kicked from BRO TDM by stollo
ok, now i will speak more openly about last night, im sorry unruly you seem like a really nice guy but i do beleive your guilty, even if your just experimenting, at one point you may remember me sayin gi was speccing someone else, you must have beleived i was speccing you becasue your aim wasnt the best at this point, then when i made a joke about a move another player, this was to make you beleive i was specing him, your aim suddenly improved vastly.
hq made a very important point, he has superb aim, maybe the best i have seen and i can still bfg past him and get away from him, but i couldnt with you, what you dont ralise on the demo now and again i used rocket and bfg jumps when i knew you where near to see if you would hit me, knowing fully some of the moves could only be countered with a lucky shot even with skill of a player like hq or zoomer, you still managed to hit me, patterns like one ctf map where you can bfg to the other base avoiding the middle, i knew you were coming across so made you see me then used the bfg, to hit me the speed i am going on my ping compared to yours is lucky, to do it more than once is nigh on impossible,
stollo where can i put these demos to post them?
I agree with stollo on this one. Your actions unrulyst are very suspicious IMO.
1st: You have a Polish flag & a ping average of 169 to 190.Yet on the forums you have a Turkish country flag. Are you lost?
2nd:You accuse an admin of unporfessional behavior when a witness (Mayhem Man) says otherwise. Why must you lie?
I did 59.9acc w 250 ping on deex.
I can't even play with a ping of 250, how in hell did you manage this feat? In fact, I wouldn't even bother to play with a ping like that. However given your circumstances I would understand the need to play.
I play on deex's frag orgy and now wanna thank u all three admins of servers, Oldvamp, Sarasota anda Deexgod. They have never kicked me when i get 20 frags in a run with 250 even 300 ping.
20 frags? Sounds like luck on that night for you. In the screenshot below you damn-near trippled that with a ping of 169 to 190. If math were an issue here, you should average a score of 80 to 90 with a ping of 50 to 60. Which would make you an ExcessivePlus god.
unruly st!'s accuracy will not show since this screenshot was taken by me using Stollo's demo.
Yep gotta give up e+ imo. Still really enjoyin playin n learning but cant get any further this crappy connection. I am toooo tired of being named lamer almost every game.
If you wish to give up, that's is on you alone. Perhapse this situation could have been made easier with out the accusations that you have put on Stollo. Consider yourself lucky for being kicked rather than banned. The BRO admins don't just ban players for the fun of it. They take careful steps to investigate any situation.
How would you have reacted if you were /callvote kicked? Make a thread about asshat n00bs that voted you out?
A kick isn't always an insult, it is a wake up call. If you were using a bot, then I would reconsider the next time you log on.
Please mail them to me ( - I will put them on ftp server for download.
I havnt watched the demo but I say guilty just cause from what the rest say.
@NIHIL - i know xp_country command man. Dunno why you are trying to make a n00b out of me.
Considering the proxy - when Mayhem said that you are using proxy Ive said something like "yup" and then "or xp_country". This also took place after recording the demo so its not documented there. Btw. I knew that you were not a PL player (that flag you were wearing).
ok, sry i listened too much to mayhem
i saw demo and imo unruly didnt cheat there,
once time i met guy called railofhail when i spected him he has really strange moves, he won lotta of maps, pho3nix knows what about i'm talking, we invited him to genx-ffa-pb and he had still that strange moves and played well, pho3nix went sleep with words 'dont cheat on bro server' or something like that, but i wasnt sure if he cheated, so i ask him for his config, he played with cg_fov 200, for few years InstaUnlagged, i was on his server.. not everyone has same config like you, so moves maybe strange withouts cheats.. i think this is similar case, unruly playing long time with ping over 120-200, so his moves maybe strange for us <60ms-quakers..
So stollo! u are the 1 who should know all those and i must say u r absolutely wrong man! And I kindly advice u to review all u know about cheating.
There is no admin that knows everything.
Sorry stollo, but if u want i am gonna help u decide easily. I am gonna record a demo on dm17 w 60acc and post here. Again, if u want of course.
Yes, please.
He told he was gonna send the demo to bro admin.
I didnt receive any demo.
Yep, because of a noob again! One noob after another they all do these everytime! And u say: "thx at all the ppl who trust that Im doing my job right"
For the record - this "someone" n00b specting you through a couple of maps was me.
My name has never been dirty man!
I put it in other words. I offered you an opportunity to not get your name dirty.
@All ppl - please watch the demo, thats why I posted it here. If most of you say that I was wrong, I will (as I mentioned before) admit it. Not watching the demo and saying I was right doesnt make any good.
could be a good point nihil, i will mail them now stollo, notice the first demo, after a said its fun to free fly his accuracy does become better, the only problem with these demos is that unruly isnt stupid and if he thinks someone is watching he wont use it much (if incase he is even using aimbot of course, cause he may not be), but anyway the second is me playing again using some rocket moves and got hit, which is what alerted me, cause at first i thought you may be wrong. but anyway i will mail them now.
one more thing,
deex server is really far from czech republic, sometimes when all europe sleeps, about 4-5am europe time, only one chance to play e+ is deex server, i was there many times and 80% of time there is bunch of noobs which i can defeat 40-17 with 200-250ms ping, once i was there, and wasp terminator (from australia) comed, too with 200-300ping he said "PREPARE TO DIE", and he was little suprised that not only noobs are there..
playing with stable 200ms ping with unlagged technology is not problem
Hmm, well actually the demo doesn't make anything clear to me. He has a very wiggly playing style which makes it difficult to tell if there's any cheat involved.
But in my opinion he isn't cheating on the demo.
And also in general, after having played many games against him, i've never had the feeling he uses cheats. But, of course, i can be mistaken here.
I wouldn't ban him now, but probably just keep an eye on him.
![[MR.]^SlipStream [MR.]^SlipStream](/files/screenname/845a1785757a1b035a5e36ddbdea70cb.webp)
I havnt watched the demo but I say guilty just cause from what the rest say.
Not a very good attitude
Ok i watched the demo and I am completely surprised! Yesterday was my bad at q3 -as i said this to goq trouble in another game- and played crap games one after another. And the demo is one of them, i am still thinkin on why this play is so suspicious!
Firstly, i am afraid another we have misunderstanding here!
I didnt see "i think u r aimbotting" msg. When playin e+ esp dm17 i sometimes misses those messages. I only and fully concantrate on the game. Well, if u analyse the demo, u will see that "no!" was a reaction to 'going on wrong place' cos b4 that aimbotting talks i said another no! when commiting another suicide. And i always say that. I did only see the msg from noob saying "Vote kick" -forgive me but an alernative definition of noob is the1 who i shitting others intead of tryin to learn. As ppl blame me for aimbottin i always have an answer and sometimes i get so demotivated that i go spectators and dont play. Also, i now noticed i got 5-6 frags in a quick run just after 'some1' said "u r aimbottin". Come on n think about it and then judge all these assuming i am not a moron.
U can also see on the demo that i even didnot shot crashy (laggy) playa. Winning is not all and I always said sry! to the ones i accidentally fragged. And also 1 question: I shoot the fragged player lyin on the floor when on a killing spree, so i dont know and wonder why this aimbotting shit aims on a dead player!
Also, i am not really specialist on vertical/horizontal or wtf movements of crosshair. So stollo! u are the 1 who should know all those and i must say u r absolutely wrong man! And I kindly advice u to review all u know about cheating. Yep, this demo cant give u the exact opinion and if u saw any dm17 game of me on deex, u would ban me 4ever even not thinkin 1 sec on it, believe me!
Sorry stollo, but if u want i am gonna help u decide easily. I am gonna record a demo on dm17 w 60acc and post here. Again, if u want of course.
And that country talk is funny imo, i agree w nihil
I think the 1st one who said proxy that was that noob lol not stollo.
And i think all this shit started a few days ago while me and goq trouble was playin and another 'noob' who is spectatin said "u have bot, scripts etc..", we denied that but he insisted and threatened me. He told he was gonna send the demo to bro admin. Yep, because of a noob again! One noob after another they all do these everytime! And u say: "thx at all the ppl who trust that Im doing my job right"
>> I posted here because unrulyst made his post first plus I offered him the opportunity to clean his name.
My name has never been dirty man!