Excessive Plus v1.04-beta4

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S3c|¯3¯|¯ [EN]
Secret's picture
Joined: Feb 2005
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta4
*[UO]*OSKALIBER' wrote:

E+ already looks ridiculous for people not from E+, shotgun trails, tons of spam etc. New weapons skins are not needed, keep it as Q3 mod instead of making new game out of it.

I think it could easily be done as an option.

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BE Belgium
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta4
unique * mnc wrote:

And how about reworking quad damage not to affect movement weapons (grenades, bfg)

maybe it could be cfg controlled. cause sometimes its handy.(for ctf at least)

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xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta4

Hello everybody ! as my last post was like 1year ago Happy

About menu : if it to be made, it should have Cvars in it with the description of each one and well organised (as sensitivity, cl_mouseacc... in same submenu). I don't know if it's a lot of work, but could be a very powerfull tool that writesconfig automatically.

qname : a new qname tool is welcome if possible.

xp_drawTeamsCount wich draws the number of alive players in each team (usefull in freeze gametype)

startRecord without arguments works well if the server name hasn't dots else there is an error[code:1]ERROR: couldn't open.[/code:1]

Is it possible to make the same syntax for screnshotJPEG ?[code:1]"$(rdate)_$(time)_$(map)_$(server).jpeg"
Or "$(rdate)_$(time)_$(map)_$(server)_$(blueTeamName)-$(redTeamName).jpeg"[/code:1]

My qname doesn't work good in spider, but works for some others
maybe it's related to the length(mine has 220 chars) of the name or xp_name ?

Not tested yet
Is the bug concerning when server has 64slots fixed ?

What about the players who appear frozen when server has more than 16slots ?

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

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Reno's picture
Joined: Sep 2006
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta4
*[UO]*OSKALIBER' wrote:

shotgun trails

Almost forgot!! remove shotgun trails please! or at least have xp_shotguntrails 1 or 0 for us to change it Happy


"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

S3c|¯3¯|¯ [EN]
Secret's picture
Joined: Feb 2005
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta4
UnknownUser807 wrote:

*[UO]*OSKALIBER' wrote:

shotgun trails

Almost forgot!! remove shotgun trails please! or at least have xp_shotguntrails 1 or 0 for us to change it Happy

can simply be done in cfg... already worked in 1.03...
just tell that the guys who make plus.cfg for 1.04 Winking

Joined: Mar 2007
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta4

[code:1]add: xp_noShotgunTrail[/code:1]

from changeslog

dancing shadow's picture
Joined: May 2008
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta4

when enemy moves in acid and u kill him, it will thaw instantly, but when u kill enemy outside acid and push him into it then it works proper

does i messed something in cfg or its a bug?

censorship on YouTube sucks rabbit balls

Joined: May 2007
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta4

btw in freeze when you going to unfreeze a guy does it take less time now to unfreez it? or is just me ??? :roll:

dancing shadow's picture
Joined: May 2008
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta4
KOMPR3SSOR * 3U wrote:

btw in freeze when you going to unfreeze a guy does it take less time now to unfreez it? or is just me ??? :roll:

depends about config u do use, plusbeta.cfg is no more compatible with new mod release

in plusN.cfg its 2.2sec, default.cfg 4sec, and I think previous release of mod it was 3sec

also now in plusN.cfg when u do unfreezing and the stopped the time does not reset and u start unfreezing from the moment someone or u did stop

censorship on YouTube sucks rabbit balls

hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta4

hey guyz i dont know if that in action at the new release i ask about HUDS

like in CPMA exambles: http://www.crosshair.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51:--quake-3-cpma-hud&catid=7:quake-3&Itemid=54&lang=ru

is that too in the new release or what is in progress about the huds..i heard somewhere and its long time ago but can we handle that or that is a big problem many work ?



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