Q3tourney5 and similar maps

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V1979's picture
Joined: Nov 2011

I suggest using q3tourney5 and similar maps (with opaque fog) in singleplayer only, because it's too simple to cheat on this map with fog shader.

Here is the original shader:

//Tim's fog for map tim_dm1
surfaceparm trans
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm fog
surfaceparm nolightmap
//fogparms ( .615 .309 0 ) 1800
fogparms ( .615 .309 0 ) 616

And here is a modified one (for example):

//Tim's fog for map tim_dm1
surfaceparm trans
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm fog
surfaceparm nolightmap
//fogparms ( .615 .309 0 ) 1800
fogparms ( .615 .309 0 ) 6160

After this modification the map looks like this -

A pk3 file with the modified shader is attached.

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camel-xp's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
PL Poland
Re: Q3tourney5 and similar maps

Thanks for sharing this cheat Happy

btw pure enabled on the server would not let this to happen Tongue

fiendsin's picture
Joined: Jun 2012
Re: Q3tourney5 and similar maps

btw we all know that it can be bypassed, so lets allow this cheat for everyone, instead of just few having it.
you cant call a cheat, something that everyone uses

Sometimes I wish I was a NEET again, but life is too fucking expensive man.
The weak plot revenge, the strong forgive and the Lucky forget, but Fiend, Fiend no longer gives a shit

◀█ BIG BOB wrote:
Man you even sound like Lego's

You Fuckers wrote:
I would cut my fifth finger to bang her actually

You Fuckers wrote:

V1979's picture
Joined: Nov 2011
Re: Q3tourney5 and similar maps

Well, guys... I published this shader to show that it can be used to achieve some illegal advantage. I've never used this shader in the game. I created and tested it just before publishing. As you know I make (modify, convert, repair, adapt etc) maps sometimes. So, I have 3 sets of Q3 (minimum):
1. to work on maps - with all necessary stuff
2. to test new maps - a pure set + some pk3 files to test
3. to play - a pure set + some custom maps played on servers

So, this shader is in the 2nd set. I ask everybody not to use in sets to play. Sharing this shader is a sign for admins to take some measures.

EDIT (a bit later):
One have asked me what measures admins can take if "pure" doesn't affect such files. So, there are 3 ways:
1. to remove such maps from servers
2. not to do anything, but to admit that someone can use modified shaders.
3. to invent something else

Moreover, I think, if an admin wants to have a fair play on his (her) server, he (she) should know and prevent ways and opportunities (like such maps) of unfair play.
Another simple enough and well known (I think) example of unfair play is to substitute "black sky" textures by visible ones. It seems to be demanded on space maps under rail-only configs (with BFG flights).
I think there are other ways to cheat... I don't want to use them, but to understand and prevent them. First of all, while making my maps.

fiendsin's picture
Joined: Jun 2012
Re: Q3tourney5 and similar maps

Easy could ask cyrax how did he made the edawn executable, because pure cant be bypassed with it. Maybe this hash checking thing can be added to the Code of *.vm for next e+ release.

Sometimes I wish I was a NEET again, but life is too fucking expensive man.
The weak plot revenge, the strong forgive and the Lucky forget, but Fiend, Fiend no longer gives a shit

◀█ BIG BOB wrote:
Man you even sound like Lego's

You Fuckers wrote:
I would cut my fifth finger to bang her actually

You Fuckers wrote:

Joined: Feb 2006
Re: Q3tourney5 and similar maps

Were the edawn source released?

V1979's picture
Joined: Nov 2011
Re: Q3tourney5 and similar maps

What advantages does edawn have over e+?

fiendsin's picture
Joined: Jun 2012
Re: Q3tourney5 and similar maps
V1979 wrote:

What advantages does edawn have over e+?

more flexible configurability, wich mostly is all numbers, quite advanced
and its not the mod itself, its the executable (exe) that comes along with it, both x86(32bit) and x64(64bit) versions for linux and windows.
I dont know what is in the code, but it turns off chance to bypass pure.
the hash checking happens on every server change, like at one minute Im playing on pure, and the other on unpure.
thats the bypass sauce, once you start in unpure and have sv_pure 0, you can bypass pure, the hashes of referenced files remain untouched, edawn executable has made it dynamic, I guess, and hash checking happens all the time on connecting to other server/jumping from one to other.

Sometimes I wish I was a NEET again, but life is too fucking expensive man.
The weak plot revenge, the strong forgive and the Lucky forget, but Fiend, Fiend no longer gives a shit

◀█ BIG BOB wrote:
Man you even sound like Lego's

You Fuckers wrote:
I would cut my fifth finger to bang her actually

You Fuckers wrote:

fiendsin's picture
Joined: Jun 2012
Re: Q3tourney5 and similar maps


Sometimes I wish I was a NEET again, but life is too fucking expensive man.
The weak plot revenge, the strong forgive and the Lucky forget, but Fiend, Fiend no longer gives a shit

◀█ BIG BOB wrote:
Man you even sound like Lego's

You Fuckers wrote:
I would cut my fifth finger to bang her actually

You Fuckers wrote: