®TAG / F2B 2:1 Unique / 23.05.2010
25. May 2010 - 0:56
Re: TAG / F2B 2:1 Unique / 23.05.2010

gg....sry for being disconnected all the time... my pc just hanged itselft out of a sudden... i guess some overheating? oO dont knowu tryina to kick asses too hard, pc responds : DD
i am not trying i kick them
25. May 2010 - 19:29
Re: TAG / F2B 2:1 Unique / 23.05.2010
lol spartan
strong finish end of the q3dm8
25. May 2010 - 20:41
Re: TAG / F2B 2:1 Unique / 23.05.2010

lol spartan
strong finish end of the q3dm8
thanks ^^
26. May 2010 - 1:21
Re: TAG / F2B 2:1 Unique / 23.05.2010
looks like a good game, gg on tie map fala !
26. May 2010 - 7:38
Re: TAG / F2B 2:1 Unique / 23.05.2010
nixin always causing controversy
26. May 2010 - 16:15
Re: TAG / F2B 2:1 Unique / 23.05.2010
gg wp n1
Nolte009 wrote:
nixin always causing
30. May 2010 - 17:51
Re: ®TAG / F2B 2:1 Unique / 23.05.2010
The match has been ranked
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Ignore him.