I was playing with this guy who wanted to join [BRO] Clan.
me and foxy said no to him straight away because he was very rude.
he was persistent about wanting to play him bs the other 6 people in there, when he was already loosing.
i then told him to shut up out of annoyance. and told him id tell one of my best friends online (T4KER ) that I'd have him banned from the lemon server if he didn't shut up.
he then told me he was poland. proof is in the screeny. please ban him. (I will not tollerate him insulting any of my friends online, especially not mow, and stikkan):
Well i better ban him on my server( he used [WK] Logo and i didn't knew that he can make too many problems.POLAND if you are here DON'T JOIN TO MY SERVERS OR YOU WILL BE PWN3D(BANNED) FOREVER!!!!!!
for those still in doubt see below:
I'm polish and i didn't see that ppl hate poland ... But now i realised that it is real , but i think that it's shame for You ... In poland like in many other countries a lot of ppl is young and stupid , they think that in internet they can call everybody asshole or fuc*e* without getting punched in face ... It's fact but in other countries this problem exist too .I play q3 since it has been released and i saw many stupid situations caused by that kind of kiddy noobs but we can't blame everybody from poland for this ... I saw many german and nederland's players either who did similar things but i don't call all germans and nederlanders an idiots or sth ...
easy Sloma it is not about our country, its only about a guy called himself ---poland---, its his nick
sure its shame and painful that we must stand name of our country in this kind of sitautaion :\
shame is only on this moron
OK , that's better :] I though that You will think about all polish ppl like of this asshole who even don't know english well ( he typed "im poland" instead of "i'm polish" ... I'm glad to hear that not all polish ppl sux as this noob. In fact i've played a lot of time in America's Army and i saw a lot of polish ppl who was making stupid things and calling other ppl like jurks or sth so i know that some polish ppl are totally stupid and the best way to fuck them up is to ban them. But when i saw this topic i though thatt you will ban all polish ppl who join to the lemon server or others ... But if you aren't it's good , ban should be only for cheaters and admin's enemy but not 4 nationality ...
Cya in game !
could anybody wrie a command to load a weapon config here ? I tried /load <conf/confname.cfg> , /set xp_config <conf/confname.cfg> and /rcon load <conf/confname.cfg> but none of this worked for me... SOmetimes my IP sux and i have high pings (500) so i'd like to play against bots but i don't know how to change default weapon config (IMO auto rail suxx). BTW how to change movement psychics to enable multi jump ( pressing jump key few times to jump higher) ?
you can put the weapons cfg straight into the excessiveplus folder and use
\load config.cfg
or if in conf folder
\load conf/config.cfg
do not add <or> i am not sure if this is the problem or if just for explanation purposes.
save the attached file straight into your excessiveplus folder and in single player (skirmish) game launch by typing.
\load ffa.cfg
and just adjust variables as you see fit and to your taste.
hmmm just another thought - you are loading the excessive plus mod before trying to load weapons cfg .. ??

hmmm just another thought - you are loading the excessive plus mod before trying to load weapons cfg .. ??
Yes I do. It's the first thing after running game.
Thanks for the commands , i was very confused because i've changed weapon config once and i forgot the right command but You helped me very much :] THNX
ty bert for that quick response.
hes gone.