LoL-Server LoL FIXED

20 spawn points, large map.
Common maps: rota3ctf2*, 17+ctf, dk_ctf3iu, coldwarctf, bunker_ctf1, shad3dm2, estatica, xpress, stchctf9a, ctf4++, bfgarena, jokictf1, 13vast, god_oasago2, mctf, ps37ctf, leafland, 13stone, reqbath, rodez, xpac_bt, padkitchen, dum, dbq_xmap1_beta2, dbq_xmap2, dbq_xmap4_beta3, dbq_xmap5_beta1, padgarden, oasago2.
Server Information
- Host
requires QConnect to be installed - Rank
- #37
- Players
- 0+4 / 15
- Gametype
- Capture the Flag
- Timelimit
- none
15:16 - Roundlimit
- 15
5 left - Protection
- Admin
- Chuck Norris
- Location
- Version
- 2.1, PlusD
New version available!
OpenArena is required to play on this server! - Uptime
- 6 days, 8:25:02
Last update
Additional information
bot_minplayers 2, CPU_&_RAM Proudly hosting from a Toaster, dmflags 0, Download_Maps@, Location France, sv_allowDownload 1, sv_dlURL, sv_floodProtect 0, sv_maxPing 999, sv_privateClients 2, sv_punkbuster 0, sv_pure 1, version ioq3+oa 1.36_SVN1910M linux-x86_64 Dec 25 2011