rebounceN.cfg | 2.3
16. September 2009 - 13:08
Weapons well-balanced and this cfg could be used as 4rth alternative.
In this new version, the config was totally rewriten based on plusN.
And from now, rebounceN version will have each time the same version as for plusN to show the compatibility.
Short features description :
- it's based on plusN, and has all plusN features.
- most weapons have about same damage as plusN.
- it has some rebouncing weapons.
- cycle/damage/speed is very equilibrated
- all weapons are usefull : even gauntlet is fast to be usefull.
- machinegun/plasmagun/lightninggun ammo is limited and regen is slow to avoid spam.
- fast grapple has been added for fast moves.
- firing shotgun make ppl move.
rebounceN 2.3 Technical description :
- All plusN features are present here
- rebounceN needs plusN files to work
- Only weapons has been changed in config
- 2 modes for some weapons (1 & 2), default=1
- xp_Rbc_GA = 1 GA : Super Speed
- xp_Rbc_GA = 2 GA : Turbo Speed
- xp_Rbc_MG = 1 MG : 1 Rebounce
- xp_Rbc_MG = 2 MG : 1 Rebounce Half Insta
- xp_Rbc_SG = 1 SG : Forward Firing Knockback
- xp_Rbc_SG = 2 SG : Backward Firing Knockback
- xp_Rbc_RL = 1 RL : Super Speed Homing
- xp_Rbc_RL = 2 RL : 4 Rebounces Guided
- xp_Rbc_PG = 1 PG : 2 Rebounces Weaker
- xp_Rbc_PG = 2 PG : Plasma Trap
- other weapons haven't second mode
- GR : Super Speed
- GL : PlusN
- RG : 1 Rebounce
- LG : 2 Rebounces Weaker Longer
- BFG : PlusN
- the current used modes are drawn in config name ( example: RebounceN Config 2.2 ( GA:1 MG:1 SG:2 RL:1 PG:2 ) )
To download :
choose to download all what you need in one zip :
Enjoy testing this config.
I stay open for all constructive suggestions
updated to version 2.13 to fit with new e+ version rc1a
server is comming soon,
Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co
Check this peacefull place