Request for new vq3 maps
Hello map creators,
I would like to request some new vq3 maps for the 1v1 server and upcomming clanwars / 1v1 events!
If you would have time and will to create fresh maps for Vanilla style games would be very cool.
Atm we only have such old standard maps ( pretty out of date imo ) and we need some new fresh maps with maybe some e+ logos inside!
If you are interested in this then i can happely help you by running some 1v1 maps on the New Excessive+ Vanilla! 1v1 server for testing.
Thanks for reading!
Look here
I've started some new map projects for vq3 already

Thanks for the link, so this does mean no1 will make a few maps for vq3?
I just don't believe that there is any sense to create an absolutely new map. Maybe only for some special event. Because besides creating a map there is another problem to make it popular. That's why lately I just (when I have enough time) adapt maps from QL or Q2 or other projects, either convert some popular maps of the basic set to CTF maps.

So i guess i'm going to attempt and create maps myself then xd
please dont ;p
I don't really understand why you're looking for a map maker while you can go on lvlworld and browse from thousands of maps. Some of them are just looking beautiful, some of them are wisely thought and some of them are both beautiful and wisely thought.
Could find myself some of them too, someday I'll give a link to those few maps, or not
edit: just set filter "tourney".
Map "Pyramid of the Magician" is worth a try, not really for a competetive duel but because of the very unique feeling of actually playing duel on this map. Seriously, I played there few times and it was awesome and sometimes hilarious.
nodm9 good map! why dm9? it best dm13!
bestdm13 not for only vanilla, and plusN RailOnly same the best!
addmap in official war maps pls

Map "Pyramid of the Magician" is worth a try, not really for a
competetive duel but because of the very unique feeling of actually
playing duel on this map. Seriously, I played there few times and it was
awesome and sometimes hilarious.
True. A friend of mine runs a vanilla DM server and we've had some very fun times on this map; lots of rocket battles up and down the steps.
ah, i forgot to mention i would like some legit maps you made yourself and not ql copies pls