in_mouse "-1" > "3" problem
Since many months I play with command "\in_mouse -1" and when I changed it yesterday to "3" my performance increased nearly 300% on Beer Freezer.
The problem is, it's started to changing automatically back to "-1" and I can't change it to 3, however I want I can't do it. Any ideas how to solve it?
[screenshot: \vid_restart or even restarting q3 won't helps too]
_= edit: wrong screen
I will test it how does it come to my config (have not been tested in_mouse with value 3 yet) and refly with experiments.
Some day ago I detected new behaviour of mousing too Maybe cheese level getting too low in the PC
This is what John Carmack said regarding the in_mouse values he implemented in Quake 3.
in_mouse 1: Mouse control with standard win-32 cursor calls, just like Quake 2.in_mouse 2: Mouse control using DirectInput to sample the mouse relative counters each frame. This behaves like winquake with -dinput. There isn't a lot of difference between this and 1, but you get a little more precision, and you never run into window clamping issues. If at some point in the future microsoft changes the implementation of DirectInput so that it processes all pending mouse events exactly when the getState call happens, this will be the ideal input mode.
in_mouse 3: Processes DirectInput mouse movement events, and filters the amount of movement over the next 25 milliseconds. This effectively adds about 12 ms of latency to the mouse control, but the movement is smooth and consistant at any variable frame rate. This will be the default for Quake 3, but some people may want the 12ms faster (but rougher) response time of mode 2.
It takes a pretty intense player to even notice the difference in most cases, but if you have a setup that can run a very consistant 30 fps you will probably apreciate the smoothness. At 60 fps, anyone can tell the difference, but rendering speeds will tend to cause a fair amount of jitter at those rates no matter what the mouse is doing.
DirectInput on WindowsNT does not log mouse events as they happen, but seems to just do a poll when called, so they can't be filtered properly.
(taken from here )
As i see in the picture it doesn't allows you to set 3 because the engine seen your operating system having Windows NT 4.0 platform; which seems to have some problems like John Carmack said above..
I just wonder how it worked before.
Here is the quake3 source code from where this message appears.
Try autoexec.cfg with: in_mouse "3" and in_restart
Install Win98
khaaz, what for a system have u?
if u have win 7 (32 or 64 bit) than check this 1:
and read post number 3 (from RAYDEN).
mby u must delete from there your old cfg file!!

Those information's are seriously outdated. This behaviors are for early releases of q3.
u can follow the point resales changes logs to get the today's in_mouse settings, and they differ pretty much to what is written up there
Yes u might be right for the in_mouse values descriptions.
But the q3 code is still stopping in_mouse values different then '0' and automatically set it to '-1', if your operating system is a Windows NT platform (doMajorVersion = "4" ). And this is from the 1.32b version sources:
// nt4.0 direct input is screwed up if ( ( g_wv.osversion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ) && ( g_wv.osversion.dwMajorVersion == 4 ) ) { Com_Printf ("Disallowing DirectInput on NT 4.0\n"); Cvar_Set( "in_mouse", "-1" ); }
// nt4.0 direct input is screwed up
(in the 1.32c the point release log shows no changes for the in_mouse settings, it only fixes 2 exploit vulnerabilities)
@Khaz Maybe you have an 64bits OS. Try to change the compatibility mode of the quake3.exe file?
If im wrong please add infos.
So, epsi, what does that means? I'll be never able to playing in "3" value? I dunno about those informatic stuff
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- Mark Twain