Quake Map Live View Fun
https://lvlworld.com/ has a live view map feature now. You can load quake 3 maps in your browser and it doesn't require a installation. It work with every map they have on the database.
Anyways I have a few maps on there since the dawn of time. So I figured i would plug them.
This is an experimental map I made which I huge and should give you a bit of fun just to explore it. http://lvl.quake.games/?map%20xp-wwands&set%20sv_dlRate%201000&set%20cl_returnURL%20https://lvlworld.com/download/id:2173
This is a map I made with Ali (from ZOo). I consider it a more "balanced" typical quake map.
Feel free to link maps in this topic that you think are cool but you don't see on severs much.
This really is a great way to explore maps before deciding to add them to a sever.
Good idea with dat quake live map explorer. It works almost well. I checked both linked maps but to be honest, I don't like them. The second1 is better than first1, but it still missing something. And I don't like used textures (both maps). I feel uncomfortable on dat places, sorry.
Really cool, but loading both maps has unloaded textures. Is that expected? Did you use custom textures?

Yea I made them about ten years ago. I never said they were good.
Feel free to link some maps you like however.
I like plus or ++ versions of original q3dm maps for example. I like variability on the maps. Complicated passages with small rooms and long chambers and with one or two big areas. A lot of "new" maps is simply built as mix of huge rooms and outdoors. Its boring for me.
I understand that someone, who play this game a lot of years is bored of this and need to see something new. But I returned back here because of those great maps, fun and people.
Yea I made them about ten years ago. I never said they were good.

Feel free to link some maps you like however.