TwT 2:0 dunnO | R2
When the match started tequila was not in your clan and i don t think that could be possible according to the rules

When the match started tequila was not in your clan and i don t think that could be possible according to the rules
lair lair lair Are not you ashamed?
I was in a clan long before the game started. f... looser

When the match started tequila was not in your clan and i don t think that could be possible according to the rules
If that is true then:
* Violations :
* If some of the clans recruit a new player or make a Trial a full member and NOT post it on New clan Members then this player will not play for the rest of the League + Yellow card for the clan.
// Btw. I don't see that post, so probably TwT broke rules?

When the match started tequila was not in your clan and i don t think that could be possible according to the rulesIf that is true then:
* Violations :
* If some of the clans recruit a new player or make a Trial a full member and NOT post it on New clan Members then this player will not play for the rest of the League + Yellow card for the clan.
// Btw. I don't see that post, so probably TwT broke rules?
Everything was by the rules. Q3FAN asked before the game "we have a new player, you agree that he played?" dunno agreed that I played. OVER know it, I do not know why he's lying.
Twt asked if tequila could play, we said he could. But we did nt know that was neither written on "new members topic". Schorsch said also that he did nt know if that was "legal". By the way, we did nt take too long the matter because Tequila was their fourth so we did the match 4vs4 and all we wanted was just having some fun and a clean match. After a while, Q3fan left the match (he said was too drunk to play) and we remained in 3 vs4 in a map thought to be a 4vs 4 and he constricted us to play in 3vs3. After that, he returned and re joined the game to left it again after some minutes.And guess who is gone in that same time on forum writing the new clan s member's comments? Yes, Bopoh hiself, the drunk man.
At the second map they started messing up stuff again with people lefting and re joining, with bopoh on spectators ( if u are too drunk to play u go to the bed or u remain in front of monitor all the time?). Nanamoon was so angry that she left the match, it was really impossible to play.
My idea about this messed up situation is that they have broke the league laws; i think their goal was to play on 3vs3 with 2 strong players (ivan and tequila), that is so far better playing on 4 vs 4 with only 2 of them good ( in this cfg, a weak player gives the chance to enemies to take some points).
i will not ask the WO or ban or yellow card or whatever, i m just asking to repeat this messed up match, we were all nervous and the match has, for several times, been interrupted.

Twt asked if tequila could play, we said he could. But we did nt know that was neither written on "new members topic". Schorsch said also that he did nt know if that was "legal". By the way, we did nt take too
Blitz, the post has been written here in new members COMMENTS:
but if you look the time has been written after our match started. But, personally i don t mind too much that, what cares about me it s the fact we agreed teq should play in order to play 4vs4 in dm14. But so it was nt, because q3fan left in the middle of the match. If they had ask for a 3 vs 3 with teq i'd say no, so, at least first match should have been repeated.

lair lair lair Are not you ashamed?
I was in a clan long before the game started. f... looser
Here you are the real Loser, my angry friend:

lair lair lair Are not you ashamed?
I was in a clan long before the game started. f... looserHere you are the real Loser, my angry friend:
LOL I played there with you as a noob. I myself gave you win.
tomorow or othe user czn osrry