check this screenie - is it wallhack?

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redkn33d's picture
Joined: Jun 2007
check this screenie - is it wallhack?
mow Q [EN] wrote:

For the protocol, i just attacked DAN, and people who offended me here Big grin

I told rkt hyper in this thread, that i am on his side. I did not make rkt bad as clan, i made the people bad who are defeding Dan.

rkt hyper is trying to make a good job, and it was not me who blamed rkt, it was dan and his defenders who blamed rkt.

Anyway, dear Dan and to his defender-group, I'm not really good with fools, but a friend who is good with fools wrote something down for me. Oh, yeah, "Shut your cake-hole, stupid!"

2-3 months ago, i was "fighting" with 69 on private. he is an older player than me, i listen to him (he is right, not always, but allmost time), finaly we get our statement to "Friends" ( Happy true 69)

i need to tell rkt ppl that dan was 1st blamer cuz he cheat, but especially cuz he lied to me; and i asked him for serveral times...and he said NO...

redkn33d's picture
Joined: Jun 2007
Re: ptr kraster
DREAM wrote:

kraster wrote:
Involved who the hack are u ? just go from where u come and never come back . Btw change account to Dan also .. u forgot :roll:

gtfo(both if u consider 2 persons). And btw I'll promise u, u will not come back to rkt under any other name.

And i'll follow every romanian player that joins an e+ clan Winking

change ip, serial or whatever u want, i will still catch u Winking

ur romanian enemy,
kraster(remember this name, if u will still be around e+)

kraster ia si te uita nene ca nu suntem aceeasi persoana, am intrat ieri aici si mi-am facut cont ca sa pot posta pentru ca am jucat la viata mea quake cat pentru voi toti, si acum am doar 42 de ani. Asa ca am hotarat sa intru sa nu mai fiti voi acuzati aiurea pentru un cheater, iar cei din alte clanuri dupa cum bine vezi l-au facut pe RKT JOHN stupid samd, au atacat rkt fiindca au mai avut un cheater asa ca citeste toate posturile si pe urma ameninta. Am instalat quake ul aseara dupa 3 ani de zile, am jucat cu dan si joaca bine, si ffff stupid din partea lui ca a avut cheat, dar sa stii ca m-au scos din sarite acesti prieteni ai tai din alte clanuri. Flexx, 69 care dupa ce ca va face in toate felurile nu recunoaste. in fine.. imi sterg contul si am plecat pentru ca aici nu este intelegere. Si sincer sa fiu pentru un stupid de walhack leaderul clanului trebuia sa spele rufele in familie, motiv pentru care a si iesit ce a iesit. Dan si-a cerut scuze si sigur nu va mai juca e5r. am vorbit destule cu el, nu are nici o scuza ptr ce a facut, dar sincer sa fiu nu imi mai pasa. Se vede ce uniti sunteti. bafta. si uita de mine, si cauta ip urile si te convinge ca nu suntem nici pe departe prieteni sau aceeasi persoana. Eu sunt din Iasi iar el din Bt. Numai bine/. iar daca cineva fara sa il acuz ma injura de familie, si sa imi bage nush ce in gura cum zicea 69 imi pare rau dar sunt o comunitate de rahat. can un om incearca sa isi ceara scuze i le accepti il dai afara din clan pentru cheat ii dai ban de pe serverle publice si cred ca e de ajuns. in rest hai pa

citeste si baga la cap NOOB de 42 de ani: am 27, da se pare ca is mai "batran ca tine" dupa 3 ani esti nub, si q3 joc din 99 de ci de 9 ani aproape, la faza asta esti iara nub;

daca incerci sa faci ceva rau, cum zicea kst, te prindem !!!! and ur busted.

si btw: se pare ca la tine si la dan minciuna repetata e ceva bun ?!? asa ma lasa sa imi dau seama foarte usor ce oameni sunteti

pe cei din clan ii sun in permanenta !!! si curand o sa ne cunoastem toti !!! ASTA INSEAMNA COMUNITATE... NU MINCIUNA...CA DATORITA MINCIUNII SE SPALA RUFEE IN PUBLIC

intact-epsilon's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
check this screenie - is it wallhack?

OK .. back where we were ok?

This topic is called "check this screenie - is it wallhack?"

But here is way to many posts off topic. Thinking

Is heated too much (above 90 degrees Celsius Shock ).

Can somebody CLOSE this topic? Sad

And if you want to continue please do so with private messages and if and only if this is realy needed then open another topic with "part 2"

What i see now is that this topic is going way to much .. Shock

Now i see this topic has 12 pages (maybe 13 pages because of the posts i dont see while i typeing this Big grin) and anyone that post something new, starts an argue because ... here are too many words.(i spent only 2 hours to read and analyse who and to who is saying what)

I see attacking posts with and without proves. I see defending posts with excuses or new attcking statements.

Please close this topic asap. (as soon as posible.)
Thank you admin in advance.

All my posts in this topic should start with: "I attack no one and I defend no one"
[OSC]Epsilon | [RKT]Intact | [RO]Epsilon | [RR]Epsilon .. and others

Saiyajin's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
check this screenie - is it wallhack?


Can't be humble in the jungle....

Joined: Jan 2008

we wanted so, long time ago but it seems hyper don't and i tell him nothing but he continues taking care of other clans and his clan is curently attacked on 3 players john, jwlezz, saya..wv and 2 cheaters dan and othe one. Go on. Now offence but you can resolve that thing in youre clan, and because you had posted here you will support all injectives from other clans. And I NEVER took Dan's part on cheating. I just blame others who jump on him cause he is sorry and is the FIRST CHEATER who talks open, and the others never accept that, and jump with injuries on him just because he is the first cheater who has the guts to TALK. Understand that and i wish you all GG.

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
check this screenie - is it wallhack?

dimitryp, this is the proov, that u have no idea about what u r talking about.

Dan, IS NOT the first cheater who has the nuts to speak open about their mistakes and appologize, their were a couple of cheaters before, like "the death".

the death is meanwhile accepted again on a couple of servers, but not really accepted by the most people anymore.

dimitryp, dont speak about stuff u have no idea of.

And the rkt members who became offended here, bust became offended because they defended Dan, OR because they thrown arround with bullshit posts.

@ Saiyajin
writing all with capslock is not just inpolite, it makes ur text also hard to read. U dont need to cry at us, we understand also if u write NOT in capitals.

intact-epsilon's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
check this screenie - is it wallhack?

A word to romanains in here:

Eu nu atac si nu apar pe nimeni ,
mai jos ci doar imi spun parerea ,
cine vrea sa ia in considerare
parerea mea atunci bine cine nu
iarasi bine:

Ba nene lasati-o ma mai moale .. nu vedeti ca fiecare de aici intelege ce vrea? unu ataca pe altu altu zice ca de ce se baga .. bre daca ar fi fost la o conferinta mai intelegeam dar asa ... da-o ma de'aiciea ca topicu asta nu e pt ca fiecare sa vina si sa spuna cine e si cat de frumos e..

Hai sa facem un history ON TOPIC..

Hyper a cerut parerea forumului despre dan , a dat niste demouri , cutare si cutare si-a spus parerea , maj. au zis ca este cheat apoi a venit dan si a afirmat ca da a folosit asa ceva .. dupaia nu mai inteleg de ce s-a continuat pe alte teme .. si tu dan ce tb sa le zici astora ca fiecare a folosit un cheat odata .. acu te spanzura ,

despre situatia ta o sa discutam in rkt si cu asta basta ..

acu zic si eu parerea mea ca am dreptu asta:

jon sorry dar astia de pe aici sunt cam nervosi si cand ai zis tu parerea ta .. nu era momentu .. trebuia mai devreme un pik,
ana, kraster,sayiajin si ceilalti din rkt .. chiar nu trebuia sa te iei de astia.. lasa-i in pace vorbim intre noi (rkt) ca daia suntem romani ca sa ne intelegem ..
uninvolved eu cred ca tu ai inceput aici ceva .. de la o neintelegere , ca ala a inteles ca .. a scris ca .. si tu ai inteles ca .. si x a inteles ca si y a inteles ca .. dar defapt a inteles gresit .. si ca tu ai inteles atunci ca .. si z a venit si el si s-a bagat in fortza ca tu ca ai zis ca..
din cate am inteles eu, tu de 3 ani nu ai mai intrat pe aici .. parerea mea e ca s-au schimbat multe. eu sunt p'aici din iunie 2006 si doar eu pot spune ca s-au schimbat lucruri din iunie 2006 .. nu mia vorbesc despre o perioada de 3 ani..

eu cat despre dan iti zic merci pt ca tu, uninvolved, iti oferi sprijinu sa il ajuti si spun asta nu din rautate.

eu unu cred ca tb luata in considerea faptul ca dan si-a cerut scuze pt cele intamplate.

in rest de ce mai vorbiti in topicul asta ? folositi mesaje private.. ca fiecare are cont ca sa zica ceva aici.. uninvolved .. daca vrei putem discuta .. da-mi un mesaj privat si o sa iti dau idul meu d yahoo daca vrei..

deja sunt prea multe vorbe de la cineva la altcineva ... nici nu mai sti cine vorbeste cu cine ..

BTW nu doresc replay la ce am scris aici .. dar daca vreiti astept mesaje private .. nu mai raspund nimik in acest topic.. si propun ca nici voi sa nu mai raspundeti in acest topic.. pt ca deja este OFF TOPIC..

In english : I made a history about the posts that are ON topic in romanian only .
I said that here is now some OFF TOPIC argues .
I won't answer anymore in this topic because i think that now this topic had became a big bullshit.
I repeat my above message : some admin please close this topic.

We can all use now private messages to concil our argues and missunderstandings.
[OSC]Epsilon | [RKT]Intact | [RO]Epsilon | [RR]Epsilon .. and others

redkn33d's picture
Joined: Jun 2007
check this screenie - is it wallhack?

69, TD, skull, dirty, mad, epsi,and the rest (sory i dont post name atm) ty all for helping me to take a decision

i have more to say, to all who post here, good and bad things

rest of discussion will be between rkt members and THIS TOPIS MUST TO BE CLOSED

i think I am the first who is regarding this situation, and all who want to post pls prv me