Clanwar :: Brain Eaters
On behalf of WASP2 I would like to congratulate the BE Clan for their victory in our Clan War.
Dis, today you were better than us but we look forward to a FW in November and hopefully another CW in December/January.
Dakini, thank you for the use of the DeeX server and for a good job of Officiating the match.
Q3DM8 Map Results (save it to see the right side of the picture):
Q3DM11 Map Results (save it to see the right side of the picture):
To see the demos, for those who may not know:
1. Create a folder (directory) named demos in your Q3 ExcessivePlus folder (directory).
2. Copy the demos to that folder (directory).
3. Open Q3 and load the ExcessivePlus mod
4. On the Q3 Main Menu go to Demos and play them.
To any other North American/South American Clans, WASP2 would like to play a Fun War each weekend for the next 3 weeks. Please contact me if you are interested. The best time for matches with WASP seems to be on Saturdays or Sundays late (between 9:00PM - midnight US Eastern Standard Time).
To any European Clans, WASP would like to play one Fun War (Monday to Thursday nights) each week for the next 4 weeks. Contact me or WaspProbatio to make arrangements.
To all WASP2 members please visit the Private Forum on Tuesday, 16 October, or shortly after as I will post some important information.
gg`s guys!
good victory BE
in the next cw the victory re in ur hands WASP , cheer up!
lol everybody is playing CW's FW but IFFFFF dvinsk ask for some CW . they always say they are not ready to play us
wooooooooow u.u
that shit really sux
please stop the fear or whateaver u all american clans got against us
and play us

lol everybody is playing CW's FW but IFFFFF dvinsk ask for some CW . they always say they are not ready to play us wooooooooow u.u that shit really sux please stop the fear or whateaver u all american clans got against us and play us
Defax0r, I can't speak for the other Clans but that is a bit unfair for WASP and WASP2.
In WASP2's case, I (a nOOb leader) took a Clan in which EVERYONE had left and basically filled it with nOObs from DeeX. In WASP's case, not counting me and Term (who are really only figureheads) and Hunter (who re-joined in August) the other 4 new members all joined between mid-September and October 2007.
To illustrate, in our match with BE, only 1 of our 5 players (Forest) had ever played in a Clan War previously.
Since the average member of WASP2 has been with the Clan (their 1st Clan) for 3 months and the average member of WASP even less, I told you previously that we would be willing to play a FW (which we take seriously) anytime.
However, you want us to play a CW with you, a 3 member only elite team of veterans. I don't mind losing because I see that as an opportunity to strive for improvement, but you want us to EMBARRASS ourselves, and I won't give you that pleasure you SOB.
Give us until December or January and either WASP and/or WASP2 will gladly play a CW with Dvinsk.
gg WASP2 & BE
@ nefaxtor
if you want BF is ready to play Cw on CTF vs Dvinsk what u say ?

lol everybody is playing CW's FW but IFFFFF dvinsk ask for some CW . they always say they are not ready to play us
wooooooooow u.u
that shit really sux
please stop the fear or whateaver u all american clans got against us
and play us

lol everybody is playing CW's FW but IFFFFF dvinsk ask for some CW . they always say they are not ready to play us
wooooooooow u.u
that shit really sux
please stop the fear or whateaver u all american clans got against us
and play us
Fear? LMAO!
Ummm it's called being smart about the situation. BE is still in the beginning stages, we just finished our 1st CW with a completely new line-up compared to the past. When the day that Hadder comes back and we have a couple more CW's under out belt, then I would be tempted to CW dvinsk (but that's up to Disso). Try looking at the bigger picture, you guys are too leet (I hope this doesn't inflate your head any more), and clans/teams aren't ready for dvinsk yet (speaking for northern amercian). The rest are in beginning stages as well, from what I've seen.
You didn't think this was going to happen when Dvinsk became alive?
It's a damn good attitude you have Killer! As I said, you need to push your players limits to make them better and better. Playing a match constanly will keep the team spirit at a good level.
And thanks Necro
We look forward for playing WASP2 anytime soon !
:: eXcessiveplus america ::