sv_fps 30 is not enuf
Can Linus See More than 60Hz??? NCIX Tech Tips
hardcore gamers can notice the different between 60hz vs 125hz
so sv_fps 30 shouldn't be enough for this fast or fastest game
wow, that was 2012 :0 feel like i watched that just 6 months ago..
as for sv_fps, i dont think thats the reason its set to 25 or 30 whatever it is. i'll leave it for someone smarter to explain

what is the reason ?
connection ? server cpu power?
wan pps, sv_fps have not much to do with monitor or animation framerate, and what u do see is prediction between packets, so there shouldn't be any influence of sv_fps on the smoothness of visual perception of the game, engine renders frames based on prediction, and as long u can notice difference in smoothness between com_maxfps 125/250 u shouldn't notice smoothness difference between certain sv_fps values
it would say go for more pps than 30, the connections got serious upgrade nowadays compared to 2000, just some geek need to classify if the wan can stand for example 125pps x 64 clients or at least 32 (i mean down/upstream server side)
He forgot to tell you that he plays on WIFI
server frames is just how much up to date the calculations are.
you can compare sv_fps with snaps, to get an idea about what sv_fps does, just lower ur snaps for example to 10. That is the precision the server calculates on.
Anyways, sv_fps above 30 cause bit higher ping for just a very slight improvement in calculation while smoothness of the game you see stays the same.
The smoothness of sv_fps 30 is 33msec per frame. When using 50 it only decreases to 20msec per frame. 14msec is Barely a difference for a human.
Furthermore increasing the fps decreases the possibilitys of unlagged while highering the accuracy of the antiwh.
arg, seems you still dont get it.
I can tell the difference between 60/85/120/144 hz on my Monitor but I am still fine with 30 sv_fps.
Because it has NOTHING to do with how you see stuff.
what is the reason ?
connection ? server cpu power?
unlagging game can bring so much happiness