is E+ insta rail years are over?

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unique * mnc
mnc's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
is E+ insta rail years are over?

Well drilly I'm trying to look @ the timer when I'm picking up items and there were few times where I had ~600 hp and ~600 armor for few rounds bringing my killstreak to 25 frags.

If people wouldn't like it they wouldn't play.
I believe aim servers has old plus.cfg converted to newer e+ version without significant changes.

And don't compare this config because on cpma/osp you can't do fastmoves or multijumps which are unique to our community.

tr1ckz's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
is E+ insta rail years are over?
UNREAL wrote:

unique * mnc wrote:
This is just an innovation to the gameplay, which seems to bring more fun to a lot of players.


not innovation but like in vq3/cpma etc

and i like it

my 3 cents

i just love that change in e+ ;]
it brings much more fun, since u can collect armors, healths and go on enemies Happy u have chances even if u r last alive in ur team.

On board since August 2007.

Joined: Nov 2005
is E+ insta rail years are over?
unique * mnc wrote:

If people wouldn't like it they wouldn't play

imo i still think ppl play it mostly cause good tweaked weapon atributes what fala did and not by powerups.
I wont make offtopic here now. it was just my opinion so better case closed for me.

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
is E+ insta rail years are over?
unique * mnc wrote:

And don't compare this config because on cpma/osp you can't do fastmoves or multijumps which are unique to our community.

that's exactly what I like e+ Big grin and why I'm sticky here.

Add to it the really awesome changes that can be done to gameplay just by changing one line in config file Tongue

many choices Arrow many players

Make many configs in many unused servers then call ppl
they must love at least to stay in one of all those different servers.

In the inverse, make whole community play only one config and in one or 2 servers.
Ppl can't enter waiting for free slot, and when they enter they will not like it for sure then leave e+.

All that, I'm talking about new commers, cos we really need e+ number of players to grow, and I am optimistic for that. Happy

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
is E+ insta rail years are over?

u think, u not think. I play it because of both.

Fala made real effort to keep it as much as "excessive" as possible, but going away from a totally pointless config like plus.cfg, which had truly "0" balance.

And like i already vote, the most of the game under plusN is still insta kill.

My impression is, many people who are not used to all that armor/health stuff just dont like it, because they dont know yet, how to to beat armored, battlesuited enemies. When those people are getting used to it, they start also to like it.

The whole game in plusN is much more variabel, and not as liniar as and railonly-based like plus or bro. All u have to care in plus/bro is the enemy and ur own aim. In plusN u have to care more, and thats why I like it, since plus/bro just bored me in the meantime, because it is so stubborn.

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
is E+ insta rail years are over?

G0o0d ideaz... Excesive rail :!: not warior suitz :!: pley cpma for itemz :!:

Regardz Evil :!: :!:

Reno's picture
Joined: Sep 2006
is E+ insta rail years are over?

Personally PromodeIU is the best rail cfg I have played to date.

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
is E+ insta rail years are over?

or to say, the priority in this game changed from fragging to scoring.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

russki's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
is E+ insta rail years are over?

I guess ill address all these arguments in proper order Happy

@Skull: So if before that "nub" as u put it, was able to frag u one time out of luck. Now hes able to frag u much more. out of luck of course Laughing cause he managed to pick up quad, BS, and few armors and health. If before he had to be lucky enough to land a rail shot on u, now he has to be lucky enough to spam u to death, while u rail him 3 times, awesome, aint it Cool

@Mow: Lets not get into the argument of how its called, u know well what spider means by excessive :roll: . Its the gameplay that we as players got used to for about 4+ years now. And a weird thing is, during those years, ive never seen a movement that called radical overhaul of plus cfg. I mean there were some, Foksie and Mad tried if im not mistaken, but they didnt get anywhere far, meaning a majority of the players were happy with plus.cfg and didnt need change (btw where was HQ/Fala during that time ? Why didnt he want to add pick-ups and power ups that he so desperatly loves now ? Hmm...)

So what im getting at is if the majority of players didnt want/need change, why force that change upon them ? Cause im sure we're all nubs that need someone to come along and make us a better config, so we become more skilled and "pro' right ? Laughing

So next u go into saying that its not official yet and teach us the wisdom of how to make a config popular... You tell us to make a server and get our friends to play on it... Too bad thats not what Fala did Surprise He took an already immensely popular server (beer) and trough his connections (aka being friends with the admins, and influence of being an experienced member of this comunity, if u will ) put his cfg on it.

Now why is beer is so popular, imo because it doesnt lag like aim, lower ping for most ppl, and ussually better competition. But in fact since the introduction of plusN on it i saw Aim+ filling up faster, and being full much more often! A thing which rarely happend when plus was running on beer... So not too get entirly off topic, plusN was basically forced on the players as i see it... And since its "playable" ppl ( including me) will still play on beer, doesnt mean we have to like it or play cws on it. However what will happen when one clan wants plusN and the other plus and they cant agree? Of course there are ppl that love plusN, dont get me wrong, im not trying to say that everyone hates it, but i see a majority of the ppl not liking it, mostly due to power-ups...

So Mow dont tell ppl to start their own server and get their cfg popular, when clearly its not how it was with plusN...

And then ur "how to fight against BS" tutorial is just , lol. What if the enemy is mid/long range sg is uselless, u have to rail. Either way i find myself railing someone (usually the same person Laughing ) more than 2 times, for about half a dozen time per game, maybe more, while they just spam crap at me :roll:

@Mnc: I actually noticed slight if no differnce in how ppl play with plusN. Like the point drill touched off on. Im sure not many ppl actually time the power-ups. they just happen to be fast moving, bouncing off walls, type of players that roam around the map. Of course they now know where power-ups spawn and frequent those places more often. But, they were fast moving players before plusN, and the slower cautiously moving ones still stayed the same.

The only difference is: those that are flying around spamming are rewarded, with huge power boosts, while those that are little bit slower but actually accentuate on aim, get the shaft. In plus if u wanted to fly around and spam u can kill someone, and the other person can kill u if hes careful enough and has good aim. Now hats what i call balance. (Btw i know not every fast moving player is a bad aimer, or vise-versa, just most of the time it happens to be that way...)

@Ali: Attract OSP/CPMA palyers to e+ ? I seriously loled at that....

@Mow(again) You say most ppl dont like power-ups and pick-ups cause theyr not used to them. Dont know about others but i can speak for myself that i played my share of cpma and QL and simply put, if i want to time my items ill go play those mods, easy as that... (btw not even talking about power-ups, except for maybe quad in tdm, they are not used there and even then, it doesnt give that kind of ridiculous advantage that BS/RA/Mega/Quad now give in e+...)

alltimes luck!

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
is E+ insta rail years are over?

nobody is forced to do anything. thats what u have not seen by ur long post. any player can "choose", and again, the advantage by powerups is not as high as some of u express it.

most part of the game is still instagib, i claim more than 90 % and u dont get often just out of luck, bs+ra+mh

i already agreed to make them weaker, it would be ok for me, but if something is redicoulous, than it is "plus.cfg" as such, same as bro.cfg or r0.cfg, if u know about its origins. the whole config as such, makes no sense Happy eve if i liked it for years.