kicked from BRO TDM by stollo
well i played with unruly las night, i thought there maybe a possibility he cheated but i'll discuss what i saw when the demo is out. i will see in it coincides with my views.
i do think its a bit dodgy to be able to rail someone on the space station map when they are using the bfg to shoot across the screen, and you have near 200 ping. i recorded a demo too, most of which im playing against him, i did this to show the view the accuser must have had.
150 points in 12 minutes is really, really not much
u seem to be a nub in ctf
stollo probably dunno xp_country
imo nothing bad with faking flag like evol players
but i'm patriot i'll never change it
Here, what i wanted to say when writin 'as if i am a piece of shit' is actually explained on the following sentence: "I mean he and the noob w him were so sure that I was already a cheater!". This threatment was too bad. As said b4, i learned how to play on bro so im not a new face here, most of e+ ppl know me and i dont really really deserve that sort of treatment.
I'm at a complete loss here. The admin actually watched you play for several minutes before you turned the aimbot off. WHATS THE PROBLEM? You cheated and got caught, accept it as a man without any whining. But, instead, you demand not to be treated as a cheater? are familiar with people around here? :roll: Even in the game you started whining like Gollum himself about how people know you, which Stollo also admitted, that he/she knew you. But also stated, that cheaters are not welcome.
imo the demo was recorded on a tdm game. I knew only drogon among all thr players Thats is, its also funny claimin cheat in such a situation. I remember the games i played w and got pounded by drt nihil maybe 10 times in run on a 1vs1 server. I always took those defeats as a part of learning. Also i dont go spectators in order ppl not to see the embarrasing score as some of u, when i really suck in the game.
It was a FFA game. Also, those times you didn't cheat arent really of interest here. It's the fact that you did cheat in a game where you got caught that is interesting.
type /locations
or use "traceroute" for ip that admin get by /rcon status
that show claear do u use proxy or not, and i know that stolo know the comands perfect.
and about 60 raill acc on ping 160 is kinda ameizing i cant get that score on ping 50, other had if u only have high ping (blue), u can aim so good thanx to unlagged technology, but if u had (yellow, red) ping in lagometer its not posible to had an 60%acc with rail.
my best rail acc is 90% on 1v1 server, (edit) litle mistake i had once 100% on 1v1, good spawns what i can say
/locations will show u the flag there are using and after that show u where they are from does with me sweden s? and then it will show US after... i like change my flag ...think that it is cool that evol has a team (clan) more thing does any one know how to make no flag show up .....that would be cool :
Ok - im back from work.
@NIHIL - i know xp_country command man. Dunno why you are trying to make a n00b out of me.
First off - the links.
unedited condump (taken after recording the demo and kicking unrulyst - when he connected back a map later):
I have been specting unrulyst a couple of maps before taking the demo on dm17. The most interesting thing I've noticed was the kinda spring-like action of the crosshair sometimes. It can be well seen on the demo too. Especially between me saying "unrulyst - i think you are aimbotting" and "now Im sure". Please notice when there are 2 of the opponents in front of unrulyst how the crosshair moves between them diagonally. Other interesting thing (which I observed on maps played earlier - unfortunately its not confirmed on the demo) was the vertical spring-like action of the crosshair. Aiming was performed following the schema: crosshair moving towards the target horizontally and then - when over or under the opponent - it snapped to the opponents model in a quick vertical movement. Most of skilled players aim and shoot dragging the crosshair through the target. Its nothing new. But they do circular or horizontal drags. Ive never seen anyone moving the crosshair horizontally and then snapping it up or down vertically.
Considering the proxy - when Mayhem said that you are using proxy Ive said something like "yup" and then "or xp_country". This also took place after recording the demo so its not documented there. Btw. I knew that you were not a PL player (that flag you were wearing).
Considering accuracy - it doesnt require much of smartness to get low accuracy when aimbotting. It only requires binding the aimbot to a switch and activating it every couple of shots for a couple of shots. Who said that a cheater always has to be a winner of a map? It would be too obvious, or?
Considering procedure - I warned you by saing "unrulyst - I think you are aimbotting" but you didnt say anything. I waited for a couple more minutes still specting you and waiting for your reaction. You only said "no!" once shortly after I said it and "wassup?" a while after. No further comments from your side. Please note that I didnt ban you. I just didnt let you play until my suspections get confirmed by the other players. And it was me who offered you that I post the demo on the forums for all players to see and to comment if you were cheating in their opinion. After that statement you started to threaten me that you will make your thread too and describe my unprofessional behaviour with details.
I posted here because unrulyst made his post first plus I offered him the opportunity to clean his name. If the community says that there was nothing wrong with your playstyle unrulyst, I will admit that I was mistaken. Until then in my opinion you were cheating. But if the community confirms my opinion I will ban you from all the BRO and MR. servers. No hard feelings - thats my job.
Thx at all the ppl who trust that Im doing my job right
-- EDIT --
(condump with x killed y stuff stripped - full condump linked at the beginning of my post)
[22:45] Dragon entered the game (RED)
[22:45] Quetzalcoatl connected (Denmark, DK, CGAME)
[22:45] Mayhem Man entered the game (BLUE)
[22:45] Failed to load model file models/players/characters/james/lower.md3
[22:45] Mayhem Man was railed by Dragon
[22:45] unruly $t! renamed to!
[22:45] katipan entered the game (BLUE)
[22:45] Mayhem Man: nice reflexology
[22:45] Defender entered the game (RED)
[22:46]! renamed to unruly st! {smokin}
[22:46] [UQT]Megaman entered the game (RED)
[22:46] unruly st! {smokin} renamed to unruly $t!
[22:46] unruly $t!: lol stollo
[22:46] [BRO]Adminüstollo: ?
[22:46] unruly $t!: i am playin on deex too
[22:46] Mayhem Man: lol
[22:46] unruly $t!: and w 250 ping
[22:46] unruly $t!: and win all games there
[22:46] unruly $t!: and
[22:47] unruly $t!: the admins never kicked me
[22:47] unruly $t!: ok why dont u try to spec me ? huh ?
[22:47] [BRO]Adminüstollo: i did
[22:47] Mayhem Man: he did dude
[22:47] unruly $t!: so ?
[22:47] Mayhem Man: ...
[22:47] [BRO]Adminüstollo: thats why i kicked you
[22:48] unruly $t!: man i didnt use that shity bots even for experiment
[22:48] [BRO]Adminüstollo: well... every cheater says that
[22:48] Mayhem Man: you did use it for a while, and the turned it off when
somebodu accuesd you
[22:49] unruly $t!: i a m n o t a cheater
[22:49] [BRO]Adminüstollo: Mayhem - thats my opinion too
[22:49] unruly $t!: ok m man ok if u claim that
[22:49] unruly $t!: then watch me now
[22:49] [BRO]Adminüstollo: i wont let you play
[22:49] Mayhem Man: you have it turned off now lol
[22:49] unruly $t!: thats bullshit
[22:49] unruly $t!: thats too rude
[22:49] [BRO]Adminüstollo: im sorry
[22:50] unruly $t!: ok i am gonna report that on forums
[22:50] [BRO]Adminüstollo: you have a right to
[22:50] unruly $t!: and write all the details
[22:51] [BRO]Adminüstollo: hi yoda
[22:51] MaTeO: wy kurwy lamy jebane
[22:51] [BRO]Adminüstollo: mateo - mind your language
[22:51] Mayhem Man: i understood that meteo
[22:51] SpongeBob: hi
[22:51] [BRO]Adminüstollo: hi
[22:51] Mayhem Man: hello
[22:52] MaTeO: i dobrze pacany
[22:52] unruly $t!: thats too rude stollo. i adore e+ and try to ppl play
them and u kick me. thats too bad
[22:52] unruly $t!: i hate this
[22:52] [BRO]Adminüstollo: if i believe that someone cheats, i kick him
[22:52] unruly $t!: i hate lamers
[22:52] [BRO]Adminüstollo: thank you
]\condump unrulyst
Dumped console text to unrulyst.
-- EDIT --
well actually I played unroly bunch of times and imo its some kind f misunderstanding but ill watch demos first
I want to correct sth. Im not sayin stollo told me offensive words. Neither i did tell him lamer. I just said "i hate lamers" and this wasnt pointed to stollo. And after i got simply frusturated after repeatedly being kicked i started this thread. Here, what i wanted to say when writin 'as if i am a piece of shit' is actually explained on the following sentence: "I mean he and the noob w him were so sure that I was already a cheater!". This threatment was too bad. As said b4, i learned how to play on bro so im not a new face here, most of e+ ppl know me and i dont really really deserve that sort of treatment.
Yes, i already knew the demo was going to be posted. If i had not been so sure about me not cheating, i wouldnot start this thread, rite? ok lets see the demo and judge then. imo the demo was recorded on a tdm game. I knew only drogon among all thr players Thats is, its also funny claimin cheat in such a situation. I remember the games i played w and got pounded by drt nihil maybe 10 times in run on a 1vs1 server. I always took those defeats as a part of learning. Also i dont go spectators in order ppl not to see the embarrasing score as some of u, when i really suck in the game.
And also one thing, another funny1. I change my flags through \xp_country occasioanlly. Its generally turkey, but sometimes polland, nl, it etc. This is not a proxy issue, needless to say. When i join a server on which ~all payers are polish, i become polish too. Same for italian. Or anytime i want. This is because i dont believe in flags. And last time i did it nepal imo lol cos it is said to be most strange flag all over the world. Anyway, i am from turkey, istanbul not from anywhere else really.