Quake 3 Weapons Configs Library
When weapons and power-ups of Team Arena and also the green armor (25 points) and blue armor (200 points - that is, if I'm not mistaken, from Quake Live) will be added to the mod ExcessivePlus?
You're asking it in the wrong topic. Please create a new topic in the http://www.excessiveplus.net/forums/feedback/feedback thread having a title starting with: [Suggestion]
I added my suggestion, but it seems to have no sense, because nobody wants to deal a serious work, except making some simple configs.
The configs grant access to already existing weapons and items in the game.
To add new weapons and items in the game, requires a source-code modification.
Only by a developer on the excessiveplus source-code can do that: easy, panda or who else there is We don't have access to excessiveplus code.
Configs can be done by every1 including you. Therefor in here, you're asking the wrong ppl.
If you added the suggestion then i can't tell you smth else then wait for some excessiveplus developer to respond to your topic. I wish i could help you but i can't, i'm not a developer on the excessiveplus source-code, sorry.
edited the comment and PMed epsi instead. nvm this
I'm looking for megarail.cfg. If you have one, put it here. Thank U

I'm looking for megarail.cfg. If you have one, put it here. Thank U
I found some DVD´s with backups so here are some oldschool server configs:
- InstaGib made by cid in 2003
- Excessive plus 1.0 config made by easy in 2004
- SoD MoD 1.01 by easy in 2004
- Rockets vs Rail by edy in 2004
- And really oldschool conf Magnum Excessive
Guys, can anyone share r4e09f.cfg config?