you were clanless [on the day 02.10.2006] we could consider that you joined NTG just before the game...

triv' wrote:
We just need him cause the member with whom we wanted to had to go to hospital to visite a friend. And it isn't clear if his friend will die or not!

I feel sorry for your friend, but still its a poor excuse in my eyes, Where were the remaining 3 ntg members? if they were online, you wouldnt need to "cheat".

triv' wrote:
btw why did u let sriam play when u know that he is in ktm=?

Do you expect that referee know by heart all clan members? C'mon..

Anyways as Flex said, the game is considered as WO for league (-1 pts for NTG), as for clan ranking its not my buisness, to decide should it be ranked or not.

trivium's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
L1 :: *TC* 2:0 {N*T*G}/13.10.06/RANKED

cruelfish and darkain didnt were online in icq or msn for 3 or more weeks and demon were that guy that go to hospital

playing on
[mouse]: ie 3.0
[mousepad]: corepad eyepad xxl
[keyboard]: Steelseries 6gv2
[headphones]: SteelSeries Siberia v2
[monitor]: Samsung Syncmaster 1000s 21"

ghost wrote:

its the people whos piss me of not the game, im never ever played an game on wich all is perfect to mine preferences there are always things to wich im must get used and acept them as they are no mater i like them or not i will try to understand thier mechanism and use for mine adventage

trivium's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
L1 :: *TC* 2:0 {N*T*G}/13.10.06/RANKED

but he can know that sriam is in ktm..

playing on
[mouse]: ie 3.0
[mousepad]: corepad eyepad xxl
[keyboard]: Steelseries 6gv2
[headphones]: SteelSeries Siberia v2
[monitor]: Samsung Syncmaster 1000s 21"

ghost wrote:

its the people whos piss me of not the game, im never ever played an game on wich all is perfect to mine preferences there are always things to wich im must get used and acept them as they are no mater i like them or not i will try to understand thier mechanism and use for mine adventage

purgatory_ist's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
L1 :: *TC* 2:0 {N*T*G}/13.10.06/RANKED

nice game .


ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
GB United Kingdom
L1 :: *TC* 2:0 {N*T*G}/13.10.06/RANKED

im sorry but i find this ridiculous...

u penalise NTG for using a non-NTG player, yet they couldnt find an another player, and the people in charge of the league would be like "u failed to come up with enough players, strike 1 and *TC win by default* and the same people would equally be flaming NTG for bad organisation of the team...

Why introduce (or dare I say, copy) UEFA rules of European competitions where a football club registers a team before the competition? Surely in e+ it's supposed to stop *clan hopping*, but is there an element of clanhopping here? In professional football it was introduced for obvious reasons (finacial reasons and playas being forced apart if a player had his 2 clubs playing together. BUT:

a) Do the players of e+ sign professional contracts?
Cool Which include playing ours & player's fees and bonuses?

Abyway, about m/p gaiming: the UK's best CS leagues dont have those particular rules and every1's still playin CS... Or are they totally wrong?

If the player in question was simply helping, than what's the problem?

Dude had to go to hospital to check up his friend ffs!!! Oh no, thats a poor excuse, he should have stayed @ home and played q3 to prevent this horrible cheat/monstrosity/ terrible action leading to the downfall of mankind...

In fact, screw the official warning, lets abuse this power even more and let's ban demon for life for puttin his reallife in front of this great mod Love struck
Lets lead by example, or other people in here might get those so-called "friends" and spend less time playing, God forbid Surprise

Anyting else? lets copy the UEFA more, lets have compulsory piss tests to see if anyone has traces of drugs in their blood, by drugs we mean:

Nicotine - any of these mean a ban of between 6-18 motnhs
Sleeping pills

Failure to take a drugs test - ban for 8 months - 1st offence, 14- 2nd, 3rd offence - ban for life

Each passing day, this community is filled with self-loving hipocrisy more and more (am i innocent of this?), i see why both RENA and Mowli said "fuck this shit" and only care about THEIR clans now within almost a week of each other...


nonsense repellent declamatory