01.04.2006 O[]C 2 vs 0 XP freeze 3 vs 3
Nice game
ocf they played on pure server with punk buster on. GG
LoL Xp ,GooD GamE All ,nice O[]C
fuck game
You think we play like that
and you say gg fuck war
If we have played we will tell
we haven't play this day
never do cw like that
I am aliminium not Aluminium
and if u consider that's a cw as u like
I don't consider it
and no more cw with ooc
see when we lost against BBS that was a cw
Ali, don't get so nervous, win some, lose some...
Nice O[]C, you're getting better and better

fuck game
You think we play like that
and you say gg fuck warIf we have played we will tell
we haven't play this day
never do cw like that
someone forced you to play ?

I am aliminium not Aluminium
and if u consider that's a cw as u like
I don't consider it
and no more cw with ooc
see when we lost against BBS that was a cw
why not a ranked cw?
what did you both agree on before the match?

fuck game
You think we play like that
and you say gg fuck warIf we have played we will tell
we haven't play this day
never do cw like thatand if u consider that's a cw as u like
I don't consider it
and no more cw with ooc
loll :} still rofling coz of it... ;]
gg ooc, bad game whiners...
Aluminim We can play revange in friday i not see problem
- Mouse: Logitech mx510 + miceskatez
- Mousepad: Icemat
- Headphones: Icemat Siberia