Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash'

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Little Black Cat's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash'

In polish media they don't say anything about that it's Russian fault. But they are saying often that this catastrophe is similar to Katyń or to Gibraltar. Someone done this inflectionally. But who? I don't know.

And one more thing even if it was a pilot mistake, someone planned it, someone allowed about 90 important peoples into one plane, someone decided that this plane would land on this airport despite that they knew that on this airport this plane can't land.
Ok i agree that they should land in Minsk, but they don't have time for it. It was polish delegation so people at this airport had to know that this plane can't land there before. but from some reasons our plane was allowed to land there.

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fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash'
voodoo wrote:

its neutral as hell

animalchik wrote:
hazo wrote:
shocked news... but why this fucking europe (at least bbc) again thinks that it's russian fault?

why u think it is not? Big grin

do u have any more specific details about?

u simply didn't get the meaning, and it means no 1 has informations to defend or accuse anyone, I was referring to not take any point and doing things blindly in rage

I am addicted to life.

Sake's picture
Joined: Nov 2007
Re: Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash'

everyone can have his own opinion so, this guy is a hero of all idiots who have the same view.

hazo stop accuse someone before specjalists finish investigation what was the reason of crach. stop believe in everything what media are saying.

A teraz kochane dzieci pocalujcie misia w dupe Happy

DRINA wrote:

NOBODY can be blamed for leaving Darkshit and Blackshit, not even this twat trickz.

GG's picture
Joined: Apr 2009
Re: Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash'
epsiplayer wrote:

To all the polish players i want to offer my sincere condolences for this black day after the tragic events that happend today. And i hope for peace and tranquility...

maybe we could organize some seconds of silence today at the start of FWS/CWS.

F1 for silence minute , Im russian but my tears dont lie, nevermind about politics, all these ppl who were onboard had their family, buddies, childrens especially. Now they have nothing excepting empty world around them. That is very sorrowful.

To all in doubt: my husb (airforce professional) said that there is one way to put in effect such type plane crash while landing on runway (if it was planned by terrorists) - is to deflate glidepath at RSBN (near navigation radio system = VOR/DME/ILS = instrument landing system). So its possible as estimated variations.

What I have heard (russian news tonight): the polish pilot ignored both RSBN-robot and RSBN-operator recommendations about descending.

Anyway there is an tragic event......

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Joined: Sep 2008
Re: Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash'
RENFRI** wrote:

In polish media they don't say anything about that it's Russian fault. But they are saying often that this catastrophe is similar to Katyń or to Gibraltar. Someone done this inflectionally. But who? I don't know.

And one more thing even if it was a pilot mistake, someone planned it, someone allowed about 90 important peoples into one plane, someone decided that this plane would land on this airport despite that they knew that on this airport this plane can't land.
Ok i agree that they should land in Minsk, but they don't have time for it. It was polish delegation so people at this airport had to know that this plane can't land there before. but from some reasons our plane was allowed to land there.

They suggested it to land elsewhere couple of times. Decision to land there was taken on plane by pilot or someone else. Russians had no right to not allow it to land - thou they warned pilot not to do so.
Also even if they had possibility to refuse it to land and do so - how do u think it would be taken in polish media and society? Anwser is simple: as some kind of provocation, trouble making for polish delegation, sign of bad will and so on.
I dont see any conspiracy there - just a common giving shit about safety procedures from polish side this time and undone organization - like - couldnt that plane take the flight couple hours earlier or even day earlier?
Its the easiest thing to blame others as usually. Like - russian fault, germans fault, jews fault, some secret plot fault, everyone else fault meanwhile we are not perfect. Im strongly against such nationalistic idealization.
@fala - ok it seems I misunderstood you. If so - take my apology.

Sfir's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash'

To all Players from Russian Federation and other Countries- Thank You.

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Little Black Cat's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash'

They suggested it to land elsewhere couple of times. Decision to land there was taken on plane by pilot or someone else. Russians had no right to not allow it to land - thou they warned pilot not to do so.
Also even if they had possibility to refuse it to land and do so - how do u think it would be taken in polish media and society? Anwser is simple: as some kind of provocation, trouble making for polish delegation, sign of bad will and so on.
I dont see any conspiracy there - just a common giving shit about safety procedures from polish side this time and undone organization - like - couldnt that plane take the flight couple hours earlier or even day earlier?
Its the easiest thing to blame others as usually. Like - russian fault, germans fault, jews fault, some secret plot fault, everyone else fault meanwhile we are not perfect. Im strongly against such nationalistic idealization.
@fala - ok it seems I misunderstood you. If so - take my apology.

But i don't blame anyone. To this case are connected to many doubts and to many questions. People are saying all the time about mistakes. So if we know it now why anyone didn't take this into consideration before. But please remember one thing: on the plane board was about 90 important people from our country. So this flight had to be prepared in detail.

Ceterum censeo Carthaginem delendam esse

Neytrino's picture
Joined: Jun 2008
Re: Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash'

In deciphering the black box aircraft - the crew several times offered to spare the airports, because at this airport was a big fog. Proposed - because the decision rests with the commander of the aircraft. He decided to still put in Smolensk, although visibility was 400 meters. Putting a plane can be when visibility of 1000 meters. The aircraft was in perfect condition. He declined too quickly - he was told about this, but he did not react ...

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Little Black Cat's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash'

ok. but they known that if this plane land at this airport could appear some troubles. I don't care what troubles they had during landing, but why someone ignore that the airport hadn't complete systems, plane hadn't got some systems too, or even that what to do if there would be bad weather before the plane took off.
It is truly sad thing that most of specialist know now that this plane should even try to land there. The guy from our air force said that near this airport was to many trees and at this airport are usually landing smaller planes. And other guy said that this number of important people should't fly in one plane. Why they didn't do nothing with it during the time when this even was already planned?
Someone didn't do his job correct.

Ceterum censeo Carthaginem delendam esse

Neytrino's picture
Joined: Jun 2008
Re: Polish President Lech Kaczynski 'in plane crash'

I have written - what is happening there - and this information directly from the live broadcast. We all show. Why do you not show? After all, there prisutvstvuyut Polish investigators, too. By the way - the airfield there can take the largest aircraft.

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