InstaGib Freeze Tag League 2016

clan r2 in
motyla noga : O
Nice 1 !
We need another clan for equal amounts, let's wpierdol, slnc, twt, pw, high

We need another clan for equal amounts, let's wpierdol, slnc, twt, pw, high
13th !!!!!! ololo

We need another clan for equal amounts, let's wpierdol, slnc, twt, pw, high
I do not see the point. Only the stupid do not know that Punkbuster is outdated. Sv_Pure easy to get around. Give each wallhack, maybe then i will be think about it..

We need another clan for equal amounts, let's wpierdol, slnc, twt, pw, highI do not see the point. Only the stupid do not know that Punkbuster is outdated. Sv_Pure easy to get around. Give each wallhack, maybe then i will be think about it..
I prefer pb instead of antiwallhack , awh randomnly makes enemy invisible around corners.

We need another clan for equal amounts, let's wpierdol, slnc, twt, pw, highI do not see the point. Only the stupid do not know that Punkbuster is outdated. Sv_Pure easy to get around. Give each wallhack, maybe then i will be think about it..
I prefer pb instead of antiwallhack , awh randomnly makes enemy invisible around corners.
Damn right, this anti wh prevents me from doing corner shots half of the frickin time.
Punkbuster not doing its job. His work create lags. Uses AntiWHLevel-1 (excessiveplus anti wallhack) no sense. It's a dead end. Developer must solve the problem of. He must update antiWallhack system, or create getSS system.
awh really is a pain in the ass, glad more people seem to notice.. pb is useless as well and q3 is 100 years old so imo lets just have that one guy that cheats and let him be happy. or sth (i dont think anyone cheats anyways)

awh really is a pain in the ass, glad more people seem to notice.. pb is useless as well and q3 is 100 years old so imo lets just have that one guy that cheats and let him be happy. or sth (i dont think anyone cheats anyways)
Completely agree!
I agree with the fact that we don't need any pb but I cannot say I believe nobody cheats as you said Rix.
I believe some people here will cheat no matter how but I don't care, if they find the game amusing that way well that is strictly their business. Most of those anticheat programs are just a pain in the ass for honest players anyway, for instance that anti-wh gives you so many random corner/edge opponent warps, we don't need that shit. Pb used to make some people lag/unable to connect to some servers because of wrong installation or because they were unable to set it properly. Since both anti-wh and PB still allow some to cheat, I don't see why we should bother.
Let fools be fools and just play the game.
P.S : I also do not have PB installed on new rig and feelin quite lazy to install it back again