Two Proposals ::: New Maps and a Tournament
Hello WASP2 mates,
I have two proposals that I have mentioned to Dissonance and would like to share with you and the larger E+ Community.
First, I will invite 3 or 4 members from six North/South American Clans (WASP2, BE, POD, BF, HK, and PHC) to download 14 maps from the WASP2 web site.
We will then meet at the Death Head Fraggers (DHF) Server on Saturday, 24 November at 9:00 PM EST (New York Time). DHF will have a private password for the event and we WILL START ON TIME. Stragglers will simply not be able to vote for maps they missed.
We will play Team Death Matches (10 vs. 10) using the DeeX config. The maps will be in a rotation file that sets a 5 minute time limit per map. The total time will be (14 x 5) 1 hour and 10 minutes, plus another 28 minutes to have a yes/no poll on whether the map rocks or sucks. The poll will be taken during the 2 minute warm-up after each map.
The idea is to end up with some new maps for FW/CW matches and for public server rotation.
Second, I would like to invite 6 North/South American Clans to play a Round Robin Tournament that will start in January 2008.
The tournament will incorporate Freeze Tag (FT), Team Death Match (TDM), Clan Arena (CA), and Capture the Flag (CTF). It will unfold like this:
Each Clan plays 1 map (any mutually agreed map) against the other 5 clans in FT. Then we repeat the process in TDM, Clan Arena, and CTF. There will be a winner in each category plus an overall points winner. The total time will be 1 month. I have an Excel chart of the tournament already setup with fictitious Clan names.
The matches will be played on multiple Servers and may be simultaneous, overlap or stand-alone. The frag limits would be FT - 15, TDM - 150, CA - 19, and CTF - 9.
However, there is a complication. It turns out that Dissonance, Nine, and 02 have also been planning a tournament that they wanted to start in December. After speaking with Dissonance, we decided to explore working together and perhaps aim for a joint tournament that starts the middle of January 2008.
One difference in the Dis/Nine/02 proposal is the creation of Fun Teams for clan-less players who would like to join the tournament. Note, a joint tournament will also be larger so I will suggest to Dissonance that we break it up into manageable chunks by handling each game type separately and allowing Clans to compete ONLY in the game types that interest them.
Check the WASP2 Forum for updates to BOTH proposals and check BE's and the Events Forum for future updates to the latter proposal.

Hello WASP2 mates,
First, I will invite 3 or 4 members from six North/South American Clans (WASP2, BE, POD, BF, HK, and PHC) to download 14 maps from the WASP2 web site.
so dvinsk doesn't fill in, in the lil tourney thingy huhhhh?? !!! simple terms we can play still lol?
In the original proposal?... aahhh... no! But hey! You wanna dance?
Seriously though, neither are Zero Tolerance (ZT) or Dead on Arrival (DOA) or any other North American Clan.
Who knows what the Tournament will end up looking like or if we will even be able to get everyone's participation to pull it off.
Furthermore, if Dvinsk is not invited to compete as a Clan, I am sure that your bosom buddy, best pal Dissonance will have no problem with me suggesting that we spread the talent of Dvinsk between the 2 or 3 Fun Teams (i.e., for Clanless players and Super Stars).
I can't speak for anyone else mate, but I got your back.