Serious CTF HUD (Missing little details)

13 replies [Last post]
wrybit's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: Serious CTF HUD (Missing little details)

Updated little issues.

# Serious  CTF HUD by F8*BiT ( #
# Inspired by default HUDs of OSP/BattleX      #
!DEFAULT              { font xp; fontsize 8 10; anchors 0; }
# MSG                                        #
#Vote MSG
VoteMessageWorld      { rect 170 50 300 25; font xp; fontsize 20; textstyle 1; textalign C; color 1 1 0 1; anchors 9; }
VoteMessageArena      { rect 170 65 300 25; font xp; fontsize 20; textstyle 1; textalign C; anchors 9; }
WarmupInfo            { rect 438 25 200 12; font xp; fontsize  8 12; textstyle 1; textalign R; color 0.6 0.8 1 0.8; anchors 3; }
RankMessage           { rect 170 70 300 12; font xp; fontsize 10 12; textstyle 1; textalign C; time 2000; }
FragMessage           { rect 170 50 300 12; font xp; fontsize 10 12; textstyle 1; textalign C; time 2000; }
AmmoMessage           { rect 290 360 60 30; font xp; fontsize 20 20; textstyle 1; textalign C; color 0.84 0 0 0.84; }
#In Spectator
SpecMessage           { rect 270  5 100 10; font xp; fontsize  8 10; textstyle 1; textalign C; color 1 0.8 0.2 1; }
FollowMessage         { rect 170 20 300 14; font xp; fontsize 12 14; textstyle 1; textalign C; color 1 1 1 0.7; anchors 8; }
#Infos at Players
TargetName            { rect 150 236 150 12; font xp; time 700; fontsize 8 10; textstyle 1; textalign R; color 1 1 1 0.5; }
TargetStatus          { rect 340 236 150 12; font xp; time 700; fontsize 8 10; textstyle 1; textalign L; color 0.49 1 1 0.5; }
#While spec. show GameType (Capture the Flag, Freeze Tag, ...)
GameType              { rect 438 4 200 12; font xp; fontsize 10 12; textstyle 1; textalign R; color 0 0.47 0.8 0.8; anchors 2; }
# Chats                                      #
#Chat Text MSG (xp_drawNotify=1)
Console               { rect 0 0 640 48; monospace 0; time 2500; font xp; textalign L; fontsize 7 9; textstyle 1; anchors 9; }
#Team Text MSG (xp_floodProtect=0)
Chat1                 { rect 80 390 300 9; font xp; time 5000; fontsize 7 9; textstyle 1; color 1 1 1 1; anchors 8; }
Chat2                 { rect 80 400 300 9; font xp; time 5000; fontsize 7 9; textstyle 1; color 1 1 1 1; anchors 8; }
Chat3                 { rect 80 410 300 9; font xp; time 5000; fontsize 7 9; textstyle 1; color 1 1 1 1; anchors 8; }
Chat4                 { rect 80 420 300 9; font xp; time 5000; fontsize 7 9; textstyle 1; color 1 1 1 1; anchors 8; }
# InView Overlays                            #
#Avalabil Weapons
WeaponList            { rect 2 282 52 16; bgcolor 0 0 0 0.25; fill; font xp; fontsize 16; textstyle 1; textalign L; color 1 1 1 0.5; anchors 14; }
#Attacker Icon
AttackerIcon          { rect 602  3  35 35; time 3500; anchors 2; }
AttackerName          { rect 439 39 200 12; time 3500; font xp; fontsize 8; textstyle 1; textalign R; anchors 2; }
#Show Powerup Icons
PowerUp4_Time         { rect 586 285 32 20; bgcolor 0 0 0 0.25; fill; font xp; fontsize 20; textstyle 1; textalign R; color 1 1 1 0.8; anchors 2; }
PowerUp4_Icon         { rect 618 285 20 20; bgcolor 0 0 0 0.25; fill; textalign R; Draw3D 0; anchors 2; }
PowerUp3_Time         { rect 586 310 32 20; bgcolor 0 0 0 0.25; fill; font xp; fontsize 20; textstyle 1; textalign R; color 1 1 1 0.8; anchors 2; }
PowerUp3_Icon         { rect 618 310 20 20; bgcolor 0 0 0 0.25; fill; textalign R; Draw3D 0; anchors 2; }
PowerUp2_Time         { rect 586 335 32 20; bgcolor 0 0 0 0.25; fill; font xp; fontsize 20; textstyle 1; textalign R; color 1 1 1 0.8; anchors 2; }
PowerUp2_Icon         { rect 618 335 20 20; bgcolor 0 0 0 0.25; fill; textalign R; Draw3D 0; anchors 2; }
PowerUp1_Time         { rect 586 360 32 20; bgcolor 0 0 0 0.25; fill; font xp; fontsize 20; textstyle 1; textalign R; color 1 1 1 0.8; anchors 2; }
PowerUp1_Icon         { rect 618 360 20 20; bgcolor 0 0 0 0.25; fill; textalign R; Draw3D 0; anchors 2; }
#TextOverlay (cg_drawTeamOverlay=1)
Team8                 { rect 340 350 300 9; fontsize 7 9; textstyle 1; textalign R; color T; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.15; anchors 6; }
Team7                 { rect 340 360 300 9; fontsize 7 9; textstyle 1; textalign R; color T; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.15; anchors 6; }
Team6                 { rect 340 370 300 9; fontsize 7 9; textstyle 1; textalign R; color T; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.15; anchors 6; }
Team5                 { rect 340 380 300 9; fontsize 7 9; textstyle 1; textalign R; color T; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.15; anchors 6; }
Team4                 { rect 340 390 300 9; fontsize 7 9; textstyle 1; textalign R; color T; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.15; anchors 6; }
Team3                 { rect 340 400 300 9; fontsize 7 9; textstyle 1; textalign R; color T; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.15; anchors 6; }
Team2                 { rect 340 410 300 9; fontsize 7 9; textstyle 1; textalign R; color T; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.15; anchors 6; }
Team1                 { rect 340 420 300 9; fontsize 7 9; textstyle 1; textalign R; color T; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.15; anchors 6; }
# Footer Main HUD (left to right)            #
PreDecorate           { rect 0 442 642 38; color T;	bgcolor 1 1 1 0.15;	fill; anchors 14; }
#Flag/Frag NR
FlagStatus_OWN        { rect  2 445 20 15; color T ; bgcolor 0 0 0 1; anchors 8; }
PreDecorate           { rect 24 445 30 15; color T; bgcolor 0 0 0 0.8; fill; anchors 8; }
Score_OWN             { rect 26 445 30 15; font xp; fontsize 14 16; textstyle 1; textalign L; anchors 8; }
FlagStatus_NME        { rect  2 462 20 15; color E ; bgcolor 0 0 0 1; anchors 8; }
PreDecorate           { rect 24 462 30 15; color E; bgcolor 0 0 0 0.8; fill; anchors 8; }
Score_NME             { rect 26 462 30 15; font xp; fontsize 14 16; textstyle 1; textalign L; anchors 8; }
#Time + Limit
GameTime              { rect 56 445 41 15; font xp; fontsize 14 16; textstyle 1; textalign L; color 1 1 1 1; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.1; fill; anchors 8; }
Score_Limit           { rect 56 462 41 15; font xp; fontsize 14 16; textstyle 1; textalign L; color 1 1 1 1; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.1; fill; anchors 8; }
#Health icon+bar
PreDecorate           { rect 140 445 130 14; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.2; fill; anchors 14; }
PreDecorate           { rect 140 463 130 14; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.2; fill; anchors 14; }
StatusBar_HealthBar   { rect 140 445 130 32; color 0 0 0 0; textalign R; doublebar; anchors 14; }
PreDecorate           { rect 88 446 14 14; image "hud/misc/health"; color 0 0 0 0.5; anchors 4; }
PreDecorate           { rect 87 445 14 14; image "hud/misc/health"; color T; anchors 4; }
StatusBar_HealthCount { rect 85 462 16 22; font numbers; fontsize 12 16; textalign R; textstyle 1; anchors 4; }
#Current Weapon
StatusBar_AmmoIcon    { rect 276 450 24 24; bgcolor 1 1 1 0; fill; anchors 4; }
StatusBar_AmmoCount   { rect 302 450 70 24; font numbers; fontsize 20 24; textstyle 2; textalign L; color 0 1 1 1; bgcolor 1 1 1 0; fill; anchors 4; }
#Armor icon+bar
PreDecorate           { rect 370 445 130 14; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.2; fill; anchors 14; }
PreDecorate           { rect 370 463 130 14; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.2; fill; anchors 14; }
StatusBar_ArmorBar    { rect 370 445 130 32; color 0 0 0 0; textalign L; doublebar; anchors 14; }
PreDecorate           { rect 539 446 15 15; image "hud/misc/armor"; color 0 0 0 0.5; anchors 4; }
PreDecorate           { rect 538 445 15 15; image "hud/misc/armor"; color T; anchors 4; }
StatusBar_ArmorCount  { rect 540 462 16 22; font numbers; fontsize 12 16; textalign L; textstyle 1; anchors 4; }
#Info Text - Ping(cg_lagometer=1) / Speed(xp_drawSpeed=1) / FPS(cg_drawFPS=1)
NetGraphPing          { rect 572 445 31 10; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.1; fill; color 1 1 1 0.3; font xp; fontsize 8 10; textstyle 1; textalign R; anchors 2; }
PlayerSpeed           { rect 572 456 31 10; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.1; fill; color 1 1 1 0.3; font xp; fontsize 8 10; textstyle 1; textalign R; anchors 2; }
FPS                   { rect 572 467 31 10; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.1; fill; color 1 1 1 0.3; font xp; fontsize 8 10; textstyle 1; textalign R; anchors 2; }
#lag-o-meter (cg_lagometer=1)
NetGraph              { rect 605 445 33 33; bgcolor 0 0 0 0.35; fill; anchors 2; }
#TDM and other crap
#TeamIcon_OWN         { }
#TeamCount_OWN        { rect 615 451 13 11; font xp; fontsize 8 10; textstyle 1; textalign C; color 1 1 1 0.7 ; bgcolor 0 0 0 0; fill; anchors 6; }
#TeamIcon_NME         { }
#TeamCount_NME        { rect 615 466 13 11; font xp; fontsize 8 10; textstyle 1; textalign C; color 1 1 1 0.7 ; bgcolor 0 0 0 0; fill; anchors 6; }

Inspiring people to share - TYPO3.

Piranha's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: Serious CTF HUD (Missing little details)

i tried your hud its quite alright actually i will use it as my hud from now on but i have 1 issue with it -

dunno if you fixed it already but when some1 calls a vote it comes up in middle of screen at the top in quite large font not like normal lol it kinda gets in the way, and you was saying you dont want much distractions for this hud Tongue

lets us know the outcome m8 thx.

j wrote: a robot who control ppl? we have mow!

wrybit's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: Serious CTF HUD (Missing little details)


I will change that.

I thought it would be helpful, but thank it needs to be the default for all players.
If so, everyone would immediately react on votes, instead of ignoring them!
But so .. it's just a drawback on anyone who uses this HUD .. so I need to fix it.

Thanks a lot for your Feedback! If you got more points, feel free to ask me.

What I mostly dislike is that the CHAT in the e+ HUD is broken/buggy.
For me that makes any HUD in e+ hardly usable. Hope that get soon fixed.

The damn chat Bug:
CHAT MSG should ONLY appear at the top ..
TEAM MSG should ONLY appear at the bottom ..
But right now ALL MSG get sown at the Top & Bottom redundant.

I have to say, to me it seems like, the e+ dev don't care enough
about Chat in general .. but thats what makes a mod Pro usable.
Shiny GFX and stuff like that gets turned of any way, it distracts.

Greez BiT

Inspiring people to share - TYPO3.