Ranking Policies & Regulations Feedback

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Site administrator
term's picture
Joined: Feb 2004

Please brainstorm your ideas here for implementation in the new automated system.

Warm wishes,


ExcessivePlus Administrator

spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
Ranking Policies & Regulations Feedback

We require a good team to develop and catch this ideas.


Camel, Killer, Term, secret* & myself.

We can land everything we want, as soon is necesary.

Anyone interested in forming some work group, suggest to use this topic for the cause.

.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;

Visit: http://www.excessiveplus.net/spider/

|¯FC_| Suchspeed<-
Joined: Dec 2005
ES Spain
Ranking Policies & Regulations Feedback

I hope u meant the wasp.killer one Big grin

Aero wrote:
who enters into my anus kurwa!!!!!

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Ranking Policies & Regulations Feedback

short question, how u gonna handle all the anticheat?

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

S3c|¯3¯|¯ [EN]
Secret's picture
Joined: Feb 2005
Ranking Policies & Regulations Feedback

can someone sum up what is planned yet for the "new automated system"?
How it is supposed to work, etc.?

Joined: Apr 2005
Ranking Policies & Regulations Feedback

As far as i know, foksie & kinetic had the automated rank done at around 80%, design was also ready and made by Meteorik. So what happened to that? Why do you need to start from scratch again?


It was pretty simple, a web interface where you would put in the results, add screenshots and it would all be validated afterwards by the ranking staff. Once that was done, a topic would have been auto-created by a bot in the ranking forum with all the submitted data for everyone to see/comment.

S3c|¯3¯|¯ [EN]
Secret's picture
Joined: Feb 2005
Ranking Policies & Regulations Feedback
kek wrote:

As far as i know, foksie & kinetic had the automated rank done at around 80%, design was also ready and made by Meteorik. So what happened to that? Why do you need to start from scratch again?

that is what I was wondering about for some months Shock

kek wrote:

It was pretty simple, a web interface where you would put in the results, add screenshots and it would all be validated afterwards by the ranking staff. Once that was done, a topic would have been auto-created by a bot in the ranking forum with all the submitted data for everyone to see/comment.

k I remember the tests with the bot... thought that project was abandoned.

now I understand Skull's question about the anticheat tho Happy

Site administrator
term's picture
Joined: Feb 2004
Ranking Policies & Regulations Feedback

Ranking Mods will be briefed on the progress in the next couple of days stay tuned

ExcessivePlus Administrator

spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
Ranking Policies & Regulations Feedback

The thing is that we can leave the forums for discussion boards, and create a new database with the projects that has been raising for it.

A Simple Example:

1- Join the rank website

2- Create your clan profile with all its members.

3- When your clan wants to fight a war, you submit the challenge againts the other clan. And when the challenge is accepted by the other clan, a new war is created in a special section that can be named "wars of the day"

4- In this "new war" square(info) will have the details such as Link to forum proposition, g_gametype or mixed. fraglimit, maps, referee can be listed. (previously submited)

5-When the war is done, both of the clan leaders login, select the players of each round, add the scores of each player and for last submit the scores of the match.

7-Each member of the clan that fights, adds score to his personal name, and once a season ends we find who is the best player of our seasons. Each fight we fight, our clan leaders will add the points we give to our clan. This way we can easy spot our Mod SuperStars.

This is an example of website automatization, and it can be done in less time if we put the ideas togheter. We can even integrate the ideas that Foksie & kinetic had been working hard, beacuse all those who put effort into e+ have to be counted as truth followers.

again i suggest IRC meeting to share the ideas.

note: this can be simple, efficient and crucial to have the records in a small database of who are the best players, clans, teams of each season we play. Instead of looking at the forums for past wars full of bs talk. IMO,Tables can comunicate the results of matches and rankings more efficiently

.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;

Visit: http://www.excessiveplus.net/spider/