Aboute sex [Adults only!!]

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psy's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Aboute sex [Adults only!!]
{D*R*T} ABSTI wrote:

Completly Agree to Leukethea and Trance. Though Trance - imagine what you've might said about our world being badass some hundret years before.. Winking Still right.

To Topic:
Well, as i'm still not even 20 i can't call myself very adult. But - without any offence, i hope your capable of it, Psy - you look like 13 on your pic. So i just wonder if you really know what you've talking about. No one has to go with me, but the story sounds more realistic if you change "women" with "little girl", "men" with "small boy" and "sex" with wtf, dunno, "kissing". Just would bet that in some years you have slightly other view on topic anyhow.

Haha noway i look like 13.. thats BS you know it i know it and everyone else does, and FYI that pic is like year old. I've changed alot sence that Happy
Like recently i have my first pubic hair on my chest.. im proud cos thats one step closer to be a grown up ;D

You know when its psyen (:

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Aboute sex [Adults only!!]

K guys, i think everything worth saying was said, no need to start doing circles. You got alot of input Psy, maybe it will help you change the attitude you have, coz honestly, it sucks.