[19:39:33] [@di[g]it] A payee receiving a traveler's cheque should follow its normal procedures for depositing cheques into its bank account: usually, endorsement by stamp or signature and listing of the cheque and its amount on the deposit slip. The bank account will be credited with the amount of the cheque as with any other negotiable item submitted for clearance.
[19:40:05] [@Torzelan] too many usa words
[19:40:15] [@di[g]it] bank take check
[19:40:20] [@Torzelan] k thx
[19:40:21] [@Torzelan]
: Not really. On SEGA Playstation you can play online with the E+ mod in Apex Legends, Warzone and Battletoads
: e+ on ql? no. no mods on ql
: Does this work on Quake Live?
: Active is too strong word. Just time to time someone visit this forum. Public plus servers are mostly empty. If you can play railings dm7 again and again, you can always find someone to play with.But I don’t