®Regular CW intel 2:0 ffs!
1st Map, cpm14 (intel's map)
2nd Map, q3dm7 (ffs!'s map)
~> Gametype: FTAG
~> Players: 3 Vs 3.
~> Timelimit: 15.
~> Fraglimit: 0.
~> FriendlyFire: 0.
~> Config: ift.cfg
~> Pure: Enabled.
~> Punkbuster: Enabled.
~> Server: Intel-War-Server!
~> Ref: Kompressor (do not ask for it, sneaky)

Komressor, where demo?
it was bax under cover, u dunno
kompressor is kompressing the files

kompressor is kompressing the files
he joined 7zip clan
lel I forgot xD will upload demos .zip once I get home ..... #thanksForYourPatience
Komp? sup with the demos?
He write patience so be patience, never had problems with komp. Only bax is at ref list retired, and many other lists
yes, patience, he said he will upload demos when he come home, simply he did not come home yet... hope he is not in a journey around the world! keep calm folks and wait
Kompressor, where demo?