Players behavior!

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mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003


a part from a pm which reached me today

... I am sick to my stomach of all this shit, I am typing this with a knot in my throat. Things now days are starting to get to me and making me very cross D and or Deky are pushing me to a ban.

It would make me feel a whole lot better if I knew I had your support in this matter. You may think this is a bit childish writing this to you, but I want to make you aware of the situation with them. But in my heart I am trying to tell myself for every one person that thinks I am bad admin there are ...

This quote is from one of the best and most activ admins of 2!S Servers, who has usually an open ear for every problem of players, this admin is allways reporting me suggestions of players and so on...., this admin really dont deserve any bad behavior of player!!!!

In my eyes, the things are starting to get redicoulos.

Basicly, i call myself not an bad admin, i tread people as they want to get treaten, but 90 percent of the players i just let play on 2!S Servers without any comment.

I hold it quiet easy:
1. MD5toolmessage with a cheatcvar out of config = ultimate warning, if it happens again, ultimate ban
2. Enabled cheat = ultimate ban without any warning or afterdiscussion.
3. Bad behavior = warning, 2nd try = ban for a week, aftercomplaining = ban for a unknown time

This worked for a while pretty fine. I had low flaming on servers and on 2!S-Freeze nearly no cheater anymore.

But the behavior of some people are getting out of control and this is my official warning, if u think, u can flame at the admins like little kiddy bastards i am not willed to discuss anymore.

We in 2!Sweet are nearly all adult, or have basically adult thinking, sure there will be allways the one or other prob with some people, but basically we are not stupid kids!

So, if u dont agree with a order of an admin or kinda that, u can dicuss with normal arguments in a normal manner, but calling the admin names, make him bad to other people and so on, than u will loose the privelegue to play on 2!S-Servres.

U must always think for that, sure, the servers are public, but u r guests, and u have to act like guests. U can't go in the park, and kick in the ass of a policmen, in this case u would come in prison.

And for the case of admins bad behavior, u can send me always logs or screenshots via PM, and i will check if i can something improve there.

And if there is no way, that some people will show a normal behavior (we dont must become friends), i won't pay longer for the servers and u can play without custommaps and without pb and without pure on servers u want.

Really, i dont want to bring up any flaming, but what is wrong if i expect a basic behavior of the people on servers, huh?


mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Players behavior!

and i want to add,

i dont c me as perfect person, or perfect in something, i have my mistakes, i do my mistakes, and i dont always act correct, but if i c i made a big mistake, or i hurt someone, i will allways give an applogize and c in my own mistake.

I have sometimes strange thinkings, sometimes strange acting, no doubt, but if a friend comes to me, with tears in eyes and says he cant go on anymore with stupid behavior and flame, because this person is admin with it heart, than i feel forced to do something'!!'!!

Renatalis's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Players behavior!

Arrow Afirmative :!:
What elese I can say ? Happy Good observing MowQ :!:
Best regards

- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...

GreekPecker's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Players behavior!

I don't know why but i knew a thread like that was going to be posted today by you or this admin.

I was there when the last 'drop' filled the cup. This admin asked Deky not to camp in RA in cpm9. Deky started a slow attack. The admin said that this could lead to a kick (if i remember right). Deky started flaming. The admin warned Deky two or three times for a weekly ban. He kept going. Then Shell came and things tuned down a bit. Of course you have access to the logs for more info on the dialogues.

My completely neutral opinion is that the admin was wrong about the camping. Deky wasn't camping, he just picked a hunting spot, RA and half the Passageways. This wasn't annoying, at least for me. No rule says that you HAVE to make circles around the map. However, Deky did flame the admin. He could simply state that he is playing by the 'rules'. He did deserve a weekly ban. And the admin an explaination about what is 'acceptable' camping and what is not.

Renatalis's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Players behavior!

"GreekPecker" I don't know why but i knew a thread like that was going to be posted today by you or this admin.

I was there when the last 'drop' filled the cup. This admin asked Deky not to camp in RA in cpm9. Deky started a slow attack. The admin said that this could lead to a kick (if i remember right). Deky started flaming. The admin warned Deky two or three times for a weekly ban. He kept going. Then Shell came and things tuned down a bit. Of course you have access to the logs for more info on the dialogues.

My completely neutral opinion is that the admin was wrong about the camping. Deky wasn't camping, he just picked a hunting spot, RA and half the Passageways. This wasn't annoying, at least for me. No rule says that you HAVE to make circles around the map. However, Deky did flame the admin. He could simply state that he is playing by the 'rules'. He did deserve a weekly ban. And the admin an explaination about what is 'acceptable' camping and what is not.

Arrow Camping
What not forbiden and not forced by game is aloud :!: Camping warning IMO is out of question :!: Fighting and unpolite behaviour against admin is not aceptable, IMO. Happy But anybody can camp as he like, because antiocamping protection exists in game.

- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Players behavior!

even if an admin is not fully right, he do not deserver any flaming. And this person is not making problems for the first time. Mostly it are always the same known person, known for making trouble. And i hope i dont need to quote myself, but if there is a problem with an admin, contact me, but keep on talking in normal manner! no need for flaming.

XbODz's picture
Joined: May 2005
Players behavior!

i don't understand why u don't say the admin name, you mentionned deky so go on now...

GreekPecker's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Players behavior!

even if an admin is not fully right, he do not deserver any flaming. And this person is not making problems for the first time. Mostly it are always the same known person, known for making trouble. And i hope i dont need to quote myself, but if there is a problem with an admin, contact me, but keep on talking in normal manner! no need for flaming.

Exactly my words man! I don't dissagree with you, I just filled what seemed to me as a gap.


I've seen fights between them at least three times, live.

Renatalis's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Players behavior!

"MowLy"Even if an admin is not fully right, he do not deserver any flaming. And this person is not making problems for the first time. Mostly it are always the same known person, known for making trouble. And i hope i dont need to quote myself, but if there is a problem with an admin, contact me, but keep on talking in normal manner! no need for flaming.

I wrote same, mate Happy Even in case admin is not at all right, fighting and spamming in console is unacceptable. Happy In that particular case player should say to all good by ad leave. Happy Problems after can be solved privately. Happy

- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...

kraster's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
Players behavior!

deky is a child and he act like what is it . But many times said some bad things at me and her sister too( i dont have any proofs cause my msn doesnt save archive but dea made me little gipsy thats the only one i remember and after i asked her why she said something like stfu u'll see what will happen with u but this is not about me and her) . Im one year bigger than deky , i cant say that im not a child too, but i know when i make a joke or a mistake were are my limits and when to stop . He plays quake good , is better than me , but that doesnt proove that he is greatest than me and he can call like he wants . But his behaviour is worst and worst on every day that go . And that was a great idea what u said an week ban maybe will make him judge again what he did and maybe his behaviour will be better . Like i can see he had a good like in quake , not many ppl said something about deky , only mad that time about his posting but he was in lime went to hyper and he thinks his the ulti master and noone cant hurt him now . So my opinion a temporary ban for a short period ( i dont wanna be bad with deky cause i know how it is to cant play on servers - pc doesnt work , etc... ) and maybe after that period he will act normally .

deky__cro's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
Players behavior!

Ok, im sorry for my behave.
And im also wanna tell sorry to one admin from 2!s whit who i had fight and i insulted preety much.
I just didn't like that he/she told me i was camping but i dint't, i think that why i insulted, its my mistake i know and im sorry as i said allready, i dont want be in fight whit so nice ppl.
I really love and like that person, but he/she go too far somethimes, my optinion.
I won't make that again, sry :roll:

Dear Kraster i won't comment ur post, and everyone have right on his own optinion, as u can see here what i did, learn from mine mistakes.
I don't insult u coz im maybe better then u, its just i dont like when someone shiting about kTm, Hyper,Ddr, that's all.

Sry all it won't happend again
Cool [/code]