Cheater Report Discussion

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

no, im just saying its impossible to ban a cheater which was caught 12 months ago duh. the name tgk itself is random.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

dnb, the person you reported has an aimbot.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Drum's picture
Joined: Aug 2009
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

k i hope he will get ban

xvibenedykt's picture
Joined: Jul 2008
PL Poland
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

probably with very low pov/fov setted but why dont get kicked by xp anticheat again at sf server? it was again turned off or is setted to so lowered level of restriction?

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

since everyone seems to be a lazybish or to afraid to post something I concluded I can thumb up my day with a bit of discussion.

Lir wrote:

Sorry you are certainly not the best player I've seen... far from it. You operate in a forgotten mod on a forgotten game played by maybe 500+ players (the
game not the mod) .

On the one hand true, on the other not. Ofc E+ got very small but nevertheless I could keep up with great noghost players and I already found the limitation
of the human skill or with other words, nothing is impossible for me (except accing high on fast gameplay).

Also I want to introduce you to a bit of philosophy, the so called "thought experiment" ( )
Imagine you were playing in a game were the best 50 players were all cheaters with decent hacks, since you learn that they are the best and there are so many around you will never know if everyone else around you is cheating or not. For example if everyone wallhacks and they all say those are standard reactions

you are pretty screwed if you are sure your reactions aint good and therefor belive it.

This brings me practially to the state, that you can not compare me to other players who you didn't even name. Especially if they ain't in E+ mod we can't

Anyways, back to topic, roxor - After reanalysing his gameplay for this post here are my indicators why I say he cheats:

Roxors game experience - Eventhough he might be already a bit experienced in e+, his past in 1.30 is fishy, he popped up around summer 2010 as far as I know
and joined e+ at the End of januar. Means he has effectively less then 1 year of E+ gameplay.

About his gameplay, don't forgett he was on cocaine as he said.

Lets start with the wh situations first, odd about these is that roxor basically checks doors for 1-2 seconds, max 3 seconds in normal gameplay, most even shorter:

Here we see roxor waiting for me to come out of lg after he fragged me at rl, he doesnt cover his back towards pg/ra room, eventhough his game experience is
not enough to be 100% sure of the spawn knowledge. (especially since E+ has more random spawns since 2.1?)

Next screen:

Same situation, here he actively jumps around still not covering his back or fearing to be ambushed, whats odd about this is again the permanent looking into one direction.

The gargoyle Situation:
The gargoyle is a pretty neat place with bad tactical point, its great for ambushes, but in a real fight unuseable since your hitbox is open hitable since its only a playerclip, not a weapon clip. Nevertheless he doesn't get confused.

Next screen:

Probably one of the weirdest situation, he looks to lg for 1-2 seconds, then turns around and leaves his side open to lg, eventhough he has zero reason to look to sg door, since I didn't do a single noise. He stays looking there until anticamp turns on and compared to his waiting time when checking other doors this coincidence is pretty odd imo. If you want to argument he maybe did hear something eventhough I was walking with gauntlet, then let me point out that he overhears me dropping down or him being shot in the back, for example:


Still can be pure luck right? ok, fine with that cuz that could really be but I have one more.

This is the start of the game:

Everything is fine right? yes.

This is the similar situation later in the game.

He "knows" / "hears" I am there.

Since I could hear he isn't camping the angle, I walked out for a moment, just to get back into cover and this is what happened:

This is his only and first spamshot in the whole game! What a coincidence.

Now just to get this post short I gonna sum up the rest. Either he uses lowfov wh or a radar (I think last thing, since he doesnt know exact height and a radar still needs to be interpreted by a person). For his aim I say his mouse snaps, He mostly isnt on enemy at all when the mouse snaps onto enemy and shoots mostly corner shoots. This can be seen good in imo 2 situations:

In this situation he shoots first, then his mouse snaps onto me and stops following me in the middle of my movement, most players would have continued tracking since the place I went is a dead end.

Other situation for me is when he spawns and I jump up the jumppad, his hand movement strikes me a bit odd there.

Thats where he aims after spawn.

Thats where he shoots.

And thats where he tracks, just for a short time, after that he aims a bit below me, or with other words, he doesn't track during reload times.

Imo this should be enough material for a pb_getSS check or a cam over the shoulder request eh?

Lir wrote:

What does it have to do with anything? Are we talking about this specific demo you posted? I haven't seen more so far I can't talk bout what I don't know. I know Rox as Roxor and Nam, and to be honnest I don't care bout anyone using xxx number of nicks ( since this is what a lot do ).

Why I asked that is because I think roxor = babo, he is also from portugal but to bad we didn't have ip or guid of him.
page 3 comment 7. Besides that this babo guy has some patterns that are the same like instant turnarounds when being shot with rail.

Lir wrote:

And to end : All I was saying is that the guys who think Rox cheats are wrong. Now you take it or not, it's nothing personal against any of you. Just try to admit you can be wrong, you'll see , it helps.

If he doesn't cheat then he has nothing to fear since any fact checking will give us negative results.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Roxor5682's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
GB United Kingdom
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

@skull , hmm ok , good ill explain what i was thinking at that moment :

1 pic- i know there is spawn , so im aiming there waiting untill u come coz if u would come from left or righ ti would hear u , as i didnt hear anything i keep waiting , maybe ull come , and thats what happened , when ur exiting i was in zooming and waiting until u exit,

2 pic - good as i said i was waiting coz maybe you would appear , i was zooming and then i saw ur head then i shooted.

3 pic, first u was up , and then when u jumped there i heared u that u jumped there and i know there that u can hide there so why should u go donw? maybe coz u wanted to make a surprise catching me there , but as i said i heared that u jumped there.

4 pic: ok here im just waiting as on 1 pic , but coz i know much time passed after ur respawn u couldnt be up , so i was just waiting maybe ull come ( i say maybe because i really dont know where u were at that moment i guess that maybe ull come and i can catch you).

5 pic:after u jump on jump pad i heard u coz i was close , then i went back coz u would just show a little bit of ur self and kill me , so i tried to go back to u dont see me , but then u killed me by going up and turned right .

6 pic: yes i know you was there and i and u letted ur self know that ur there , also about aiming trough walls , just coincidence , stupid to aim trough walls coz i cant kill you , so better aim at entrance because maybe ull come and then i can kill you and thats what happened then you come on me

also when u did step away , i tough u was camping and waiting for my move , and then i just went fast shooted randomly at entrance but u wasnt here so i went back to cover.

7 pic- ok when i met u randomly there i was strafe jumping and then i met you and shooted , then u jumped to that hole in the wall , i heared it , clearly, then i went to kill u coz u had nowhere to go but missed , then u hitted me .

8 pic : ok so ? i just was trying to hit you when i saw you there, didnt expected u to appear there , just unluck .

with some knowledge about map sometimes is easy to know where are you , some times luck , sometimes unluck,

about babo , sure wallhack?

bad i dont have demo ,

and at end , im not afraid to play , coz i dont cheat and have nothing to hide , if u want to catch , gl coz i dont have cheats on my pc , and hope anticheat or pb will help u in say that i dont have cheats ,

also if there is some way to hax script - just to know im nub in scripts , i know nothing about that Confused,

hope i have clarify everything ,

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Cheater Report Discussion
Roxor wrote:

and at end , im not afraid to play , coz i dont cheat and have nothing to hide , if u want to

catch , gl coz i dont have cheats on my pc , and hope anticheat or pb will help u in say that i dont have cheats


thats good, because only then we can solve the problem - unlike golly.

Roxor wrote:

1 pic- i know there is spawn , so im aiming there waiting until u come coz if u would come

from left or right I would hear u , as i didnt hear anything i keep waiting , maybe ull come , and thats what

happened , when ur exiting i was in zooming and waiting until u exit,

Yes, as said, its not an obvious situation, its an indicator. Nevertheless I bet you would not hear me as you didn't hear me in another situation.

Roxor wrote:

4 pic: ok here im just waiting as on 1 pic , but coz i know much time passed after ur respawn u couldnt be up ,

so i was just waiting maybe ull come ( i say maybe because i really dont know where u were at that moment i guess

that maybe ull come and i can catch you).

you watched lg 4 seconds after round start, nor did you know where I died so I could have ambushed from anywhere.

Might be a lucky miscalculation by you. (happens also)

Roxor wrote:

5 pic:after u jump on jump pad i heard u coz i was close , then i went back coz u would just

show a little bit of ur self and kill me , so i tried to go back to u dont see me , but then u killed me by going

up and turned right .

Wrong situation, neither I killed you nor did I touch any jumppad in scene of picture 5.

Roxor wrote:

with some knowledge about map sometimes is easy to know where are you , some times luck , sometimes unluck,

No need to tell me, its a public fact some people ignore.

about babo, People are 100% sure - you sound like you know him?

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Roxor5682's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
GB United Kingdom
Re: Cheater Report Discussion
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

Wrong situation, neither I killed you nor did I touch any jumppad in scene of picture 5.

but i heard u there ,so i was ready to meet you

about babo- hm, just referred to demo .


so at all , which is your decision now? ?

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Cheater Report Discussion
Roxor wrote:

but i heard u there ,so i was ready to meet you

so at all , which is your decision now? ?

well, I could have already ambushed you as slow as you reacted to the sound source.

my decision, lets test you under pb, If it goes according to one of our perceptions the one who says the truth goes out better of the situation as he was before.

btw, one question, win 7?

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Roxor5682's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
GB United Kingdom
Re: Cheater Report Discussion

hmm , okey then .

yes windows 7 since bought pc