Noobish Plasma & BFG

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Oskaliber's picture
Joined: Oct 2006

Dunno how, my bfg and plasma has started to looks crazy. Its possible that I downloaded some thing which did it joining some server.

Bfg is blue and gives crazy sound and plasma is violet lame.

Got simple question: how to delete it or turn off? Thinking

Screenshots how it looks like:

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# Razer Diamondback # SteelPad QcK # Philips SHP2500 # Flatron F700B

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Noobish Plasma & BFG

look for zzz pk3's
i guess u still have autodownload on, turn it off, and dont join any moron server like polandamg (not sure if there is something like that never joined that server)

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

YasDaMan's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
Noobish Plasma & BFG

yeh, the only .pk3 files you should have are maps and pak0 (and other number) files...

have fun cleaning out your quake!

Oskaliber's picture
Joined: Oct 2006
Noobish Plasma & BFG

Hmm, but I see there only pak0~ and maps Thinking

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# Razer Diamondback # SteelPad QcK # Philips SHP2500 # Flatron F700B

Warren G
FELiX's picture
Joined: Sep 2004
Noobish Plasma & BFG
*[UO]*OSKALIBER' wrote:

Hmm, but I see there only pak0~ and maps Thinking

check both folders: baseq3 and excessiveplus ;>

Oskaliber's picture
Joined: Oct 2006
Noobish Plasma & BFG
FEL!X wrote:

*[UO]*OSKALIBER' wrote:
Hmm, but I see there only pak0~ and maps Thinking

check both folders: baseq3 and excessiveplus ;>

Huh, there were some 2 lame pk3, its ok now, thanks.

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# Razer Diamondback # SteelPad QcK # Philips SHP2500 # Flatron F700B

Reno's picture
Joined: Sep 2006
Noobish Plasma & BFG
*[UO]*OSKALIBER' wrote:

FEL!X wrote:
*[UO]*OSKALIBER' wrote:
Hmm, but I see there only pak0~ and maps Thinking

check both folders: baseq3 and excessiveplus ;>

Huh, there were some 2 lame pk3, its ok now, thanks.

heh that's what you get for joining an unknown server with /cl_allowdownload "1"

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

Oskaliber's picture
Joined: Oct 2006
Noobish Plasma & BFG

Yes, its 0 now. I wanted to dl some map which i havn't got from server while there it was, and forget to make autodl 0 after.

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# Razer Diamondback # SteelPad QcK # Philips SHP2500 # Flatron F700B

YasDaMan's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
Noobish Plasma & BFG

general advice:
next time check the name of the map you are going to download... usually a message tells you it can't load *blabla*.pk3
go to google and search for it
download it...
join server again.

usually it's faster than downloading from an e+ server with autodownload then getting disconnected then having to reconnect

loadsa maps are also available from the e+ ftp map server: