Are You Happy with PlusN v2.4 or want a change ?

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Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Are You Happy with PlusN v2.4 or want a change ?

ok ok i see your point of view i probably drove it abit to far with that last comment it was silly as you did kinda explain but i was trying to do it more for the benefit of the masses of people who might not understand. At least this.. thing kinda worked out.

TanaKa's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: Are You Happy with PlusN v2.4 or want a change ?

If I would make a PlusN v2.5 it would be the same as 2.4 with those modifications.

Weapons :
- Remove grenades throw from BFG.
- Make BFG slower to reload and with less feedback when it hit, this weapon is way too powerful with his area damage and put a mess too easily in fights.
- You can even remove BFG then people will learn to move with other ways. It could be funnier.
- Rocket speed is fine, but don't put it at 950 if you want to change it, choose between 900 or 1000 ups to keep this settings as usual with Quake and other mods.
- Increase PG damage a bit.
- Remove splash damage of LG.
Instead of it I wouldn't change anything about weapons.

Gameplay :
- Makes every players respawn at the end of a round, so you will end problems about spawnkills and health regeneration.
- Remove anti-camp.
- Put back OBs.

"Skill is when luck becomes a habit".

spraw's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Are You Happy with PlusN v2.4 or want a change ?
  • I agree on lowering the switch times and nerfing bfg.
  • Speeding up rocket might not be a good thing imo, sticky nades also.
  • Remove splash from LG.
  • Leave Plasma as is, increaseing dmg leads to another spam weapon.
  • Maybe lowering rail a bit so when you stack up on small health bubbles you don't die instantly.
  • Ofc fixing team damage like rixo said.
  • Little increase damage on machine gun maybe?
japierdole's picture
Joined: Jan 2012
GB United Kingdom
Re: Are You Happy with PlusN v2.4 or want a change ?
3M'darkangel wrote:

1. Reduce the switch time in LG and RG (this will avoid the scripters to use their scripts) imo.

2. Reduce the switch time in MG and RG (this will avoid the scripters to use their scripts) imo.

3. Reduce bfg power in the walls.

4. Add more power to bfg when hit body directly in the face.

5. Remove granade damage for teammate (teamdamage) rix alredy explained whats all about.

6. Make rocket just a little bit more faster.

7. Make granades to be sticky as in past, BUT if they touch the walls they explode (this will help for the movement) dunno if this is posible xD if not then just make them sticky.

8. Make when body is killed an explosion like in old times Big grin

9. Put powerups, items and such in the cfg, no matter of itemstyle always items on map with powerups will make game more fun to play and ppl will need also to count time for them.

10. Reduce the hit box to 0.8, shots with railgun will be more accurate :P11. About item and powerup times, make them as in ql, same time as there for the powerups and items.

11. Make something with ospra3map1 add items and powerups there pls.

12. Make MG a bit more powerfull.

13. Add a bit more power to PG.

Crazy ideas, some of them can work good Tongue

Agree with all except switchtime cuz e+ will be too slow for people like me who love movements, you can reduce switch time between sg and lg cuz this is most powerful combo which is mostly used by scripts, also I'm big supporter of strong mg! Regards.
Ps. For me best idea is: make it like old plus cfg without "N" when e+ has most active players and was popular.

And even I walk through the darkest valley of the shadow of death I will be not afraid because I am the worst motherfucker in this place.

Joined: May 2009
Re: Are You Happy with PlusN v2.4 or want a change ?

Now you could collect these suggestions and put them on the first message with numbered order then people can select the points which they want too. For instance : 1-2-7-8 <like this

zarzyn's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: Are You Happy with PlusN v2.4 or want a change ?

i am not good in plusN
but i feel that he is sometimes to much spamy .
maybe switch time of weapons should be longer.


Joined: Jul 2012
Re: Are You Happy with PlusN v2.4 or want a change ?

Faster rocket, Little much fast weps switch , stronger machinegun and lightgun... Then it's be just perfetto


hihi's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
Re: Are You Happy with PlusN v2.4 or want a change ?
p1atinum wrote:

Faster rocket, Little much fast weps switch , stronger machinegun and lightgun... Then it's be just perfetto


eu.jeff wrote:
learn to live with it, we have to live with the fact we have to play with you

gangstr's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: Are You Happy with PlusN v2.4 or want a change ?

Now you could collect these suggestions and put them on the first message with numbered order then people can select the points which they want too. For instance : 1-2-7-8 <like this


Joined: May 2007
Re: Are You Happy with PlusN v2.4 or want a change ?

E+ 1.5 was the best back in 2006-2007