Are You Happy with PlusN v2.4 or want a change ?
for rocket speed its okay how it is for me, but yeah bfg should make more damage
for rocket speed its okay how it is for me, but yeah bfg should make more damage
yep, rockiets are perfect, my fav weapon but bfg is crap, also plasma is kinda shitty.
i want slower switchtimes, i dont like playing spamfest jumping monkey style no more
btw. say what exactly, its really hard to implement "non-shitty" suggestions
btw2. gl asphyx all ppl will suggest kinda opposite things, u going to be real lucky if they can agree at least at 1 matter
btw3. plasmagun was always my favorite
1. Reduce the switch time in LG and RG (this will avoid the scripters to use their scripts) imo.
2. Reduce the switch time in MG and RG (this will avoid the scripters to use their scripts) imo.
3. Reduce bfg power in the walls.
4. Add more power to bfg when hit body directly in the face.
5. Remove granade damage for teammate (teamdamage) rix alredy explained whats all about.
6. Make rocket just a little bit more faster.
7. Make granades to be sticky as in past, BUT if they touch the walls they explode (this will help for the movement) dunno if this is posible xD if not then just make them sticky.
8. Make when body is killed an explosion like in old times
9. Put powerups, items and such in the cfg, no matter of itemstyle always items on map with powerups will make game more fun to play and ppl will need also to count time for them.
10. Reduce the hit box to 0.8, shots with railgun will be more accurate :P11. About item and powerup times, make them as in ql, same time as there for the powerups and items.
11. Make something with ospra3map1 add items and powerups there pls.
12. Make MG a bit more powerfull.
13. Add a bit more power to PG.
Crazy ideas, some of them can work good
F1 for
- switch time
F2 for
- sticky granades - its too big change, I dont remember times when granade was sticky in plus.cfg and it will totally change movement in this cfg
- reducing BFG splash damage and increasing directhit damage
+selfdamage for teamdamage set on 100% = 2
delete plusN completely and replace with e5r. because of plusN people call this mod "retarded"
I agree with fala. Lower The switchtimes PLZ !
Bfg i also Way to strong (on wallhits and with its splash)
Sticky nades like in The past wouldnt be such a good idea as same as the faster rocket.
I want to ask the Community ! Are you Happy ?
I dont want any flamewars here : When you add something then be serious!
Thank you!
My suggestions are :
BFG is too strong when you shoot on the Walls
BFG IS near the Body useless becuase no hit @all
Rocketspeed are too slow becuase you are faster when you move and maybe a Homing Factor change
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