Instant.cfg | v1.01

---edit----same time asp

-rail is littlebit slower than r4e09f, but also much faster than rr,
-no multijumps,
-two weapons usable: railgun and gauntlet,
-no items and armors (except Protect The Leader gametype), no powerups,
-railgun's knockback reduced
1st = slower? ok make it as not cons var = votable fast medium and slow rail in cfg (as $variable)
2nd = so give hook please.
3rd = no items? awww with MH or armors (many armors) player shall be stronger could live after 1 shot in my oppinion - more dificult game.
4th = if i cannot do some 'trick' jumps at dm17 it sucks balls for me knockback must be like in zone rail server!!!! was best there
BTW. good work trx thx

-two weapons usable: railgun and gauntlet,
Edit from Moderator : Delete a offensive word !
Damage = Knockback = 400;
Self Knockback = 200;
by the Rail is my option ( like a grenade launcher )
add grapple :
Grapple {
Offhand = yes;
Cycle = 400;
Damage = 300;
Knockback = Damage;
Splash Damage = 0;
Splash Knockback = Splash Damage;
Radius = no;
Self Damage = 0.5;
Self Knockback = Splash Knockback;
Firing Knockback = 0;
Speed = 3000;
Pull Speed =1500;
for examble..
I don't know much about other configs but this one plays really nice!

i tested only a litle on my home server because my thumb is broken but its a nice difrent config not like all normal railonly configs
i like it because no multijumps and the reload speed is good too, with bots is good playable so i think with players in ffa will be nice too xD maybe add offhand grappling hook for a litle faster play but i like it how it is now C;
thumb still broken? half year?
p.s. is that you bro? you testing something? my little bro? you sound pretty mature now, congratulations!
p.s. though that you like multijumps...
nice config,i think that e+ need more servers with this or iu1.2beta3 cfg-s which is would be good way to get more oldschool players from insta-unlagged join e+