Instant.cfg | v1.01
Well, many players wanted fusion of r4e09f.cfg and rr.cfg. I had some free time, so i decided to create it.
Imo its perfect config for 1v1 and freeze tag cups.
Some infos about config:
-rail is littlebit slower than r4e09f, but also much faster than rr,
-cpm physics,
-no multijumps,
-cfg has separate settings about Protect The Leader, Freeze Tag and Capture The Flag gametypes,
-two weapons usable: railgun and gauntlet,
-reduced world damage (falls, lava, slime etc.),
-some changes in thawing (little bit faster than r4e09f),
-respawn time after suicide slighty faster than normal spawn,
-no items and armors (except Protect The Leader gametype), no powerups,
-railgun's knockback reduced
Let me know what u think about it
i tested only a litle on my home server because my thumb is broken but its a nice difrent config not like all normal railonly configs i like it because no multijumps and the reload speed is good too, with bots is good playable so i think with players in ffa will be nice too xD maybe add offhand grappling hook for a litle faster play but i like it how it is now C;
nothing is perfect
OMG! The Best config on E+! I did't know about it o_O Good work m8!
Yes, it'll This config shows the true face of Quake 3 Arena. Amazing
People destroy the true essences of the game (Q3A). Playing on these bananas cfg's. This is sad, very sad.
Are you one of those people who want to show the true Q3A I like it. Great job, again
im new how do you use this config on the game
multigame / create / do new server whatever interet.lan.itp / play:> / in console load instant.cfg / add bot / and kuqwa play ah before that add this cfg file to your excessive / config FOLDER , ., . If you are realy new dont ask again

im new how do you use this config on the game
First welcome to the q3 excessiveplus mod.
here we go:
you can use it on localhost for examble : single player vs a bot....
1. download this config
2. copy and paste it into excessiveplus/conf folder
3. ingame you open console with ^ and type into /load conf/instant.cfg
4. map restarted with the new config
5. finished _ play & have fun with it
you can look for you at your desired conf on the public server :
However, there is no server with that config in public @ the moment
you find here all what you need and test what config u prefer
( Server Spider ) :

im new how do you use this config on the game
to be more specific like above
to load cfg, if u have placed it in c:\quake3\excessiveplus\conf\ folder u will need to use /load conf/name_of_the_file
---edit----same time asp
well, i won't add grapple
this cfg will be for my next tournament. will add some thing soon, but now im pretty inactive ;]
ps. thanks for testing and comment
i appreciate it
On board since August 2007.