L1 :: HB 2:1 RS/10.10.2006/RANKED
Game for: TDM League - Round 1st
1. q3dm11 ( RS choise ) - 211:254 for RS
2. q3dm7 ( HB choise ) - 287:219 for HB
3. overkill (tie map) - 222:214 for HB
Server: TDM league server #2
Gametype: TDM
Players: 4 vs. 4
Timelimit: 15min
FriendlyFire: enabled
Punkbuster: enabled
Pure Server: enabled
Thx for game RS! nice purg!
Shame 2002demon didnt play, he really kicks ass
thnks hb .good game for u . very closed game
lol crowyy...
crow had conn. prob. at first map, he solved it by the second
overall i enjoyed the game very much, thx RS!
Strange that the last map was Overkill, not a standard map. I have never played it before have to practise.
But it was a fun cw.
GG both

i have some connection problems at first and third map! but we won!
thx HB!
thx for game RS!
hey crow you havent just some connection problem. to i have connectiona problem like a u . you are knowing this . and maik RS. COULDNT join last map. you saw this and immadeatly you begged to referee for start. hb have 6 member at first but crow said to hb dracula. (dont enter server dracula.). its not fairplay crow. we choice first map crow wanted 4v4 its ok after map you choiced we wanted 5v5 so crow didnt want to hb dracula in game. i quess he was afraid.
but good game hb conguralatins
i ll say last . overkill isint standart map . this map must change .. for tie map too bad......
i have some connection problems at first and third map! but we won!
thx HB!
thx for game RS!