TAG # FD 2-1 WXP/21.03.2008

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Joined: Apr 2005
® TAG # FD 2-1 WXP/21.03.2008

it all goes down to common sense and respect in the end. If some other clan would come around having KO as initials, using the same color code etc but with a different meaning (eg. Kamasutra Online), ofc i would be mad.

Altho, these dudes seem to have settled for XP not knowing there was a previous XP clan...I'm sure a chat away with them could solve some problems.

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
® TAG # FD 2-1 WXP/21.03.2008

As soon as they change their clan name, and tag, this will go into ranking.

Someone should have a chat with them when he sees them.

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
® TAG # FD 2-1 WXP/21.03.2008

But that's the thing - except the XP letters, the tag is nothing like the old XP had (any one of the 3 or so they used). This is ridiculous.

LNx's picture
Joined: May 2006
® TAG # FD 2-1 WXP/21.03.2008
kek wrote:

Altho, these dudes seem to have settled for XP not knowing there was a previous XP clan...I'm sure a chat away with them could solve some problems.

here we have prob, i tried explain that xp was clan, but i didnt get answer they just start insulting me and threaten that camel will ban me from aim freeze, cos camel is they friend as they said. dunno maybe in msn or pm could be better result, but not in server..

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kraster's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
® TAG # FD 2-1 WXP/21.03.2008

dunno why, but i have to agree with mad. What.. from now on, 2 letters that have been already used as a clan are banned from using them?

and to be serious, stop bs about ko.. i mean ko.. its kinda 'wierd' to find 2 similliar clans named, but xp .. come on now, if u find 'kill' in a clan name means it copied ur clan? xp its damn used atm .. as abreviation, as toillet paper, as whatever u want . nowadays it's all about XP.. lol

Acidwarrior's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
® TAG # FD 2-1 WXP/21.03.2008

@ Kraster, i took KO as example. Like you talk, I am sure it would ok for you if i create a clan called DEVA with different tag. i hope you understand now what i mean.
Sure XP was never one of the best clans but we were no clan which died after 3 weeks or something.
the can name their clan AXP, BXP, CXP,..... or XPZ, XPY, XPX,.......or something like that and i would not care anymore.

Greets Acid

I am just sorry for FD which deserved to get that war ranked Winking

mow Q [EN] wrote:

PB without Pure is like a toilet without toiletpaper.

{D*R*T} ABSTI wrote:

Search button??? I've looked for it..but somehow i only have Escape. F1, F2 and so on....maybe it's only on romanian keyboards? Big grin

kraster's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
® TAG # FD 2-1 WXP/21.03.2008

i was talking about xp as skill nor when u died as a clan. i just wanted to point out that x + p, xp on short its a common union of letters nowadays.. anyway got ur point so i should step back now. sry for the trouble Happy

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
® TAG # FD 2-1 WXP/21.03.2008

the point is that each clans tag should mark that clan uniquely. yes, that is highly important, to avoid confusion, etc.

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
® TAG # FD 2-1 WXP/21.03.2008

and one day we have clannames like "XPFUALLBUS" just because we are going out of shortcuts.

How a shortcut can be copyrighted if the tag is totally different?

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camel-xp's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
PL Poland
® TAG # FD 2-1 WXP/21.03.2008

they just start insulting me and threaten that camel will ban me from aim freeze, cos camel is they friend as they said.

hehe, funny Happy

What about two TC clans in past, there was The 'Terror clan' and 'The Camels' clan, when both clans was exist in same time nobody havent any problems with it.

And the most funny thing was when I played with my nickname as 'Camel-XP' and somebody from XP clan (dont remember who Happy ) wanted me to change the nick cuz he thinked that I am in XP, but xp tag start first with xp then name, anyway it was funny for me because of that.

My 'nick end' doesnt mean 'eXPert' it means 'XPerience' Big grin